Patch changes have made camping worse
Was excited to try out the new changes. What a letdown.
The changes have made camping worse then it ever was before. It used to be that a basement bubba would have to give up a bunch of gens to face camp someone in the basement. With extending the gen timers and NOT extending death timer and struggle times, all a killer needs to do is stand there.
And that is exactly what they do. They guarantee themselves one kill, and maybe lose 2 gens. However, with 3 people, it just spirals into a long game that a survivor loses. Please keep in mind that I am not queu'ing with a full squad of pro players. Maybe it's different for them, however, for me (and the vast majority of casual players) the game has gotten slower, more difficult, and noticeably worse.
To hit the point again, face camping has gotten even worse then before the patch because killers know that all they have to do is stand there near the hook. Gens are so slow to complete now that someone HAS to come and save. In which case the killer just downs the saving survivor and we rinse and repeat.
The inclusion of base-kit borrowed time does not do a very good job at all of stopping the tunneling. All the killer needs to do is swing at the unhooked survivor and just keep following. The hit is successful, so the recovery is less, and the head start of 5 seconds of speed boost is easy enough to wait out.
The effort is appreciate but whatever method you use to make these decisions is giving you guys incomplete information. You need to stop watching streamers, and youtube vidoes, and monitor regular people games. Solo queu games. Duo queu games. Games with people who have played less then 1000 hours. And ACTUALLY watch them.
A killer let me escape today as the last survivor. He chose to "give me a win" but I'm sure your computers think only 3 players were killed. He could have finished it at his leisure but he knew he had the game in hand. So he picked me up, and took me to hatch. This happens about once every 5 or 6 games. Farm and mercy games happen probably once every 10 or 20 games.
Is your monitoring system including farm games where all 4 survivors escape in your calculations? What about games where the killer chooses not to kill anyone on purpose. Yes, there are killers who have a tendency to hook everyone twice and then let everyone escape. Is your computer including these games and counting them as a zero kill, four outer. Well, your statistics are failing the acid test. Those games should be thrown out of your math.
When it comes down to it, the changes have not solved the rampant camping/tunneling. At best, it has done nothing to help, at worst, it has hurt the situation. Change how you gather your data. Please.