As a survivor main, I say NOED should be buffed

Back when the changes were still being discussed, I predicted that nuking NOED would have very bad negative consequences to the survivor experience, and now even I myself am shocked at how prophetic my statements turned out to be. Out of the 20 or so games I've played where there was somebody who was hooked when the exist gates were powered, or where somebody was hooked after the last gen was done, a whopping 14 (count 'em, 14) games ended up with the hooked person leaving.
Being hooked during the end game is no longer a death sentence, and having 70% the times ending up with the hooked guy escaping completely kills any sense of tension and urgency of a end-game hook.It's just not enjoyable or rewarding to know that if I am hooked during the late state I am still far more likely to escape than to die. With NOED, being caught during the end game was a "OH NO!" moment, and now it's just "Meh"
Everyone has been saying how the latest patch completely killed the fun of playing survivor, and it's clear to me NOED being nerfed to the ground has played a MAJOR role in it. I think I can speak for the majority of survivor mains when I say "Devs: bring NOED back already!"
Noed was a totem, and it's still a totem, relax.=)
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Noed hasnt been nerfed to the ground. The change barely even matters.
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It was bad, and it has gotten even worse. I have always maintained that NOED should be basekit and have a built-in undying so that the only way to get rid of it was to actually do all the bones in the map instead of cutting corners and relying on finding the hex totem when they need to. And I have to say I'm surprised at how accurate my assessment turned out to be now that we've seem the mess a game without NOED turned out to be.
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Base-kit noed?=)
Ok, you're trolling I see you. xD
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Yeah no thank you. Noed and dead hard were the two most unhealthy perks in the game both deserved the nerf got. Also are people even getting to the endgame when they play survivor? Not as much as before
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No, I am not. NOED was a fair concept that rewarded survivors who did their secondary objectives (cleansing totems) and punished those who cut corners and tunneled gens. It should never even be an issue to survivors who properly cleansed the totems, and also gave the game a natural disincentive to gen tunneling/rushing, encourage survivors to move around the map and thereby promoted chases, which most people on both sides tend to agree is the fun part of the gameplay.
It also gave the end game proper gravitas and tension, which as a survivor main was one of the best aspects of the match.
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You do realise that NOED is most effective against lower skilled players, right? It's like the oldskool ruin, barely effected the upper tiers and crippled lower skilled teams who couldn't get the skillchecks.
There's a reason some of these perks are made more player friendly.
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And? That only gives lower skill people the incentive to, you know... stop being low skill? That's where the "git gut" retort comes in.
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As a killer main I say gens should take 30 seconds to do
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I could go for decreasing the amount of time it takes to finish a gen while simultaneously increasing the number of gens necessary to power the gates proportionally as a way to promote survivors moving around more, but this discussion really isn't pertinent to this thread in particular. I'd say make another thread to propose that where it can be properly discussed.
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it's clear to me NOED being nerfed to the ground has played a MAJOR role in it
Lmao forum comedy festivals are at it again! Yes, the majority of the survivors are complaining about not being able to get downed by NOED, there is no issue with SoloQ or anything 💀 give me a break.
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No, NOED is very unhealthy for the game and should've gotten a harder nerf. Killers should not be able to get free kills at endgame.
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Either your lying or play with extremely good swf so by your experience noed should not buffed at all when you are under 1% of playerbase. Still you probably faced bad killers in these matches if they failed to get a kill. I have gotten 3-4K like 25 out of 30 games after the patch and I used noed only in few games and got value in one game.
In my survivors game killers usually win with noed if we manage to get all gens down which is achiement itself now given how much harder it is. Camping and tunneling are extremely busted now and most killer use them to their advantage. And if you're losing as killer camping 3 gen with overcharge, pentimento, call of brine and deathman switch should win the game back for you. Killers don't need noed anymore and I think that perk should be nerfed to ground. It aura should show immediatelly when you down one survivor with it.
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If they add secondary objectives for survivors I say why not.
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If you actually have an argument I'd love to hear it, but pointless remarks as this are not really productive nor welcome.
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We should not be getting free escapes at endgame either. I'd rather actually be challenged and have to earn my escapes, but looks like you disagree?
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What up fellow survivor can I ask you some questions.
1. Outbof those 14 matches how many survivor were alive?
2. How many were running NOED
3. How fast did NOED last?
4. What happened at the hook.
Because with no ds you would have to be pretty bad at the game to be unable to camp.
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Yes, I do agree that survivors should not get free escapes in endgame. But killers shouldn't get free kills in endgame, either. How is it fair that DS and OTR deactivates in endgame but NOED and Rancor stays the same?
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Probably because NOED and Rancor only activate in the endgame? Survivors have a couple of those as well (Hope, No One Left Behind, Adrenaline, etc.).
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Yea, but the survivor versions suck. Killers are not exactly raging about Hope.
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You absolutely don't speak for the majority of anyone, and most definitely not survivors.
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I strongly disagree.
In my experience, before the NOED nerf, someone being downed and hooked with NOED was generally left behind because no one wanted to take risks walking around the map to find hidden totems.
Since the update, I've had several games where people took the time to look for the hex totem. During that time, unless the killer is camping, they can get other chases and other hooks. There is still snowball potential, which was always NOED's strong suit.
I don't think NOED should amount to free kills at the end of the game by being extremely hard to cleanse.
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NOED is fine, it helps solo players find it a little easier now.
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I'm so confused. DBD has a pretty high skill floor for newbies and it's the highest time for people leaving the game and being turned off from it. My point is that the lowest skill bracket doesn't need more things to contend with to frustrate it. Something that affects the high skill bracket? Sure, bring that on. But NOED definitely is not one of those perks, and never has been.
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Blood pact plus hope is pretty devious
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"Being hooked during the end game is no longer a death sentence"
You aren't entitled to guaranteed pity kill. Take the L and move on
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Please take a while to read the post you're replying to properly.