I don't know why even bother with solo any more.

Disclaimer: I'm killer main and only play survivor when long queue (which it is now) or rift challenges (which it is now), so my survivor MMR is probably pretty low.
Here is how most of my matches go today. 8K and 1 gen done. I really don't see any point to continue wasting time on solo.
On the other hand, I only lost 1 game out of about 20 as killer yesterday.
Dude they finally add hiding username or something? What’s that about? As in why does it say the character they were playing as
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I hide the names because those are the forum rules.
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Well I mean it said “the cenobite”, ect before the names. Is that a new thing? Haven’t played it yet
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I don’t know either, you can get friends and play SWF any time. It’s a choice, playing with randoms provides randoms results.
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A lot of can't get our friends into the game. Why do you make it sound like you can just recruit people to play your hobby?
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yep thats about the experience of everyone who is honest and shares it. Been watching a huge variaty of killer streamer yesterday and today and they are completly stomping on survivors with 4-5 gens up like myself. Dont bother solo Q, even SWF groups are struggling unless they are takin its super serious and play it in the unfun way and sweat it like a comp tournament.
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Yes, it's a new thing.
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Yeah that's a new feature.
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The patch now shows who you were playing at the score screen.
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My results are not random. They are consistently unenjoyable.
Yes, there are multiple solutions to solo problem.
- SWF (don't play solo)
- Killer (don't play solo)
- Uninstall (don't play solo)
But it's actually same solution. Don't play solo. But that's basically equivalent to treating sick by killing them. It can't hurt if they are dead.
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Because you can. Go check the official DBD discord server, it’s full of players waiting for you. You have no excuse.
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Those are not "friends". They are random people just like solo, except on comms.
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Sorry but DBD is a PVP game 1vs4. There is no solo mode for survivor. You are supposed to play as a team, like it or not, your randoms teamates are still your TEAMates. You are not really playing solo.
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I don't know if you are just pretending or you really don't know...
So here is dictionary explanation what "solo queue" means:
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Well I don't want to play with some rage filled, empathetically devoid, screeching teenager. DBD has a Solo Q option for a reason. I bough the game because of it, and they should be providing at least a semi-decent experience-again- if they are offering it (which they do).
I guess you don't get that a lot of us have jobs, and families, and mortgages and can't spend all evening finding non-offensive team mates after we get our homework finished.
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Solo q matches against Cenobite have always been miserable, long before this match. Nothing new here.
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It's completely disingenuous to suggest someone's bad solo queue experience is a choice because they don't want to recruit people to play with. Complete bad faith argument.
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Yeah, I tried that discord server once. Had really bad experience. My last straw was when I joined lobby and 3 people started asking me if I'm gay. I kept saying that I just want to play the game and my sexuality shouldn't be any concern. So they kicked me for refusing to answer, because apparently it's okay to have gay only lobbies. So much for being inclusive. Imagine the outrage if someone made straight only lobby.
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They were miserable, but now it's a new level of misery. "Do I DC and wait 5 minutes or do I continue trying for 5 minutes to get my 8k points" level of misery. I mean, I think I'd rather watch youtube for 5 minutes. I don't think 8k points are worth it.
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MMR will readjust.
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Solo is completely unplayable. I just had a match against a Billy. He was just -bad- , a bad player who doesn't know how to play Billy. He downed the first survivor within 20 seconds of the match. The next down followed very shortly. Then, two more chases happened and each survivor took about 10 seconds to go down again. He chased me around a jungle gym and after a while we moved on to shack and he gave up on me. Moved on to another survivor, down in 10 seconds again.
Everyone but me was on death hook. There were 5 generators left.
Yeah no, I dropped the game after that. I'm not participating in this pointless ######### show.
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Random results? More like guaranteed lose
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Lmao, I am a nurse working at night so don’t start with "a lot of us have jobs". People of the discord server are very friendly. If you are unable to socialize, work on your behavior, starting by having less prejudices about people you don’t even know.
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I had a similar experience on here.
Someone from these forums added me, asked me if I like gay porn. #########
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LOL, you playing Nurse at night is not a job. That was funny though :D I work as Nemesis at night, btw 😄
And if people are as "friendly" as you are, I'd rather not have that kind of "socialization".
From your comment history:
"Not tunneling is not being a good position. I win the huge majority of my games as Nurse, I have had winstreaks for weeks tbh because I play nasty as hell. Hooking 4 different survivors on purpose instead of securing kills would be throwing some match."
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Lmao ######### ? I am a real nurse…
By the way I am a nurse main too lol. And yes, I play to win and don’t care about the survivor rulebook. After thousand hours on my main, I well above it.
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How do you do, fellow friendly and sociable Nurse?
"thousand hours on my main" - I see what you mean... it does sound like a job 🤣
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That's disgusting :[ Yeah, I had all kinds of inappropriate talks on that discord. People asked me where I live and how old I am. Someone was telling how he is abused in his family. Another one complaining about girlfrind that broke up with him. Just cringe. If joining that DBD Discord is required now to enjoy playing survivor, I'm out. I just want to play in peace and not be subjected to all that stuff I didn't ask about.
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I'm sorry but a lot of people on there and even on here are indeed not very friendly.
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And every 4v1 game I've played has a map that shows you what your teammates are doing, also have some sort of marking/tagging system basekit. But not this one. (Even in game chat but i dont use this usually as its not worth it mostly).
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True, unless it's hardcore mode.
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Yeah they overdid it just a tad imo. Its insane how hard it is to lose as killer rn. I'm not even bringing any add ons and im always up against 3-4 items + offerings. Doesnt matter. It became kinda baffling.
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It went from generator simulator to unhooking simulator.
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Same people that would uthen turn around and complain about SWF groups with comms
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I meet such nice knockout infectious 4k slug nurses sometimes.
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"Did you have fun?" LOL
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It's not going to matter, but I at least want the cold unfeeling machine to know how I feel.
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Cause you could just hop on the DbD Discord server and hop in a SWF in 10 seconds.
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My new way of trying to win games is just get a item right away from a chest find the killer and put it down and ask for mercy. So far has only worked with blights and myers and bubbas tho. Everyone else hates me :(
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I will play killer only until they change something again. You can literally do mistake after mistake and still win if you play with strong perks.
And no, this isn't the same as survivor before the patch. If you ######### up as surv before the patch and you go down next to 99 Gen or the hooked surv, you probably killed your team.
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Blatant bribery, you are a real go getter
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On the lighter side of things once enoughs olos team up for swf, a few quit and the rest stack on killer queues making those swf more frustrating once you no longer have the luxury of dodging when queues for killers are minutes at a minimum then we can finally convince the devs to put every known VOIP .exe onto EAC's "Please close this process in order to play this game" list.
I mean if I can't run my RGB controller and make my dark room pretty while I play, which affects gameplay in ZER0 way AT ALL... why should SWF be allowed to use discord, skype, team or ANY program that facilitates their chat unless it's on another computer or their phone? Make thm have to do some work at least if they're gonna cheat lol.
The game will be a mess if SWF won't be finally dealt with, since these killer buffs will fall off within a few months because everyone will be getting used to only playing in a SWF lol... killers won't have fast enough Q for dodging to be practical so they'll resort to dcing on offerings again, and it'll be a nightmare to play either side within a few months. I called this months ago, and so far, things loook to be playing out as I expected so within a couple or few months I expect the game will be a small circlejerk of sweaty killers and sweaty SWF while even the casual swf will all end up playing evil dead or texas chainsaw massacre lol. Deathgarden all over again, without deathgarden to fall back on like they had dbd to fall back on for deathgarden... lol
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I'm surprised by the bubba, usually that's an instant chainsaw, hook, and head nodding 😂
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For some reason Bubbas are sweethearts to me.
Here's one that basically facecamped the first person, then downed me and let me wiggle out because I gave him my toolbox, and then proceed to facecamp the other 2. I was even close to the claudette asking him to let me save her and he didn't even try to down me.
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yeah working wit the killer might have been fun for a few games, but it's a literal crapshoot whether it'll pay off when you can q as killer now and let the guys bleed out one at a time while playing a different game most of the match and get sharts and bp for essentially free until there's nothing left but swf when it'll be time to move to evild ead full time
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That’s throwing.
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I didnt work with the killer though. He got my team mates by himself and I did try to unhook. He just didnt want to kill me.
And matches where killers are merciful are like only 10% or less.
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How is it throwing? He was going to facecamp everyone, I just saved myself.