Change Nurse's Bring attack to special attack

To balance her with survivors and other killers.


  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    She is balanced. (With exception of range and three blinks add-on)

  • BubbleBuster
    BubbleBuster Member Posts: 387

    good one

    also i agree. What about teleporting into bashing someones skull in is basic? shouldnt be a basic attack

  • Jokersmile
    Jokersmile Member Posts: 95
    edited July 2022

    she not her range add ons and perks like Starstruck, Floods of rage, Pain res and darkness revealed she is a power house even with out these perks and just her range add ons she is no where near balanced this is not 2016 nurse anymore BHVR has turned her into an unstoppable beast in the right hands.

    She no longer takes as much time to learn how to play before because of bugs and certain maps and her ability to have to ride a blink out with no way cancel or make it shorter and couldn't blink up or down she was consider hard to master and the community accepted her as she was.

    This is no longer the case its time for a rework or a nerf even very good nurse main agree i can give links to their vids if you like

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    The speed boost of the range should go, everything else is fine.

    It has just been demonstrated by Dowsey in a chase btw. He was truly impressive with his jukes. He lasted a long time.

  • Jokersmile
    Jokersmile Member Posts: 95

    Funny even he thinks she needs to be nerfed its more than just her Range add ons i could link more more Vids on why and how nurse should be nerfed from others if you like

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784
    edited July 2022

    Unfortunately nurse only really benefits from 3 types of perks, ones that work with basic attacks, slowdown, and information, she doesn't really need chase perks, removing another category she can use perks from will simply increase the amount of slowdown perks they use since now there isn't room in the build for perks that increase lethality and certain slowdown perks like jolt are more likely to become others which are arguably more powerful like deadlock and pain resonance

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903
    edited July 2022

    I understand what he proposes and will not help people complaining about the Nurse, if you understand the "consistency" proposition. (I play most of my Nurse games without perks nor addons, but it's only because the MMR fails so often. Against a good team on a big map, they are absolutely mantatory. The boost however ... no, just no.)

    What is important is how nicely he demonstrated how to kite a Nurse for a long time. I wonder how much time it would take me to get him, if ever xD. (It was earlier on the current stream)

  • Jarky
    Jarky Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2022

    I'm in two minds about this change.

    On the one hand, she's able to utilise basic attack perks easily (such as exposed) just by nature of her power, which puts her already immense advantage at an even bigger advantage. That said, if you remove her ability to use basic perks Nurse players will gravitate more naturally towards slowdown perks instead since they're now basically down to information perks/slowdown perks in their arsenal.

    I think ultimately, it's a healthier change for her design to make her blink attack not a basic attack in the long run without redesigning her completely. They could change some of her add-ons if they make this change to apply things like haemorrhage/mangled on blink attacks to at least make up for her not being able to use some basic attack perks via add-ons alone and also just to increase some of her add-on variety.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    I believe the reason changing the attack is solely because of Starstruck.

    However I don't see why is a problem, except, again, with speed-boosted range.

    When I verse a Nurse I either assume she has it, or I wait for the notification.

    And in that case I play like against a Legion : split-up, do generators in parallel. This is the most efficient way to win in against any killer anyway.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,347
    edited July 2022

    Her top addons need absolutely nuked (range/3 blink) and removing special attacks is probably the best way to stop her potential to end games way too easily with perks.

    Haunted Undying Retribution Devour: One person cleansing haunted and the game can end there. Don't cleanse her devour before she can get 3 hooks which is rather easy you just lose because she can instadown 2 people with devour and then get out of there and protect totem as her last stacks come in.

    Starstruck + Agi: You're forced to basically stealth and get off gens because she can snowball insanely easily if you're caught

    Myc + Monstrous + PR + Floods of rage: Deal 15% of a 90 second gen and then proxy a hook as the hook timer goes down so early people are forced to get off gens or they reach next stage and when they do simply get your free instadowns

    <Insert any m1 addon here> gets 1000% better on nurse since you not getting value is very unlikely when you can land a hit in 10-30 seconds almost every time