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General Discussions

People threatening to quit the game after this patch, why?

This patch is such a healthy change to the game. Gen speeds have been addressed and dealt with, along with camping and tunneling. Metas have been butchered. Dead Hard is dead (which is a massive relief lol). Basekit BT isn't that hard to deal with compared to Dead Hard atleast. The endurance effect stacking is now fixed after the ptb. And the grind has been reduced.

But some players (especially survivors) are threatening to leave the game saying "oh killer sided patch, solo queue is destroyed". You do realize that these slight killer buffs were necessary because kill rates weren't high enough in the first place right?

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  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    People say that after every patch.

    This change will likely have some bumps but will hopefully be an overall good for the game. At the least, it's worth something to try something different. It might take a few follow up patches though to work out the balance.

  • Member Posts: 3,084

    This, pretty much. Like any other round of changes, some issues will improve, others will get worse, and adjustments will be made.

    I think it's just that this update is really going to push some people out of their familiar patterns in a way no other single update has, but everyone will (well, most everyone) get over it.

  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited July 2022

    Im not going to quit the game but Im not going to play Solo anymore so Ill switch to Killer entirely, assuming the queues dont get out of control, in Europe there is already queue for Killer from morning until ~21:30.

    Why? because they lied, they told they us they were going to shake the meta with buffs and nerfs and look at why the meta perks where so prevalent, in the case of Killers they added a lot of stuff to address why the regression perks are so prevalent, which isnt a bad idea (pity they did it in the wrong way with extra 10 seconds per gen) but when they looked at why DS and BT are so prevalent, which is camping, they did nothing, not only they didnt get rid of camping, they made it even stronger, Solo is already a pain in the ass plenty of times and they already get crushed by camping and now they are going to make it worse.

    Thats the main reason, there are more like the supposed buffs to perks are pretty much crap except OTR and Lightweigh, some of the buffs are actually nerfs like Pharmacy and Calm Spirit and then there is nerfs, most perks got nerfed into Red Herring levels of uselessness, I dont mind certain stuff being nerfed, especially DH but what they did to Spine Chill, Iron Will or DS is overkill.

    I wouldnt mind all the changes if they actually changed camping, honestly, they could deliver the perks and base changes in the way they are going to be delivered and I wouldnt bat an eye if all these changes guaranteed camping was going to be something you only could see in EGC but it wasnt the case.

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    And with the Resident Evil Project W, a lot of players will come.

    Chill, i dont care about the guys who are pis.... about their deadhard.

  • Member Posts: 7,777

    Note the replies and how the patch/power balance actually plays out....the results may surprise you @_@

  • Member Posts: 374

    So, what are you thoughts on how the patch/power balance will play out, compared to the replies?

  • Member Posts: 6,805

    they removed Maurice and people were pissed, like all you can literally do is look at it.

  • Member Posts: 709

    Well, it's hard to say solo-que didn't get hit hard. Camping isn't really addressed at all. And with more gen time with an already uncoordinated team it has potential to be even more miserable. You can basically secure 2 kills even if survivors are extremely efficient. Solo-que team mates usually aren't that great though.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    Solo queue dying, gonna face more swf as killer because less people will want to play solo

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    A rock and a character from the game are different things

  • Member Posts: 153

    There are definitely a lot of stealthy immersed survivors who I assume enjoy the gen simulator game on some level since they try their best not to engage with the killer the whole trial.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    We fear Change

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    If you are forced to hit people off the hook every time, then why would you take the time to chase a healthy individual instead of an already injured one? And now that dead hard is all but gone, you know that at most you will be dealing with a lithe or sprint burst. You may eat a DS sure, but they nerfed the stun, it's almost negligible now.


    I didn't mean the individual being unhooked but the other players in the game can prevent the killer from hitting someone being unhook. In a solo game you might have bad teammates, but at high MMR I usually get decent teammates. So at mid to low MMR you may have better luck with camping than at mid to high.

    And yeah, they need to just turn off chain saws near the hook, hatches, knives, oni power.

    At the very least low MMR players will have an easier time with campers, but just about everyone else got nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 601
    edited July 2022

    Any time any drastic nerfs have ever happened in this game it's what the people upset about say. But they continue to play, the playerbase continues to grow, and people realize.. that a vocal minority does not represent the majority of the playerbase.

    Some people would rather do the same thing for 10 years straight because it's strong, than ever accept that it's a problem

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    They didn't bring back Clown's turbo jiggle.

  • Member Posts: 8,276

    Because the already injured one is sprinting away and is going to be harder to find again. Anti-tunnel measures aren't meant to make it impossible to chase or down someone who's recently been unhooked, they're meant to give the unhooked player more agency by letting them get to loops and start trying to outplay the killer.

    That kind of coordination honestly isn't reasonable to expect of solo queue, this is still a very very good change for them. Now you don't have to hope that your teammates are going to be that coordinated, because it doesn't matter, you can't be hit again anyway.

    Agreed that specific killer powers need their own fine-tuning for anti-camp measures, though I don't think just disabling them is a good call.

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    I don't think people are upset about the nerfs as much as they are about being promised something and getting the opposite. I get that some people are whining, but many just want to give feedback on the game they like.

    How is that different from now with people running borrowed time? We basically traded using borrowed time for over the record and rather than just one person your entire team needs to run it. On top of that killers will be forced to hit you or give free body blocks later in the game. I like that behavior is trying to fix tunneling and camping, but they kind of did the opposite.

    I play soloQ for 99% of my matches, and I see this type of coordination just about every game I play. If a killer is camping you will still need more than one person to unhook against a good killer. I promise you this patch only helped the bottom half of the MMR curve, it hurt just about everyone else playing survivor, aside from SWFs.

  • Member Posts: 7,159

    I'd be willing to bet the majority of them saying this are dead hard users. I think its all hot air though. They ain't going anywhere. They'll still be playing.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    I mean, that's why BT will still be meta probably, because of the added endurance, so people will hit the survivor at 5 seconds when they will have a free get away because the killer didn't think of upgraded BT

  • Member Posts: 8,276

    It's different because you no longer have to rely on the person unhooking you having brought Borrowed Time. If you bring Off The Record you will always be granted the benefits of a strong anti-tunnel tool. It's also different because they do different things...? BT only protects you from getting hit, but OTR will protect you from getting hit and make you harder to find again if the killer follows you.

    I also don't agree that the killer is forced to hit you-- it's not a free body block. It's a body block that comes at the cost of having done nothing to progress the game for however long you were lurking around waiting to prevent a down or whatever you're aiming for.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    I'm still gonna be here playing but I forsee alot of casual gamers leaving once this change is made because even though alot of people here on the forums are experienced , those who are not and don't have alot of friends on this game will more than likely drop it all together. Sure the changes were needed I'm not arguing that but I see people who already have trouble and get too frustrated at the game and I don't expect those to stick around long

  • Member Posts: 543

    Not gonna quit but Im gonna play way less. Ive been grinding a lot of survivor these past few days and every 3rd or 4th match is a Legion with Thana. After the update this will be even more tedious to face.

    Why is this perk being changed at all? Didn't they want to avoid the forever Freddie scenario?

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    My guess (and it's just a guess) is that there's two main groups

    1) People genuinely concerned about solo queue, worried that the basekit BT won't be enough, that tunnelling will increase with a less common, weaker DS, frustrated that the info changes to solo queue won't come for over a year now...I hope it won't be as bad as all that but they're valid enough concerns

    2) People who don't particularly care about solo queue but are latching onto that in a last-ditch effort to save their favourite perks (mostly DH but there's a significant amount more upset about IW, understandably)

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited July 2022

    I don’t doubt BT will still be meta. However, if this is what they meant when they said they wanted to “shake the meta” then I would say they have done a poor job when it comes to the Camping/Tunneling meta.

    I absolutely understand that some of the changes needed to happen, but it baffles me that this one issue got a band-aid instead of taking the opportunity to flip it around and make it more fun for both sides.

    At the very least flat out face-camping should have gotten a debuff. At the very least.

    I have over 7k hours and have always supported BHVR through means of buying cosmetics (I have over 300k iri shards in the bank that I’ve never used as a result). This is the first time that I have felt they have let me down and honestly haven’t felt like purchasing anything nor playing. I play 1-2 matches where I am either camped or tunneled or a combination of the two and I am out. Prior to that I was playing at least every other day and on my days off.

    I’ve started playing Evil Dead, a much more optimized/balanced game and while I am not saying I am going to completely be gone. I feel like I’m already distancing from DBD anyway.

    I am sure others feel the same way.

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    Instead of waiting 12 seconds, now you just follow them for 5 then, and then they die. Trust me at top end MMR everyone will run OTR.

    I am just warning you guys, get ready for the tunnel/camp meta.

  • Member Posts: 8,276

    Five seconds while they have a Haste effect, and if they don't have any other perks that they can use in those five seconds. It's guaranteed to be enough to not be downed straight away, and there's far more uncertainty on the killer end as to just how efficient it'll be to chase someone after they're unhooked.

    Sure, maybe they don't have anything relevant, but maybe they've got Off The Record and you'll swing into Endurance. Maybe their teammate has Borrowed Time and they keep running at a faster rate. Hell, maybe they just make it to a window or a drop and proc Lithe or Balanced Landing to make chasing them even less appealing.

    Tunnelling will get harder in this upcoming update. Camping is a little more arguable, but tunnelling is not going to get easier.

  • Member Posts: 7,777

    I'm pretty sure for most survivors it will be business as usual, at least at mid+ mmr.

    Killers will feel emboldened by the base break and hit cooldown buffs, but there are numerous videos from the ptb and/or theory crafting that show it is negligible in most real game scenarios.

    Iron Will nerf is huge for killers, especially those that already have trouble hearing sounds for whatever reason (either hearing issues/no headphones/etc). Personally never used it.

    DS nerf is also pretty big, particularly the end game portion, although it can largely be replaced by OTR, which provides a similar effect without the boring counterplay of slugging/stale gameplay of unwinnable scenarios. Personally never used it.

    I run SC/BK and will lose 7s iirc per heal, but I'm OK with that.

    Built in BT is OK, 5s is a bit short, but you can generally make it to some sort of structure with the 7% haste in that time and the distance 'gained' if being chased is far more significant than people realize. Perk BT is now insane. May run it.

    The nerf to CI is a huge one (it's actually my favorite change in the patch, tbh...I like the game picking up steam faster).

    Ruin being nerfed is also a huge buff for my solo queue play, imo, same with the new/nerfed PGTW. Same with the nerf to PR/DMS - DMS provides fair value now. All of these perks no longer cripple me if a teammate goes down due to a dumb play/early.

    Extra 10s on gens does not bother me, but I realize it can buff camping, particularly on Leatherface/One Tap Myers/etc - I'd imagine this will be addressed if necessary, but camping has never really been prevalent in my games. There will still be times/scenarios post patch where camping is necessary, though.

    The regression perks that were Nemesis', Overcharge (debatable with current changes), etc all promote moving around and kicking multiple gens, which is fine and combos ok with the weak kick buff and decently with the regression buff from kicking.

    It will also be fun to run a Bamboozle/STBFL/Fire Up/Brutal Strength build.

    For Solo I'll probably use SC/BK/Overcome(or Lithe)/BT (or Kindred or Babysitter).

    I don't think I'm particularly good in either role, but I'm definitely doing better/having more fun than some of the posters I see here (both roles), particularly the negative ones (although they just seem to be self-fulfilling prophecies at this point).

    I may have missed something, but these are the random thoughts I punched out on mobile while on break. Sorry if there are any typos, etc.

    I'd also like to know what you think and hope you have fun, either way :D

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    Dead hard nerf alone, made tunneling easier. Everything else stacked on top, is just more icing on that cake.

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