Matchmaking… When is it getting fixed?

Seriously the matchmaking is so backwards. I’ve never been exposed to bigger noobs than my teammates as Survivor and bigger sweats as Killer.
As survivor, I try and play Altruistic and I get the most points and do the most for the team, but because my teammates are so bad, I get blamed as the worst player and my MMR get decreased, but because Claudette hiding/self-caring all game who literally does NOTHING gets out and escapes, she’s the better player? So whilst Claudette is in games outside of her league, I’m being put with toxic killers and survivors who don’t even know how to use a pallet or unhook and sit in corners. I wasn’t going to make a discussion about it but it’s outrageous now and I’ve reached my tipping point. I can’t escape the low MMR filled with terrible teammates because of my terrible teammates. It’s a team game, when one link breaks, the chain falls. You get me? The matchmaking seriously needs an overhaul. As someone who’s reached Red Ranks as Killer and Survivor multiple times and was literally Iridescent 1 killer and survivor reset just gone, I can’t believe I’m being paired with literal noobs with less than 5 Days played.
Killer isn’t so bad, I like the challenge, but getting these top tier survivor SWFs as what I’d call myself as Decent is awful. I know that Killer is being “buffed” I guess and I can secure 2-3 kills a game with majority of Killers but I feel like my MMR as Killer is being boosted WAY to much per match.
Overall, Survivor Matchmaking really struggles from the lack of acknowledgment from doing the objective and only rewards escapes which is awful and needs a change. Killer… I don’t even know what to say to fix this, you have emblems for a reason, no? -Points for Camping etc but rewarded MMR for kills, even facecamped kills? Doesn’t make sense. I hated ranked lobbies but Emblems need to make an impact to MMR. The points from Emblems promote Doing the Objective, Good Chases, Not Camping, Being Altruistic, yet people who ignore these are rewarded. Really needs an overhaul.
Edit: I should note this seems to be significantly worse when squadding up with my friends, whether they be Xbox or PlayStation, I am Xbox myself, but the lobbies and our teammates with even just 1Friend gets absolutely ridiculous. Should not we are on EU servers too.