Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

My personal feedback about latest patch



  • Member Posts: 1,411

    Hahah appreciate your pov regardless, I'll try it out :)

  • Member Posts: 237

    Bloody hell you played a lot on both sides, and win a lot, for you and other people that play dbd for a long time... I can't imagine a bit your frustrations with the devs.

    Good luck, out there.

    ... DH for distance was a pain In the...

  • Member Posts: 42

    Look man, I understand your frustration I really do. Dead Hard was a staple perk on ALL of my survivors unless I was memeing then I would use Head On. Dead Hard was strong and I am completely on board to nerfing it for the sake of "shaking up the meta" as the developers described it.

    However! If they're going to "shake up the meta" than you need to buff other perks to compensate. Off The Record not even close to replacing DH especially since it's a wasted slot at end game. Spine Chill was NOT buffed despite what many in this very thread keep spewing. If you played with that perk last patch, then played on it this patch you would definitely agree it's a hard nerf and unwarranted. The faster action speed (generator repair, healing, vaulting, etc.) and the fact it was killer directional which made you aware they were coming TO YOU is what made this perk. I don't need to know if the killer is within a radius! I have ears! Nerfing self-care? It was already a hinderance on your teammates if you ran that because of the ridiculously slow healing speed, AND they nerfed healing speed in general!? Why!? It was already slow as a snail! I do not understand the Iron Will nerf either, it really only countered one of the strongest killers in the game (Spirit, not THE strongest but one of). You're still injured leaving blood splatters everywhere.

    Again, I am completely on board with "shaking up the meta" as noted by the developers. Let's ALL use completely different perks and have some fun! I was excited. But then...

    Killer's generator slow down perks are...BUFFED!?!?!? Whaaaatt!? I have played the game since 2016, the moment Ruin was released it has been a generator slow down meta for killers. "ShAkE Up ThE MeTa" by buffing generator slow down perks!? AND increasing generator repair time?

    Ok, ok...I guess I can get on board with long as you give survivors the ability to prolong chases even further without dead hard since that perk is dead now (pun intended). I am definitely up for long chases! Chases are what make this game fun! And long chases ARE THE COUNTER to campers and tunnelers! You want to camp and tunnel that one survivor all game? That's fine, we'll push out these generators and punish that so you get your one and only kill you want so bad.

    Oh yea...they buffed killer vaulting speed now. Again!?

    So let me get this straight...

    1. "Shake up the meta" by nerfing all survivor perks and buffing garbage perks that don't prolong chases which is needed to counter campers/tunnelers.
    2. "Shake up the meta" by buffing generator slow down perks...which were already meta since Ruin was released.
    3. Increase generator repair time. Increase killer vaulting speed. Increase healing time.
    4. Nerf killer perks that were already never used by high ranking killers anyways just to say "we nerfed some killer perks too!".

    ...and DBD has now been uninstalled until you give survivors some very, very much needed love. I will stick to League of Legends for my competitive gameplay (DBD is a party game not a e-sport you sweat lords!). And stick to Slay the Spire, Hearthstone, Fall Guys, etc. for my "for fun game (replacement of DBD). DBD solo survivor is just completely unfun and I play games to have fun, not to win but to have fun.

  • Member Posts: 79

    Thank you. Even though I enjoyed survivor more, I had my specific builds for specific killers that I enjoyed a lot like infinite Tier 3 Myers with Fire Up + Bamboozle perk that would make him so fast when it came to vaulting. Or speed limiter Bubba with chainsaw replenish add on and Save the Best for Last perk. It would allow me some great plays because survivors would expect an ordinary Bubba.

    Anyone who had some experience in killer knew how to play around Dead Hard. It was made so much of a big deal for no reason. I haven't booted my game since the update was rolled out. I'm playing other games now.

    I agree with everything you've said except the ultimate Dead Hard nerf. It didn't need that much of a change. Every experienced killer pretty much knew how to play around it.

    I'm also playing online PvP races on Forza Horizon 5 and Dying Light 2 with my friends in co-op. Haven't looked back at DbD once since the update was rolled out.

  • Member Posts: 479

    Dead hard didn't need a nerf?

    Everyone was using it! If this is not the sign of a perk that is WAY ABOVE the others i dunno...

  • Member Posts: 237

    DBD now is... Well... the waiting time to find a killer match is very bad, yesterday I played for an hour or an hour and a half, maybe 2 hours, I only managed to do 4 matches, we wait 5, 10 and even 15 minutes depending on the time , I'm an average killer, I can play very well or very bad and if I play really bad... boom a game that lasted 5 min and I'm waiting 10 min for the next one, I'm playing DBD very little too, I play more other things , Elden Ring, Star Wars fallen order, overwatch.

  • Member Posts: 79
    edited August 2022

    Do you like the current state of the game now though? I'd rather have a rollback and keep enjoying the game.

    The chart doesn't lie.

  • Member Posts: 479

    "Do you like the current state of the game now though? I'd rather have a rollback and keep enjoying the game."

    I sure prefer this situation even if i didn't liked all the changes.

    They killed Pop and Spine Chill, which were a perks i really liked, but i was bored to face 3.5 Dead hard every match. I prefer to lose those perks and have a more manageable DH.

    And i still meet a lot of DH, a lot of players keep using it because it is still good even thou not OP, but now i see also lithe, i see sprint, i see balanced. Were those perks bad? NO! But they were not at the same god level od DH!

    If you start with "DH didn't need a nerf" you are a fanboy! The palyerbase is reacting negative? Sure, it always happen when you break the toys of the kids. The kids cry.

    Then some of them leave crying and some other learn to play with other toys.

  • Member Posts: 21

    The truth is, I would like to continue reading your opinion, if it weren't for the fact that you said that Dead Hard didn't need a nerf, unfortunately the people I usually find saying that don't change their point of view, so what a shame.

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