Am I the only survivor who likes this patch?

I'm 50/50 Killer and Survivor, so I understand how to work both roles.
Killer feels so frickin good right now, as it should.
Survivor feels... Also really frickin good. And I dint know why people are crying about it.
Yes I get it, Dead Hard and Decisive are nerfed. Guess what, there are 6 other wonderful exhaustion perks you can use and Off the Record is literally the new Decisive. I've been running Overcome, Lucky Break, Off The Record, and Empathic Connection. I legit lose killers mid chase with this build and they can't tunnel me. They chase after me of course, but it's all to buy time for your team. Not JUST escaping.
Just because you get sacrificed doesn't mean you lost, ya know.
My surv experience hasn't been agonising, it's been okay for the most part.
The worst parts for me are:
'Forever' builds, Thana being buffed
Teammates giving up/DCing even against weak killers (Nothing new but def worse now)
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I have liked it
There are absolutely some tweaks that need to be made, especially for people like me in Solo Queue. But I've gotten to play against a bunch of M1 killers these last few days and it wasn't the usual slaughter it would be. We had to friggin WORK to escape (when we did escape at least...).
Now it helps that I never really played meta perks so I had no real adjustment I had to make but I am finding that escaping is far harder than it was before and I am loving that. I suppose maybe it'll eventually get annoying but I'm Solo Queue, I'm used to constantly dying so whatever.
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It's weird, I see a lot of survivors giving up when I play killer, but I have yet to see it as survivor.
It's a strange phenomenon, I know.
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Swearing to stop using DH and IW months ago was the best decision I made
The changes barely impacted my gameplay
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I play with friends only so it was like not that bad, but if I was a soloq survivor I would hate it for sure
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I have noticed that most killers have started to run 3-4 slow perks, although this is the patch where you can play with a maximum of 1 slow perk
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I also liked this patch, before the game felt much more like running and hitting the action button for Dead Hard, but now you need to think more, know what to do because the killer seems more relentless (especially for me who's horrible at escapes), so it ended up being more fun
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Same here. Once I got my hands on Overcome, I actually got good with running the killer. At least partially.
And I hardly ever ran DS. One action and you lose the whole perk, and you can only use it once. OTR is just better DS 100%. Longer period of time, Pre-nerf Iron Will, Aura Hiding, and MULTIPLE USES.
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For whatever reason, I never really could get into the swing of DH. As a killer, I knew it was stupid powerful but I just never liked it as a survivor. I don't know if that's my killer empathy or what but I've always liked to use Lithe instead.
Honestly the only thing that I do think sucks is that I have a bunch of "fun" builds for my survivors but if I want a chance to actually survive, I basically can't use them unfortunately. Which is...annoying as those fun builds but it's kind of nice to be a survivor and actually now have to work for my survival. A killer now has to be REALLY bad for me to get a boring game where we just punch through the gens and leave (which granted, I've still had a few of those but they're far rarer now than they were pre-patch).
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I like a great deal of this mid chapter. The devs definitely listened and made some great changes. Unfortunately, player behaviour hasn’t changed and things that were annoying about soloQ and killer play have just become much much worse.
They need to revert some of the changes(gen speeds, blood lust) and look into limiting gen slowdowns (maybe a cap to avoid stacking.
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The best antidote to being tunnelled is to get good enough at chasing that the killer either gives up or get's actual tunnel vision and throws the game to kill you
easier said than done though, people say surv is so easy but hey - I don't think so.
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Oh I thrive off of killers throwing the game for me.
Like if the killer tunnels me out while my team is teabagging at the exit gate, I laugh my ass off because I did my job well.
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Def one of the most satisfying feelings knowing you won the game for your team, even if you die
I know SBMM doesn't seem to agree with that sentiment but hey, it's a team game. Who cares what the imaginery number thinks
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Ey if SBMM wants me with teammates who need me, I aint gonna complain.
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I've barely noticed a difference to before tbh.
I also rarely ever played with Dead Hard, so that's most likely why.
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I very much like this update as killer it feels so easy now and it's good that you now need only 2 hits to down when before you needed 3 hits. I like some changes as survivor too like otr with deliverance is my new favourite combo. But I think gens take too long I played today 2 games one ended at 5 gens and other at 3 gens and in both matches killer used thanatobia as well.
I played these matches with friends I got just my one friend to play for first time dbd when survivors are at weakest... He thinks everything takes too long orcourse. I think gens should been kept at 80s maybe even lower like 70s but survivors should get secondary objectives. In friday 13th game it takes few secs to fix car but before that you need to find the parts so bhvr could learn something from that game.
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I'm not a "survivor" player -- I try to split up my playtime as evenly as I can with both roles. I liked more about this patch than I disliked.
That's not to say that I'm 100% with every change that was made. The nerf to DS was unwarranted, some of the changes they made to perks made no sense in the bigger picture (Self-care and Ruin are worthless now, for example), etc. But overall, there was more good than people are giving credit for in this update.
I never ran Dead Hard and rarely Iron Will, so I hardly notice a difference in my matches from my own end so far as survivor goes. I've been running Overcome since it came out (I thought it was underrated), and I also think Lucky Break works fantastic with it (I thought LB was an underrated perk BEFORE this update, and I don't know why more people didn't run it anyway).
There are sure to be some changes to these changes at some point -- the update was far from perfect -- but the people who act like it's the end of the world are people who aren't even trying to adapt to the new gameplay (which seems to have focused on longer matches with chases -- and how you do in them from either side -- more important than ever before, especially with DH getting sent to the trash heap).
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I'm enjoying it as well but I've never ran meta perks. I expect most of the complaining is survivors accustomed to DH IW
Nurse is still bullshit though.
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Yes, you are.
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Yeah I never ran DS cause it was too inconsistent, and DH literally made me play WORSE.
And yeah, it's really hard to go against a good Nurse, but idk if that's a bad thing imo. Her range addons are bullshit tho.
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I used to see like a nurse a week but since the patch I've seen maybe a dozen? It gets kinda old loading in, hearing that screech and knowing that you're very very likely just going to lose.
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You don't play survivor if the only change you notice is the Dead Hard & Decisive nerf.
Let me put this into perspective: I would rather play the old patch with no perks then the new patch with perks.
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your wrong your the only player who likes this patch lol
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Lol your perspective means nothing to me. For a multitude of reasons.
Lemme try to guess one.
You play to escape. Am I right?
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My survivor experience is fine. I can't say the same for my teammates, especially since I'm in solo q. But my games aren't too bad overall.
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I would hope ny teammates have a good time. I sure as hell do my best to make sure they get as far as possible in a match.
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I've been having a lot of fun with Overcome. Glad other people are mentioning it.
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It's so good!!
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I’m having a good time with both sides. Really wish that WGLF and BBQ still had the BP bonus though.
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Survivor is pretty miserable.
Killer is just fine though. Most of my games have been quite chill.
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I think the meta needs a bit of time to develop. Eventually, people will realize that if you're not running Off the Record you are throwing and it will hit use rates at least matching what BT used to be and likely even surpassing pre nerf dead hard in terms of use rate. You HAVE to use off the record. If the killer wants to win, and you are not using it, you are going to lose. Its that simple.
Killer hears grunts of pain, killer tunnels off hook.
Killer doesn't hear grunts of pain, killer doesn't tunnel because they will throw if the survivor they are chasing is good.
Pretty much every survivor game I've played since the patch where we won against a competent killer player with a strong build, we had at least 2 off the records, if not 3 or 4.
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Its going ok for me. But I didn't run meta before so I'm already used to it 🤷♂️
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So far I've had some good soloQ games and some bad ones. Some of the bad ones were directly related to the patch (slug only build with new knockout is unsurprisingly not the most fun thing ever), most were just solo things. Like a Steve running over and starting a gen next to where I'm hooked, only going to rescue me when the killer comes back and getting grabbed off the hook, that sort of stupid ######### that you can't realistically blame 6.1.0. for.
Also as killer I wasn't massively looking forward to 4 sprint bursts but pleasantly surprised to see a mixture of sprint burst, lithe, overcome and DH.
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I love this patch. More of my teammates are doing gens instead of running around with a flashlight looking for "epic dead hard saves"
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I see a lot of people giving up on the first down. When that happens, the killers and survivors should not get penalized for progress. The game should only count for points from then on.
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"Hahaha I died every game so fun hahaha oh boy I am gonna go back to playing killer now...."
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I’m having a good time as survivor, haven’t tried killer yet. The escape rate is overall much lower than before, but the actual matches are nicer. The game feels more tactical because it’s way easier to get punished for mistakes. Luckily I’ve met a very small amount of tunneling and camping.
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Some things I don't like (like going against Thana Legion or Plague is so damn exhausting now, you really feel the time you need with gens there), but others I don't really mind. I am just sad the BP bonus isn't a thing anymore. I still like to use WGLF, because I usually play quite team orientated.
I must admit I didn't want to play at all after all the complaints I read, but I wanted to give it a try, because I wanted to see if Solo Q really was so much worse than before. So I played for some hours yesterday and today and... Tbh my matches haven't been very different... Tunneling and camping were still a thing, but not more than before. I died because of it, but also because of selfish teammates or my own mistake... So... DBD just being DBD.
But I must say I also played with really very good survivors too! Really caring for the other one and trying to help in any way. I also played with really nice and kind killers too (thinking about the Blight who let the Yui get the hatch today, it made me so happy to see! Or the Blight allowing me to do a bit more things before mori'ing me <3) It is a mixed bag as usual.
So... I actually still enjoy playing Solo Q. There are times a felt fed up and will feel this way again, but then I just take a break, play something else and come back again. I never, really NEVER, go into a match with the expectation of winning, even less now. And I don't care (ok, sooooometimes I'd like to go through the gate, but this happens not that often and I am ok with it). I just want to chill on a gen, do totem, unhook and protect my teammates when they play fairly, have a good chase (though chases are my weak point...). And... I want to show off my cosmetics 😂
Anyway... nothing really changed for me... but I do believe many have a hard time atm and I hope they'll have better luck with killers soon. Like not getting tunneled so fast, no camping at 5 gens... Sometimes one is just so damn unlucky to get tunneled literally every match they go into (I know it, cause it happened to me a few times too) and you just get so frustrated and want to quit (and I am honest, I also can throw a fit about it, but then I know I have to stop playing for a while). But then you have these amazing games with amazing teammates and that's when you remember why you play this game - to have these rare moments. At least I feel this way, I know not everyone or maybe only a minority does.
What also quite helps me to chill more about being tunneled/camped/bad teammates, I noticed, is to immediately leave the game after I died and go on to the next.
I only wish a solution for both sides could be found, but I fear this will never happen.
I am sorry for this long text ^^;
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Been playing nothing but survivor (solo) the past 2 days, due to needing to get the survivor challenges done and because of the queue times.
It's been hit and miss, but the main thing that's changed is other survivors behaviour.
The good games are when survivors play more cautiously, take fewer risks, and take the time to try and coordinate (as best you can by crouching and pointing at least). No more rushing up to the killers face to taunt them with a flashlight, actually attempts to remain unseen.
The games that haven't gone so well have been due to other survivors giving up early in the game. Suicides on hook, DCs, etc. Resulting in a 3v1 that's unwinnable.
I haven't bothered with DS, DH or OtR, because killers haven't been tunneling me off the hook, every time I took OtR it went unused. Instead I've been running a mix of things like Prove Thyself, Blast Mine, Kindred, stuff to help coordination and get survivors doing gens.
I've had one hard camper, a Nemesis who took ages to get his first down, managed to get a few hook trades and eventually a 2K/2E.
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Same played 10 survivor games last night not a single DC and no one killed themselves on hook only had 1 tunneling nurse game and no campers
i haven't touch survivor in over a year cause it was boring it has been a lot more fun more chases through out the match
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I like the variety in this patch. I only dislike how they nerfed my Flashbangs as survivor. Also don't like how camping + tunnelling is even more viable. Otherwise I think this was a very good patch.
Tbh when I heard they were making these changes I wish they just made more gameplay changes. Don't like how the meta still has similar concepts (I.e. Exhaustion + Second chance perks vs Slowdown perks).
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I also am mainly soloq and Killer, and I have been playing almost exclusively soloq survivor since patch and I'm loving it.
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I'm also 50/50 Killer and Survivor, play mostly soloQ and like this patch. Mostly because my teammates start work on gens
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I like that I can try out more perk combos. SoloQ survivors who also play killer like this patch. My healer build is working great for points. Empathy, Botany, Leader, Kindred - (I should point out Fearmonger screws me haha)
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You’re definitely not the only player who plays survivor who likes the patch, I’ve seen a few streamers who play both sides saying they like it, or at least that they like it overall even if they have specific issues with specific changes. Scott Jund, who definitely plays a lot of survivor, for instance has said a few times that he think the patch is good overall and people are overreacting, and has himself been doing fine as survivor even against the dreaded Forever Legion build. Coconut also posted a compilation the other day showing himself still doing fine as survivor in response to all the people commenting that it’s “impossible to win now”. (I think he also was showing off how he can still use Dead Hard to block attacks.)
Mind you, nobody is saying it wasn’t a buff to killers. The devs even said in their update blogs that buffing the kill rate was an intentional goal of the patch, so it’s not surprising that survivors are escaping less often. But there’s definitely people who just haven’t adapted to the new environment yet and so the short term effects are more pronounced. Once people get used to, for example, not using Dead Hard for distance and the new recovery times of killers and stop wasting Endurance charges on pointless bodyblocks, etc, it’ll even out a bit.
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no probs on both sides, no clue what the fuzz is all about
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18 killers up voted this lol. Survivors hate it because instead of killers averaging 2k its like 3.5k now. Gens are boring and are awful for points when compared to secondary objectives and so the player base won't do it.
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That's narrow-minded thinking. I play a lot of survivor, probably 50/50, and like a lot of people, while I think there were things that the devs got wrong in this update (DS change for one), overall, I like the shake-up it's provided, and my survivor rounds are more challenging, but not impossible to win. Not everyone is sharing your opinion who plays survivor.
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I don't mind dying every match if I'm having fun but honestly they need to increase survivor BP gains, someone here said x1,5 for all score events and I agree, it feels unrewarding