New Servers
Hi Dead By Daylight community,
I have quitted this game after almost 1300 hours of playing. And Dead By Daylight was the one of most fun game I have ever played. The reason why i quitted is lack of servers. Here where I live in west side of Turkey we cant get below 80 ping.There are a lot of playerbase around East Europe, Turkey and Middle East area but closest server is in Frankfurt. Even in west side of the Turkey we have 80-100 ping which is unplayable. Vaulting windows are like suicide. When i watch Dead by Daylight Youtubers on Youtube who have lower than our ping, the game is more different, vaults and generally game is more clean. There is a lot of difference between the game I am playing and the game I am watching. This becomes more and more frustrating.
Are there any plans for adding servers around East Europe or something? I would be appreciate it if you would inform me about this. Have a nice day everyone.