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Has BHVR turned their back or given up on the game?



  • Member Posts: 5,247
    edited July 2022

    They say they aim for 2k 2 escape as a good baseline, but recent kill rate charts suggest most killers on average got 2k if a 50%+ killrate equates to that

    Perhaps the overall killrate of all killers combined across all 'mmr brackets' or whatever is less than that, no idea

    Maybe it's only slightly under where they want it to be, hence the basekit buffs

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    I'm sorry, all I got is "Bless yer heart, Sluzzy"

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    This right here! A lot of survivor mains are essentially having to relearn how to play the game again after the last patch. Metas form as a counter to the opponent but it doesn't mean those metas break the game or make it impossible for killers to win. I'll never believe DH was as problematic as killer mains made it out to be. It never worked out for me half the time and I even stopped using it because I found better value in other perks.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    If DH wasn't 'that good' why was it used in 70% of games? Why was it the most used perk in the whole game?

    What I'm about to say isn't a dismissal of your opinion, it's just something I want to point out

    If you've never played killer (Esp m1 based killers) for an extensive amount of time, you might not fully understand why the perk was as complained about as it was. As someone who's lost entire matches because of this perk, let me assure you the frustration and cheapness of the perk was there and well earned.

  • Member Posts: 79

    Should the killer win every time? No, but that is not what I am saying. I am saying things like dead hard get nerfed because when used to their full potential they are abusable and too strong. Again if you do not balance for the top of the game what the hell are you doing? If you balance the game for little Timmy who has 100 hours the game will suffer. I will agree this patch went too far however in some ways. I do not agree with the stun duration nerf on decisive it already had a decent condition to prevent its abuse.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    It was used a lot, but did it guarantee anything? No. A killer could have 5 good games in a row but if they have 1 match where a team of DH users doesn't give them the same result as the previous 5 matches then they'll likely remember that 1 match more than the other good ones they had. Negative experiences seem to resonate more than positive ones in certain things. Its kind of a pattern in PvP games in my opinion.

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  • Member Posts: 5,247

    It did guarantee a lot, actually.

    It guaranteed you could greed loops

    Make it to windows by using it for distance (Which most killers had to just sit and take with no agency)

    I-frames that hard countered oppressive chase powers (Nemesis, Huntress, Victor and so on.)

    I didn't say camping/tunnelling was the meta, just that they are part of the killer experience. The devs haven't (and likely won't) make it impossible to do either because they are tactics that should be discouraged/deincentivised but not outright banned. I think Peanits said as much that the dev team prefers to encourage killers to swap targets with stuff like endurance and the like. If it's not enough, I'm sure we'll see more changes.

    Also funny you mention me not saying the same about DH when DH is a perk, not a strat. You want me to justify something's existance on the survivor side? Looping. Looping is part of the surv experience, whether killers like it or not. There you go.

    As far as killers tactics go, are they effective? Of course they are.

    The problem with your build is Bubba, not the perks. If you have a killer who you cannot save against, then they are the problem.

    Besides I never said the patch was perfect or anything like that, I just disagree with the notion that BHVR 'doesn't care' when they could've just left the game as it was pre this patch and it would've been fine for a while. They didn't tho

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    DH never guaranteed anything. It was an entirely situational perk. At best in the open it bought you a couple seconds unless you used it at distance then you gained a few seconds. In the best situations for survivors it had to be used at the right moments to offer a considerable reward. You're comparing the plays of high MMR players which is not the norm to that of casual player's use of the perk which is the norm. Any expectation for the majority of survivors to improve up to the skill level of the 1% is unreasonable and will only be met with criticism and negative reviews. I looked at the steam reviews for DBD yesterday and today and was shocked at how many negative reviews this game has gotten since the patch when live. Clearly people are not happy with this and at the end of the day the only thing that matters for this game is satisfied customers.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    "entirely situational perk"

    aka being injured in chase

    That is the only "situational" aspect of the perk. DH was a huge safety net, a guarantee that even when injured you have the ability to prolong a chase. Before it was fixed I'd agree that there was no guarantee, because sometimes it straight up didn't work.

    But they fixed that.

    Also, again - """high mmr""" has nothing to do with it. Mediocre survivors could use DH to extend their chases by way longer than a few seconds. If you were using it in the open, you weren't using it correctly. That's on you, not the perk. I don't consider myself particularly high mmr but I know how to use DH properly and my teammates certainly did so, It can't be that hard.

    As for the reviews, I take it with a grain of salt.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Yesterday I had 50s killer queues during peek hours, because peeps still enjoy playing SWF with their friends. Strange concept, I know, but I can live with my tripple queue times during peek :>

    Not gonna lie though, on other times I got 3-5min, but I expect that numbers to eventually go down once more and more survivors figure out that they a) are no killer mains in their heart an b) how to loop and greed less under under the new rules.

    Already the games feel much more normal, yet fairer then ever before. You get the occasional total stomp round, but most of the time survivors are now working hard to get their gens done and it's working.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Mediocre killers didn't even have to learn how to use a perk. Slowdown perks automatically tilt the game greatly in killer's favor. This is why survivor is in a broken mess - there are double standards to balancing. Killers got more slowdown perks.

    Survivors didn't get another dead hard. DS was nerfed, perks don't even work endgame. But its OK for killer to stack No Way Out, NOED, Blood Warden. Those are no less uncounterable than dead hard.

    No developer wants bad reviews.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    Sluzzy you listed 3 endgame perks but you claim Killer is so easy they win before 5 gens are done


    No of course no dev wants bad reviews but they obviously understand what a knee-jerk reaction is. It hasn't even been a week yet.

  • Member Posts: 715

    You know if Sluzzy agreed with your opinion, you know there's something wrong lol.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    90% is over exaggerating it but was just under 75% usage and the next perk after that was 50% that's a huge increase.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    In reality they have a slowdown perk or two and then No Way Out and NOED or Blood Warden. I was giving an example that nerfing DH because it gave a slight advantage while killer solidify their wins with perks seems silly to me.

    Circle of Healing was swiftly nerfed for killer mains a total of 3 times. BHVR didn't say that was "knee jerk reactions".

    But to demonstrate how they make a difference, they have been radio silent on their game being "unplayable" for survivors trying to enjoy the game.

  • Member Posts: 5,247
    edited July 2022

    Again Sluzzy it hasn't been a week since the patch dropped, we might still see changes in a hotfix in the coming week. At the very least some communication.

    Also you're making progress, you finally admit having DH was an advantage. Good stuff

    Funny thing about Circle, they've nerfed it like twice (they actually nerfed boon radius in general at one point not just COH) but it's STILL the best healing perk in the game. No contest

  • Member Posts: 3,130
  • Member Posts: 153

    Stop overreacting, they didn't give up on the game. It's a mid chapter update they'll see feedback in adjusted in the next update

  • Member Posts: 103

    Lol nice way to try to downplay how broken DH was. No offense but you lowkey just sound like another person crying cuz you had your safety net DH taken away. Killers were always viable yeah sure I'm guessing that's why they had to change original Freddy cuz he was sooo strong and how completely scary and OP Trapper is. I would have loved to watch you struggle playing killer because it sounds like you never touched it a day in your life. Try playing both sides to see each strengths and weakness before claiming to know anything about the game. Playing one side is why we have low IQ survivors killing themselves on first hook because they realize they aren't ######### without dead hard. If dead hard wasn't that strong or OP then why is it an issue that it got nerfed? Even if it wasn't broken it got hit with the nerf because devs wanted a meta shift, go look at any random DBD video made before last week and see 90% of survivors running DH it was overused. Go on and use that lie of an excuse survivors seem to be spewing lately "I nEvEr uSeD dEaD hArD" funny how ever since the update a lot of people say they don't use dead hard and yet it was at least 3 survivors every match using it xD

  • Member Posts: 103

    They nerfed self care because it has always been part of the meta in Asian servers. I know it's not popular in other countires but it is hella popular there, I haven't seen any Asian players not run self care

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    Self care was strong I'd used in the right hands. Plus I think some people never moved on from when self care was considered the strongest perk in game in the OG gen rush meta.

  • Member Posts: 103

    I had to reread that line over and over again "DH is a situational perk" has to be the funniest thing I've seen on this forum in a long time 🤣 wasn't sure if they were serious or trolling

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Meh, it's all depending on the win condition for the killer, if I 2 hook everyone, then they go free

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    It is so dishonest to say things like "Nothing was done to help Survivors" when the patch notes literally have buffed some perks for Survivors and nerfed some of the most annoying Killer ones.

    I feel like people are sleeping on just what a big deal it is that Ruin breaks on first death now.

  • Member Posts: 304

    He does not care whatsoever about surviving or dying. Idk about you but most people want to win while having fun or at least not getting steam rolled. I can have fun while memeing but my MMR will drop so much that I’m gonna be smurfing. That’s what your missing.

    Why do killers complain when they only get 1K if they can meme around and have fun? Plenty of killers farm or just meme around with the survivors. Am I missing something?

  • Member Posts: 191

    They just did a huge amount of work on a new update and patch. So no, they didn't "give up" on the game. You just don't like the patch.

    Some people should really think before they post.

  • Member Posts: 35

    Hard to determine? Are you serious? The main problems are so evident, because players are complaining about them.. if they tried to test those elements on their own, surely we couldn't get nothing useful to balance the game.

    The Dead Hard nerf opened a big new choice of exhaustion perks, the nerf to the sprint after being hit is a bit too much for survivors but, for example, makes Overcome a worth perk than before.

    Increasing and removing some numbers surely will improve the gameplay.. they just need time to test.

    They can't get the target at first attempt, It's impossible even for bigger game companies.

  • Member Posts: 150

    Nothing like reading complaints about soloQ; coming from nurse main, most likely playing with BiS perks/addons/offerings

  • Member Posts: 19

    Sluzzy First I want to say I'm a big fan.

    Secondly I do agree with you to an extent I'm a Solo Survivor most of the time and I have also had troubles with escaping. Personally the extra 10 seconds on gen is fine but the killers need for slowdown and tunneling at the same time is annoying. Either one or the other please. Obviously it's working for them. I even played a few games as killer and was doing good for the first couple games. I hope something is done for Solo Survivor cause in my personal opinion that role is the hardest currently.

    Feel free to disagree

  • Member Posts: 27
    edited July 2022

    As a solo queue survivor, I noticed no changes. But that's because my mmr was always high because I did 4 things to earn my place.

    -learn how to loop by not pre dropping and holding w

    -learn how to conserve pallets

    -leaned how to play without second chance perks as in dead hard or ds

    And finally learned how to adapt to change

    Survivor is not dead, people are in an inflated mmr right now and what's happening is that your mmr is being brought down to the skill point you are at before people relied on a single key to escape. BHVR hasn't given up on there game they are working on improving it and in my eyes are improving it everyday.

  • Member Posts: 5

    The Game was really survivor sided. Now its a little more equal. Maybe they have gone too far but we dont know it yet. The new meta is already here and it is gonna improve over time. If you think your team is bad, just get friends. Else play killer. As a killer main i think that dh bt dh were no big deal. You could counter it easily. I think that the perks didnt need a change but still they did something to equalize the game a little bit. It is just mid chapter. They will adjust the game.

  • Member Posts: 7,777


    P ok bait.

    Approval from usual suspects.

    Nice updoot farm.

    Solid 8.

    Not your best work, but pretty decent.

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