Figures for dead by daylight idea.

TrappyBoi Member Posts: 17
edited May 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions
So I have an idea for figures for dead by daylight instead of having one figure of each killer and survivor how about having 2 packs 

1st one would be trapper and Dwight Dwight just looks like normal Dwight same goes for the trapper they would have possibility you'd be able to put Dwight on his shoulder they would both be fully articulated as well giving many different ways to pose them accessories for trapper would be a bear trap and his clever, Dwight''s would be a pointing hand open hands and gripping hands to put other things like flashlights toolboxes and medkits in his hand Dwight would also have a hole in his chest you can cover it up by plugging in a piece that blends in with his shirt the reason for the hole i's to put him on a hook which will also come with the figures 

2nd one would be the wraith and meg
The wraith would come with his axe obviously and two hands for his left hand which would be one open palmed hand and one gripping his bell he wouldn't have much other than that Meg would be similar she would come with similar hands to Dwight and have a hole in her chest which you could cover up for the hook each figure would come with a hook she'd also come with all the items

3rd one would be hillbilly and claudette hillbilly would come with a long sledge hammer and a chainsaw for both of his hands the chainsaw can be gripped by two hands to give the chainsaw sprint look claudette would come with the same things as the other survivor's and and a hole in her chest since every survivor does

Now we get into the nurse and nia the nurse will come with two different left hands one normal and the other orange and open wide to show she is about to blink her right hand would just be holding the bonesaw she will be lifted up by a clear stand to give the impression she's floating. Nea will have the same things as other survivor figures same with the hole in general as well maybe she'd come with a can of spray paint I don't see why not 

Next up the hag and ace 

The hag is articulated like the others but will likely need a stand due to her build the hag comes with a lit up totem and some organs she can hold in her hand other than that there's not much to give hag same goes with ace who's the same as other survivors 

Doctor and feng min 
Doctor like others will be standard but come with three left hands including one closed with electric style paint on it as if he's getting ready to zap and a normal closed one also an open one with translucent lightning coming from the palm of it 
Feng min is similar to other survivors so won't go to deep 

Huntress and jake 
Huntress would come with a large axe and a hatchet for her left hand while jake would actually come with a bear trap in two different pieces showing off sabo 

Finally the exit gate will be a dirama piece of an exit gate that will come with David king 

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoy my figure ideas have a good day :)