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How would you fix trapper?

Member Posts: 224

I appreciate that trapper got the ability to carry an extra trap but still feel he is very weak compared to the likes of nurse, blight etc.

How would you bring trapper up to their level?

Would you include any addons as basekit?

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  • Member Posts: 11

    Is there a way to make his traps have a texture that helps blend into what map he is on a little better.

    While obvious, you could increase the amount of bushes/grass he could hide stuff in. Some maps seem barren of plants.

    Make setting traps a little quicker?

    Make his traps open at the start of the game, or open after a set amount of time, similiar to the amount of time the Onryo has her TVs come online, reducing some set up time at the begining of the game.

    Give him the Mori animation from Mobile(?) game.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    * Traps will now have color similar to a overall floor of the map (So sand map with sand themed traps, dark grey floor indoor map with similar theme, etc.)

    * Trapper now starts with all his traps by default (Rework Trapper sack addon)

    * Disarming a Trap by a Survivor has now 10% chance every second in the animation to injure (and interupt) a Healthy Survivor. Injured Survivors have 15% chance every second to fail the disarm while in animation (with a sound clue if you fail).

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    Allow him to carry all traps basekit.

    When he uses them all, his power goes on cooldown and he recharges them over time.

    He recycles the ones he has used from the earliest he placed to the last he placed.

    He can still pick them up and re-arm them. Survivors can still disarm them.

    Essentially the same, basically.

  • Member Posts: 299

    The problem with Trapper is he is never going to have the mobility and chase power of other higher tier killers. He is a methodical killer that snowballs off mistakes. He can try to force a survivor team to make mistakes but anyone who has played Trapper probably knows that is easier said than done. Some things I would consider would be the following:

    • Basekit Trapper Gloves - giving Trapper a quicker setting speed can allow him to easier access to use his power in chase. Right now, if you try to trap a loop with a survivor there, they will simply move on to the next loop so it is hard to even consider it (beyond a spicy mind game occasionally).
    • Adjust the traps to blend with the given environment - When Trapper was introduced, the game looked MUCH different. Darker traps meant they were harder to spot nearly always. Now with maps such as Coldwind Farms, Eyrie of Crows, and Garden of Joys (outside, at least); the game has moved to a much brighter look. To help combat that, the traps should automatically shade based off the color of the ground they are placed on. Tar Bottle should then increase the blending ability even more.
    • Setting traps off automatically give Trapper Bloodlust II for 20 seconds - Hearing the snapping jaws of his traps sends the Trapper in to a fury to hunt down his prey. Whether it is someone stepping in a trap or disarming it, Trapper will get a speed boost to allow him to retrieve his prey or finish the chase he is currently in. Obviously, the specific speed and time amount can be adjusted as necessary, but this will give survivors pause in disarming his traps as now it gives him a sizeable speed boost to use.

    I don't see him overtaking Nurse/Blight with these boosts but I don't think any Trapper main would complain.

  • Member Posts: 224

    I was thinking - Deep wounds applies every time you are trapped.

    • TRAPZ
    • Setting time: 2.5 seconds
      • The animation is split into three phases, with only the second phase being affected by Add-ons:
        • Crouching down: 0.5 seconds
        • Setting: 1.5 seconds
        • Standing up: 0.5 seconds
    • Disarm time: 3.5 seconds
    • Escape Attempt time: 1.8 seconds
    • Rescue time: 1.5 seconds

    • The above is disgusting - it takes 2.5 seconds and only 1 more second for a survivor to disarm them? One of the most toxic things as a killer is when a surivvor is folllowing you around the map disarming all your traps. You cant really do much about it either.

  • Member Posts: 16

    How to fix Trapper? Get that limp checked out.

    jk (tho lowkey the animation does look wonky.)

    Honestly, I'd just like to see a buff to that one add-on that injures survivors upon disarming. What teams will do is designate one injured person to just go disable all the traps. It'd be better if it could also put an injured person into the dying state. Keeps them from taking advantage of their injured status.

    Other options could be exposed-related add-ons or something that allows you to see a survivor's aura for longer after they've disabled or are near a trap like some other killers have.

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    Playing against trapper can feel super oppressive, if you respect the possibility that there is a trap on the other side of every window and pallet.

    In my experience, he is weakest against survivors who just say "F!&# it!" and vault every window while in chase, regardless of whether they know if a trap is there of not. Every window they vault that doesn't have an active trap on the other side of it is a huge time-sink for trapper, and is where he ends up losing a lot of his pressure.

    Survivors who respect the possibility of a trap being on the other side of windows are less likely to have 5 second chases, but they do run tiles less optimally as a result.

    I would like to see trappers traps take more time to disarm.

    Since it is such a fundamental part of his kit, disarming his traps should almost feel like a secondary objective to survivors not in chase.

    At best, I'd like to see an Add-On that reveals the aura of traps when within 4m, but traps take 5x longer to disarm and have skill checks.

  • Member Posts: 224

    What about being able to trap chests and gens?

  • Member Posts: 939

    Honing Stone needs to become base kit (downs survivors if no one helps them escape) and also the addon which resets traps every thirty seconds.

    With them addons as base kit he will be competitive.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    All his pre-placed traps at the start of the game spawn within 16m of a generator. (this means that existing traps are more likely to be useful and going around to pick them up will be part of his first patrol anyway)

    The three random traps start the game armed.

  • Member Posts: 224

    Remember any time the trapper spends arming traps and collecting them - is time not being spent in chase (not that his m1 chase is overpowered.....)

    Also if the trapper is seen laying a trap - that knowledge gets relayed to all survivors.

    Traps are so easy to see aswel.

    People like OTZ betrayed trapper mains by pointing out all the clipping spots for traps.

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    If honing stone was basekit, survivors would have no reason to free themselves.

    The interesting cunundrum with Honing Stone is that it takes longer to recover a dying survivor than free them from a trap. So the only survivor who would want to free themself would be one running a slug build.

    I like the idea at first read, but the more I think about it, I'm afraid of how oppressive it would be.

    A survivor who gets caught in a trap while running to unhook is effectively to blame for losing the game. If it is a 3v1, trapper just wins. If it is a 4v1, survivors immediately lose all of their map pressure.

  • Member Posts: 5,781
    edited July 2022

    Increase the amount of tiny grass in the maps for starters.

    In case you somehow don't know, there is normal grass, and then there is tiny grass. If you look closely at the ground like autohaven or macmillan you can see small grass. It can actually be really hard to see traps placed in those patches. This grass should be increased.

    As for what else he can do I have no idea. He definitely needs his traps to last 10-12 seconds though instead of having RNG. I think his traps should last to 12 seconds before a survivor escapes to make his traps more threatening.

    I am also pretty sure otz made a video on this. He includes tons of good changes that can be made to trapper's traps that make him much more threatening.

  • Member Posts: 224

    If they can add lockers to maps for dredge - why cant they add places for traps to be hidden?

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    His traps have already had a rework to reduce the amount of RNG involved. They're basically much more likely to require multiple attempts, but cap out at 6 attempts max.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    Dude, I think you should at least compare him with someone from B-tier. Not all the way to S-tier. xD

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    You understand that trapper is just worsen version of a Hag right now. It's weirdly common for dbd to have such things.




    That what should be adressed.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2022

    Billy doesn't require an injure to charge his power, and you can actually see in front of you while charging the chainsaw.

    And Sadako has more in common with Freddy than Dredge.

  • Member Posts: 1,561

    I'd add a door of shadows mechanic allowing killers who lack mobility to take the door after hooking a survivor (could just use lockers), allowing them to traverse larger maps to defend objectives they otherwise wouldn't reach on time.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    It doesn't deny the fact, that Oni is much stronger and efficient with downing survivors, than Billy, but they working almost the same way.

    Freddy, Dredge and sadako all works "kinda" same way, but stronger one is Dredge for sure. A.k.a Better version.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    I mean, Freddy and Sadako: both have teleportation spots at gens, which can be shut down, both phase in and out of visibility, both have a very weak anti-loop that's hardly worth bothering with,

    Dredge: unlimited teleporting virtually anywhere on the map (except the Swamp), has an anti-loop that can completely shut down loops.

    It's like: Freddy<<Sadako<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Dredge

  • Member Posts: 2,065
    edited July 2022

    Simple but effective sounding buff I've often thought about is all tree bear traps in the field start out set. RNG may yet screw you, but it allows for some early game pressure while your set up.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    Yup, and what I mean for OP is that... First of all, they should get rid of such thing like "better versions of a killer"...

    Well Trapper and Billy are VERY old, all very old killers should have some new mechanics aside from their powers, like Dredge does, or Sadako with her condemn.

    I see they making new killers with active and passive abilitys, why don't they apply some to the old ones? They have only actives...

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    I kinda see it as, the older killers are simple yet elegant, at least all of them except Trapper are. Nurse, Wraith, Billy, Huntress, all very straight forward, good at what they do.

    New killers have fewer things they can do, there's not so many new ideas left, so they end up with an amalgamation of existing things with a slightly different twist.

  • Member Posts: 191

    Starts with all his traps in hand, cannot step on his own traps. These two changes make him more viable for both new AND more experienced players.

    Also his traps should instadown.

    And if someone gets caught in 2 traps they are automatically sacrificed to the entity.

    Traps should have larger radius of effect not just a tiny spot to step on.

    Traps should inflict mangled and hemmorhage if someone escapes them.

    Trapper should be able to move at 150% for x seconds after setting a trap.

  • Member Posts: 5,929

    They can't give him all his traps because then as soon as he gets a hook he becomes the best camper in the game and that becomes the optimal way to play him.

    The best thing i think they should do is:

    • Normalize escaping from a trap, no more RNG, just make it take a flat number of seconds and then have it talk 25% that time if another survivor helps you. Like 12 seconds to escape on your own, and 3 seconds if another survivor helps you.
    • While a survivor is trapped, trapper gets a massive speed boost. I'm talking like, 150% movement speed like a massive speed boost while running towards the trapped survivor.
  • Member Posts: 1,919

    "Starts with all his traps in hand, cannot step on his own traps. These two changes make him more viable for both new AND more experienced players."

    So basically, trapper is gonna be a second hag, the difference is only in teleportation button.

    I think trapper at least needs to have an addon to completely hide his traps at first.

    The problem with trapper is when survivors see your traps, they become useless.

  • Member Posts: 811
    edited July 2022

    I think he can't be fixed and don't need to, he's the first Killer of the game and he's supposed to be the friendly Killer every new player will play with and against.

    You can't think that every Killer should be equal on the balance because they can't, in any game there's always that character that is way worse than another.

    What makes the difference here in DBD is that each Killer has their strenght and weakness, but that doesn't mean you can't "win". In this case, for Trapper, you decide what generators you want to keep, trap all the good zones of the area and play there, his strenght is to zone survivor from loops and make them think every window and corner has a trap.

    I fear going against a good Trapper other than a Blight, because a experienced Killer know basically all the tiles of the map, good 3-gen strats, good spots for traps, if he notices the Survivors are good, he will place traps in certain spots which Survivor will think it's safe, and against solo queue players, it's way better, since everyone will be on a gen while he traps the map, it will force you to waste time making sure there aren't traps in certain areas, and while in a chase(at least for me), the pressure of not knowing where the traps are makes the option where you can loop limited.

  • Member Posts: 241

    I think Trapper is fine as is. Sure, there is RNG around his trap spawns. But a player can be savvy and get value out of them. Not every killer needs to be Nurse or Blight.

  • Member Posts: 7

    The biggest downside to trapper is the fact that he has to set-up at the beginning of the game, therefore I feel that it's the most important part of his game that needs looking at, honestly (that and maybe his ability to capitalize on information). Faster setting time, increase in held traps both at start and during the trials sound like helpful suggestions.

  • Member Posts: 224

    im really sorry dude but telling any trapper main "sorry there are always going to be bad killers and you are one", is very rude. If a killer does not have any map pressure, they should be a demon in chase or have a nasty slowdown etc. Trapper needs love and its only fair everyone gets their turn at being the strongest killer.

  • Member Posts: 224

    Why cant he just grab traps from lockers? they are used by trickster, huntress and even dredge! just put traps on CD

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    In short:

    • start out with all Traps in hand
    • bring back the old grass model / greatly thicken the new grass

    He will never be a meta Killer, but he would feel significantly better to play.

  • Member Posts: 1,700


    Cannot caught in his traps

    Starts with all traps (purple addon Basekit)

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    There is nothing to "fix" on him, since the DH nerf hes in a pretty good spot. Ofc you cannot compare him directly with Blight or Nurse since his nature of the power doesnt allow him to be more oppressive but not every Killer or character has to be on the same level.

  • Member Posts: 35

    Adjusting trap's hit-box and that's it.

    Change my mind.

  • Member Posts: 8,326

    The first step in addressing Trapper is to accept that he's never going to be an S-tier killer because of the core design of his kit and theming. Even Hag, the stronger trap killer by far, kinda can't raise above A tier because of setup time and the ability for survivors to 'disarm' her traps too.

    After that, there are some things that can be done to help Trapper reach his maximum potential! In my opinion, the biggest offenders are his atrocious early setup time, and the dwindling amount of good trap spots in the newer/updated maps. So with that in mind, I have two major things I'd like to see.

    1: Adjust the base colour of his traps a little to help normalise their base level of stealth on all maps, and rework the Tar Bottle into something that colours traps based on the map you load into. Either active camouflage, or just making them slightly transparent, whichever one works easier. Basically, a little of whichever tactic for basekit, then have the addon intensify it.

    2: Have his traps spawn in a tighter radius towards the centre of the map. It's nice to have traps available to pick up as you chase survivors deeper into the map, but realistically the far edges of the map are somewhere you never wanna go for a huge number of maps in this game, so having his traps spawn a little closer to the centre + the same side as him would help cut down on how much time he has to invest before he has all of his power available. I've seen people suggest that he should just start with all his traps on hand, but I'm not convinced- there's a reason that's an addon with a steep downside, he can do some nasty things with eight traps on hand. Better to let him set them up a little quicker with his current limitations.

    Those are the big ones. I'd also love to see traps taken off the Red Twine list for Maps, a slightly faster base setting speed, and a few other tweaks, but those are less important.

  • Member Posts: 224

    Why are there no posts about how OP he is everywhere?

  • Member Posts: 939
    edited July 2022

    Try going against a SWF squad without them, he literally can't do a thing if they disarm traps across the map you have to manually reset them whilst they slam gens on the side you just left whilst one trap every 30 second resets.

    Then if they escape the traps they can just run to the boon on the other side.

  • Member Posts: 3,148

    Have the combo of Lengthened and Rusted Jaws basekit. Make traps harder to spot. Have Trapper start with more traps, and decrease setting time.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Trapper is outdated. I'd give him an alternate kind of trap (like Freddy's options but both available) where you can put down a kind of nail bomb anywhere which gives a warning when set off and takes a health state of anyone caught in a the radius several seconds after (for anyone who plays siege, Thorn basically)

  • Member Posts: 5,503
    edited July 2022

    1) Increase his trap slot to 3 and also start him with 3 traps.

    2) all traps spawn primed and loaded. They also spawn in somewhat clever positions, ie in front of vaults, in tall grass or around corners. This one would need to be handpicked by the devs, but I think its not too hard.

    3) don't make disarming a trap risk free. Give it a difficult skill check in order to avoid getting damaged. An add-on could be introduced that traps survivors that fail the skill check.

    4) make the traps at least somewhat match the prevalent color of the environment without burning an add-on. Trapper on the Eyrie could just as much play without a power.

    Alternative: give trapper a secondary ability to spend 3s to hide his placed trap, like a real trapper would do. Throw some sand and shrubbery on the traps in order to hide them.

    5) every map needs spots of tall gras or rubble, especially on long walls. The Eyrie desperately needs some scrubs or non-tumbling tumbleweed or blobs of inky darkness.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Very easy. Give him all his traps at start of game.

    Trap color changes specifically for some maps (ormond, eyrie, game) to blend with the ground.

    Disarming a trap can fail (say 25%) and causes a loud noise notification and a skill check or injury situation (when you fail to disarm, you are given the skill check, failing to complete it leaves you injured.

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    Here's an excerpt from a post I made about this topic, lightly edited.

    Add-on idea 1: After setting a trap, the trap will be blocked by the entity for a certain time. It cannot be disarmed while the entity protects it. 

    I've watched a Trapper set a trap at the shack and then immediately disarmed it once he left. I wouldn't be able to do that with this add-on. 

    Add-on idea 2: When a survivor goes to disarm the trap, their hand gets stuck/trapped and they have to struggle to get out. But once they free themselves, the trap is disarmed and they're afflicted with a modified version of the deep wound state. 

    This would make chases more interesting because if the Trapper comes back to chase the survivor, that survivor has to start chase while needing to mend. But how and why it would be a modified version of the deep wound state is because once they mend, they're back to whatever health state they were before they disarmed the trap. This would be because the Trapper didn't "catch" them in the trap. So if you were healthy, you're back to healthy. If you were injured, you're still injured.

  • Member Posts: 4,125

    I never wrote that he is op, beeing in a good spot and beeing op are complete different things lol

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    It should have never been reduced though, it should have had it removed entirely.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    bruh exactly and it wouldnt even be hard to do

    literally just add more grass

    I have no idea how to help him specifically with indoor maps tho

  • Member Posts: 1,370

    He can now directly (booby)trap gens and pallets/windows

    Gg no re

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