Proposed QoL changes for some killers

Okay, so, I wanna point out something. When you start a match as killer what is something that you notice? Well, it depends on the killer, but I think most of you will probably notice something pretty obvious: not every killer is able to use their power as soon as the match starts.
Here's a list of killers that can and can't immediately use their power.
Killers that can:
- Trapper - Can immediately start placing traps
- Wraith - Starts cloaked and can immediately uncloak
- Hillbilly - Can immediately start using his chainsaw
- Nurse - Can immediately start blinking
- Huntress - Can immediately start throwing hatchets
- Myers - Can immediately start stalking
- Hag - Can immediately start placing traps
- Doctor - Can both use Static Shock and Static Blast from the start
- Cannibal - Same as Billy, can immediately start using his chainsaw
- Pig - Can dash immediately, her other power are the traps which makes sense that she doesn't start with them on survivors heads
- Clown - Can immediately throw bottles and switch between them
- Spirit - Can immediately start phasing
- Legion - Can immediately go into Frenzy
- Plague - Can start using her puke immediately
- Ghostface - Can enter stealth mode from the start
- Demogorgon - Can both place portals and shred from the start
- Deathslinger - Can immediately start shooting
- Pyramid Head - Can immediately start placing trails of torment and even use Punishment
- Blight - Can immediately start rushing
- Twins - Can immediately release Victor
- Cenobite - Can immediately start summoning gates and use chains, Lament Configuration spawns immediately, survivors start with no progress in Chain Hunt and slowly gain progress until the puzzle box is solved
- Artist - Can immediately summon crows and shoot them
Killers that can't:
- Freddy - Has to wait for both survivors to enter the dream state (which happens passively over time or if he hits them) AND for the ability to teleport to gens
- Oni - Has to collect blood to get his power, power slowly charges over time as well
- Sadako - Has to wait for TVs to turn on before being able to teleport to them, however, like Wraith, she start Demanifested and can Manifest at any time
- Dredge - Has to wait before it can teleport to lockers and Survivors start with no Nightfall progress
Mixed (killers who have multiple parts to their power, with some usable at the very start, while others take time before being available):
- Trickster - Can immediately start throwing knives, can't use Main Event since that needs to charge
- Nemesis - Can immediately use his tentacles, zombies only spawn after a while
So I am wondering, why are some killers allowed to use their powers immediately, while others don't? So I have a simple QoL change to improve this: let all killers use their powers from the moment the match starts.
To further improve on this, here are some QoL changes to individual killers to make them feel more impactful and to have their powers feel like they actually started the moment that match started:
- Freddy - All survivors now start in the dream world and Freddy can instantly teleport to gens; now he is on par with every other killer that can just start using their powers and puts a bit more pressure on survivors. I get that this is essentially just Red Paint Brush, so, to change the addon, I would make it so, not only that you can't wake up from failed skillchecks, but you also prevents you from waking up by any other means for the first 60s of the trial. Which I think would make it a much better addon.
- Oni - I have two solutions for Oni: First solution is inspired by Plague, that does start with a corrupt fountain, so then, why not spawn a bunch of blood orbs on the map or in one spot on the map, enough to fill his power once, which would prevent Oni from never being able to use his power because survivors are denying hits; Second solution would be to just start him with his power fully charged, giving Oni the option to use it at any time like every other killer
- Clown - The whole map is covered in purple slowing gas, except this one does not blur your vision. Lasts for 20s and then dissipates. Gives Clown a bit more time in the early game and makes it feel like his power affects the game.
- Plague - This is a bit of an insane change, but I think every object in the map should start infected, with the infection lasting 30s. It is a small, but very impactful change, as survivors are now faced with an obvious choice: actually start doing stuff to progress the game, but essentially get yourself infected making Plagues life easier, or do nothing for 30s, risking Plague finding you and giving her more time in the early game
- Nemesis - Spawn both of his zombies at the start of the match
- Sadako - All TVs start turned on, letting you teleport instantly; this would give her more map presence, allowing her to instantly get into chases. On top of that, Condemned should start slowly increasing for everybody from the start of the match, making it more of a threat and forcing survivors to actually interact with the tapes. The idea behind that is that everybody already watched the tape, therefor they already have 7 days left before they die.
- Dredge - Simple change, let him start teleporting to lockers immediately and maybe start nightfall with 50% progress
The idea behind these small changes is to make all killers consistent and let everybody use their powers at the start. It is a bit baffling how the devs do not allow teleporting powers to be used instantly, yet Blight is allowed to literally zoom to the other side of the map, as if it doesn't take him less time to reach the same spot as a teleporting killer.
Also included with some of these I also wanted some minor, yet impactful, changes to the start of the match for some killers to make their powers seem more interesting and help them out slightly at the start.
Curious to hear what you guys think about these changes.
my opinion on the proposed changes:
- yes, simply yes + complete add-on rework + buff his power because his dreamworld does literally nothing
- no.
- Oni is a better Hillbilly. Better movement, better maneuverability, aoe, quicker charge time, easier to use.
- His ability already charges without collecting blood, giving him free blood orbs gives a bad oni too many 2nd chances. If you play bad as oni and waste your power you should not get a free bail out.
- Oni needs some counterplay aka denying blood by predropping pallets for example; take away that counterplay and it will be frustrating playing against him
- I don't like that; probably abusable with lethal pursuer
- Clown has a chase power, not a map pressure power so it feels a bit weird just giving him an ability for 20 seconds that then just disappears
- imo survivor spawns should be adjusted rather than giving him a power that bandaid fixes that (if all 4 survivors spawn in different locations = 3 gens done in 80 seconds)
- part of plague's gameplay is infecting survivors, either directly or indirectly. you should not take away her need to set up in the early game as that gives her more pressure and she already has that after setting up
- also the counterplay to this would simply be: everyone goes into a corner for 30 seconds and is afk. plague got 0 pressure and survivors are bored doing nothing for 30 seconds
- yes
- imo the TVs should not turn on instantly but rather should turn on after 12 seconds, that way any hit and run cheese with lethal pursuer might be avoided; her tp ability is the fastest one in terms of distance covered if you spam tp to TVs so i d rather not make her really nasty to play against because everyone starts off injured
- condemn building up passively is dangerous. i personally like it but it has to increase very slowly. Maybe make it tied to gens that everyone gets 1 condemn stack every time a gen is completed?
- i generally like it but it might actually make her too oppressive
- also imo one thing she should get is her cooldown on normal attacks should simply not exist if she taps demanifest for a milisecond. it is super clunky and annoying
- i like the instant tp
- I don't like the nightfall starting at 50%
- nightfall is a mechanic that after a while and when playing well activates. you should not get one for free if you play badly. playing bad should not be rewarded.
I used to play Freddy while forever freddy was still a thing. Picked him up after it got nerfed again and he is total garbage now. Dreamworld does nothing, it is too easy to get out of, his TP has a massive cd, his pallets are garabge, his add-ons suck even more. He should get some serious buffs.
I frequently play Plague, Oni, Sadako and Nemesis. Oni and Plague really do not need any early game buffs. In most matches it is fairly easy to get blood with Oni and infect enough generators with Plague to get going. In matches where it is hard the survivors are usually playing really well and i do not see a reason to punish good play.
Sadako needs some buffs but i am not sure these are the ones. I'd be happy to try them on a PTB and see if the passive Condemn is too much or if instant TVs are too OP.
Nemesis is a no brainer. I dont know why it does not do that.
Dredge needs a buff to his chase power but an instant TP is nice at the start of the round. An instant tp gives him early pressure + easy early hits so his nightfall is already buffed by simply him finding survivors faster. His nightfall needs a buff anyways since the faster tp speed is often irrelevant because lockers are usually locked anyways.
the Clown one is out of left field and does not really fit him.
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While I think many Killers need improvements, I am uncertain if bHVR wishes for Survivors to get ambushed 5 seconds into a match.
I certainly would like a chance to hide first, not really the Killer QOLs that I am looking for.
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The problem with allowing Freddy, Sadako and Dredge to be able to teleport immediately to gens, is that survivor spawns are very predictable, as are the immediate actions of survivors. You would end up with these killers getting hits immediately as the game starts and snowballing from there, to a 4k at 5 gens. Or at least, Dredge and Freddy could, Sadako might have a work a little harder.
Rather than immediate teleporting, they should have their secondary powers more accessible to compensate. However most of them already have add-ons that achieve this. Freddy has an add-on that starts all survivors asleep, Sadako can start with tapes on all survivors, and Dredge can start in nightfall.
Freddy: The clock for the first dream state starts immediately and ticks twice as fast the first time.
Dredge: Half-progress towards first nightfall? Or perhaps the TP ability gradually expands it's radius at the start of the game, letting you TP to lockers within 30m at first, 40m at 2 seconds, 50m at 4s, 60m at 6s, 70m at 8s, 80m at 10s, etc.
Sadako: Bit different, survivors who come within 8m of a TV for the first time turn that TV on instantly and immediately gain a stack of condemnation. This puts it squarely under the survivors control, but greatly rewards Sadako for the survivors mess up.
Oni is a tricky one because I think awarding him his power at the start of the game would be too strong, and there's no other mechanism for gathering blood. So maybe that should be something added to his power. Random blood orb spawns across the map so that instead of injuring a survivor being the only way to gain his power, he could scour the edges of the map to gather the random blood orbs first. This would effectively be a slowdown for him, but it would compensate him against cases where he can't get an injure early enough into the game.