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Am I the only survivor who likes this patch?



  • Member Posts: 40

    Majority of people posting seem to be struggling. Maybe you should consider you're in the minority.

  • Member Posts: 1,180

    DH is still good, definitely better than Balanced Landing and Smash Hit. It is just not as BS as before.

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    I think that some people are struggling because they're not adjusting, some are struggling because they were legitimately boosted by certain perks that were nerfed, and a lot of people are adjusting -- but they're not the people who're posting here. As a rule, people who are unhappy -- even if they're in the minority -- are going to yell the loudest about something.

    These forums have NEVER been a good representation of the player base as a whole. 90% of what gets posted here -- and that goes for things that people who play killer primarily, as well as survivor, complain about -- tends to be nothing but noise. There are some valid discussions to be had about this patch -- as I said, there were things that were changed that were ill-advised -- but the "OMG Survivor Is Impossible Everyone Dies At 5 Gens!" posting (or something thereabouts) that is more common now is as much of an overreaction as were the "OMG Killer Is Unplayable I Haven't Killed A Single Survivor In 50 Matches!" type of posting we'd see before the update.

  • Member Posts: 60

    I play 50% killer 50% survivor, and as a survivor, I've been loving this patch.

    Even more of a hot take, I find Dead Hard really fun to use now, never liked using it before, felt too strong and hated going against it, but now, it's almost as fun as pulling off a Power Struggle play or a For the People play.

    I use to run random perks before this patch and now I'm solely using perks that got changed, to get use to them, and it's been great.

    My only grip, if I had to make one, is my teammates in solo queue kill themselves on hook quite often or don't wanna do gens, but honestly, that happened before the update.

    Most importantly though, for high end game play in particular, this meta shake up was needed and now the game feels fresh, which I like :)

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    Survivor BP gains should have been adjusted a long time ago, but unfortunately the devs haven't made any indication that they seem to think that they're unbalanced compared to the killer side. It's something that definitely should be tweaked.

    The removal of the BP bonus from WGLF didn't help either, and it (along with the removal from BBQ), was completely unnecessary and one of the misfires of this update.

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    I came back after seeing all of the backlash to the patch. So far, it's been fine. I didn't run most of the perks that got nerfed, so it's been about the same so far. Looping is a BIT more tense on account of Killers being a bit faster. I have to adjust to the new speeds if I'm aware that I'm headed for a close shave.

    Haven't tried Killer much, though, because I normally play Legion and I'm not looking forward to seeing everyone DC. Tried Cenobite and completely forgot I have no worthwhile perks on him. Maybe I'll go back to Blight or something...

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Most people come to the forums to vent so probably not.

    Survivors that are enjoying the patch just won't come to the forum.

    My survivor matches are enjoyable too outside of people giving up but i don't think my survivor mmr is that big so my experience doesn't really count

  • Member Posts: 208

    it's horrendous and most agree with it. what yo'ure reading above are survivors that get used to it being a miserable experience, and if it's alraedy bad, then a little bit more bad than usual won't make the difference.

  • Member Posts: 40

    See I liked getting rid of WGLF points...I saw too many people who would hook bomb for it. They def need to adjust points for gens I feel.

  • Member Posts: 938

    That's... Just wow. I've seen some hot excuses but you didnt even try.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    No I love this patch, made me play killer again but still enjoying survivor having to use other times on both sides.

  • Member Posts: 938

    I've been adoring using new OTR. It's anti-tunnel but it doesn't feel like a big middle finger to the killer. Not to mention I think OTR before the patch was really underrated, givivng you practical full stealth after an unhook.

  • Member Posts: 419

    I think long term it will actually make stronger players. Its gonna force ppl to learn how to run tiles better, prioritize finding teammates when healing or working on gens, and make players think more about what theyre doing in general. In the end, they will be better players and that means we'll have more reliable teammates.

    As with most other ppl here, i've always played off-meta soloQ builds, so my experience has mostly been the same as before. Really hopin to see more ppl runnin info perks once they realize how strong they can be.

  • Member Posts: 938

    I must be lucky in SoloQ cause it's not too rare for me to have like one or too godlike loopers while me and the mates do gens. If I can have more of those, I will legit throw together a full gen build and just go to town while they run the killer.

  • Member Posts: 419

    It'll probably take a couple months, but it'll definitely get to that point. I remember a time before the DH/instaheal meta when players were just stronger overall cuz ppl had solid fundamentals. Those games were fun. We'll get there again

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I really like this patch (50/50 player too), and one unexpected change I've noticed is my evading, looping and mind-games has improved a lot! Today, there was a barrage of good Blights and Nurses, but I've held me own really well against Blights. Nurses are trickier, but there are tactics I'm learning that can help me last longer.

    Killers are to be feared now, which is what I've always wanted. Escapes are harder to get, but when I do escape it feels like a real success - like it's actually been earnt, and it feels far better than before.

    The frustration comes from fellow survivors giving up early. Even if I have an inexperienced survivor in the trial, if they are actually trying I have far more respect for them. That's how people get better, not throwing in the towel.

  • Member Posts: 195

    Overall pretty fun patch to soloq but bit annoying that the tunneling has gotten so prevelant i feel like im forced to run ds+otr+bt when i could just run full 4 perk meme build before. If i had to guess in a month most killer players will play the exact same way as before and this small complaint is gone.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I'm also about 50/50.

    Once the incentives are back in and queue times normalize a bit, I think things will be a lot better.

    Very tired of the 'sky is falling, survivor literally unplayable now' posts.

  • Member Posts: 3,094

    While i will say soloQ does need improvements overall, i'm also having more fun playing soloQ Survivor now that killers got buffed, it kinda feels like playing on a hardcore mode now which makes outplaying and escaping more satisfying.

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