[PC] Ghost Face's chase music is broken AGAIN [?]

Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,157

It's the correct theme, the one that it's supposed to be

But for some reason it's completely slowed down, like it's being played in at 0.50x speed or something. The pitch also isn't correct

(Does this techincally count as another rendition of his theme?)

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  • Mozic
    Mozic Member Posts: 601

    I think the devs might have replaced his chase music with the wrong mix after the mistaken reversion on the PTB. I wonder just how many alterations of this chase theme exist on their end.

    But I also hope they return the version that was on Live before this patch - it was much better!

  • Skyost_AB
    Skyost_AB Member Posts: 42

    I don't understand why every update they mess up the ghostface chase music. Now it feels like you are the one dying when you chase someone.