Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

very disappointed in off the record

Now I haven't played much but seen enough to know this perk is essentially an 80-second borrowed time which gets disabled after one hit. I got hit by a huntress coming off hook and went into deep wounds, then ran into the corn and tried to juke a hatchet, downed, I was surprised I was downed.

I honestly thought off the record wouldn't disable until I did one of the actions, I didn't see anything about it disabling after a hit from the killer, I did wonder but presumed it would be mentioned in the patch notes.

I really thought this would be an anti-tunnel perk that literally ends tunnelling but it doesn't, that is highly disappointing BHVR.

You can change all the perks you want but until you do something definitively to end camping and tunnelling before the endgame, all your work in-game is meaningless and most solo survivor games are just not fun.

sorry to be a drag and I do really appreciate the grind reduction, but this mid-chapter release really needed to be a hit but it's a fail to me, granted it's still early days but I see no motivation to play unless I'm creating content.

off the record shouldn't disable until the survivor does one of the actions, it shouldn't disable after a hit from the killer. I know on PTB there were issues with survivors abusing it by stacking endurance hits but it's more important for off the record to be a definitive anti-tunnelling perk that ends tunnelling once and for all.

The grind reduction keeps me around but all the perk and small base kit game changes really haven't changed anything, just some perks aren't being used now.

Just my honest feedback on the mid-chapter release but I do really love the new prestige/progression system.


  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    I really thought this would be an anti-tunnel perk that literally ends tunnelling but it doesn't, that is highly disappointing BHVR.

    that is the problem. you cant end tunneling there is really just no way to do that because ending tunneling would mean a perk or base mechanic thats 100% prevents the killer from harming the unhooked survivor until the survivor does one of the deactivation actions or another survivor is hooked.

    that would be just a mess because you could then block hits for the other survivor but if they make protection hits deactivated it you would have so many times where you didnt even tryed to protect but the killer came from the right side so the game treats it as a protection hit and so on that would be just a mess and a big invation to a ton of bugs

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    You're 100% right, survivors would abuse it and some players are always going to try and find ways to tunnel, there still needs to be "something" that ends tunnelling once and for all, as it really does a lot of damage to the game. Right now, it's increased again and maybe the frequency of tunnelling will reduce as it has done so in past, but I really hoped off the record would be that thing to end tunnelling once and for all.

    Also, I don't see the point of changing borrowed time when you just going to change another perk into essentially what borrowed time was but longer.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    I win 100% of the games I am able to get use out of deliverance while running off the record. It is easily the most broken interaction you can do as a survivor right now. I also unhook instantly while they are in range because I want them to chase me, and 9 times out of 10 they just don't. I would take killing dead hard for off the record any day of the week.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    Yea I've just been running Deli OTR SB and just jump off the hook and if they chase me it's going to be long enough for them to throw the game. People act like there aren't strong anti camping/tunneling options still like kinship/deli nope gotta chase killer with flashlights & head on and cry that you lose while doing 0 gens.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    I'm very confused by this post.

    Did you expect 80 seconds of invulnerability...???

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    lol With hindsight, it does sound totally silly to think that but there was nothing in patch notes about it. Also, I watched a lot of content creators' vids on the patch and I never heard off the record would disable after the first hit. I wondered about it but I just presumed it be in patch notes or I hear about it somewhere. Since I didn't, I actually thought it wouldn't disable and I don't think it should disable.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Well they did say that endurance wont work while in deep wounds i haven't actually mended to see if it stays active but i think mending your self is a conspicuous action but maybe if a teammate mends you you could tank a 2nd hit

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    I'm pretty certain the deep wound was added due to how players used the perk on the PTB, but that doesn't help counter tunnelling as you can't mend while being chased.

    I think perk was attended to hard counter tunnelling but players on PTB abused it and therefore ruined it for all.

    It should have deep wound taken off, as yes, survivors abuse it and it sucks but there not doing gens, so it hurts them more than killer. However, tunnelling hurts all players and the game as well.