Hook escape attempts need to go

it is infuriating having to spend 5 to 10 min queues just to load into a match and have your teammate suicide on hook and dodging the DC penalty this mechanic attempt escape should be disabled unless you have deliverance or slippery meat this will be a healthy change for the game
Okay, but I would still do it with slippery meat. Not sure how that solves the alleged problem.
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If a survivor doesn't want to be in a match, forcing them to stay won't magically make them team players. The amount of times I've saved some trying to die on hook, only for them to sandbag and throw a tantrum is too many to count.
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At least these are easier to report and get banned.
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Banned for using a mechanic devs put in the game?
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That will make them think twice before queuing for a match..
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No :The sand baggers.
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Can you personally recount players you’ve reported getting banned for this behavior? Genuinely curious. Since the reporting process is so heavily involved and behind the times.
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If someone can't take themselves out they'll probably go out of their way to waste pallets or get you killed. The majority of players will still go for self unhooks in appropriate scenarios.
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Sandbaggers? Every single one of them. Thankfully it doesn't happen often. I've got a bookmark on the report page and have no issue uploading videos.
If troll start to ruin others game more often (and it happened in several games recently) then reports for this will rise until the player base is cleansed.
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I've watched the video : why are they even loading the game?
They are the very definition of losers.
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What I want to know is how you have five to ten minutes queues for survivor right now? All my survivor games since the patch hit have been instant at any time of day because everyone switched to killer, apparently.
On topic: removing self unhook attempts will not make people who don't want to play anymore good team players. You can't fix people, I'm afraid.
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It'll at least keep them in the game to distract the killer for a bit
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It could mean they distract the killer because they were being facecampednand had to stay in matxh. Maybe someone unhooked them and that means they "distract" the killer by simply having to be downed and hooked again even though they are either running to the killer or afk and awaiting death.
Or it'll mean wasting time to unhook someone who will run to the killer anyways, or do literally nothing because they decided to go afk. Or that you leave to die on hook when you might not know if they have given up. Removing the unhook function is certainly an idea, but it doesn't seem to resolve the issue in the slightest or be helpful. Some variables are confounding, and people doing whatever it takes to die in match is one of those variables.
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Hell no, and 5 to 10 minute queues?? After patch it's a lot more like 20 seconds for solo survivor.
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Its probably to do with the region im in
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agreed reports do nothing unless your a blatant hacker
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least gives you more attempts and increased chance to escape