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Nurse doesn't fit into modern Dead by Daylight

Piruluk Member Posts: 995

She is a relic from the past when game was an extremely casual experience with lot of overpowered option, like instantly doing gen with toolbox add-on , or infinite loops, or Mori after one down, blendettes ruling the dark maps with supreme stealth.

Today dbd is evolved and trying to be more of competitive game, and taking every fun option from survivor players, maps are brightened up, no longer possible to break LOS on most maps, or the options are severly limited, not to mention the extremely long list of aura reading perks. In short every countermeasure is disabled vs Nurse.

She doesn't play the same game like any other killer, she has no limitations, it doesn't matter what survivors are doing, she is playing against herself. If Nurse player avoid making any mistake, she is guaranteed to win every time.

Is it really good argument letting her to stay extremely overpowered just because she is hard to learn?

She doesn't belong into the game anymore, especially since everything that was unfair to killers, taken from survivors.

Its time for Nurse to be reworked, to be not a free win for a dedicated killer player.

Statistically she always be underpowered, since on console she can't reach the level which possible on pc, so console data providing the justification to be untouchable right now



  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    I agreee. But i don't want a full rework like freddy.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I more or less agree, every killer nowadays is an m1 with a teleport... Or an anti-looper. We have not had anything slightly different since Twins, which is from before I even started playing this game. Lol.

    I hope I did not forget someone obvious, but I do not believe I did.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Debunked? Joking, right?

    Not a single valid point for why nurse should be nerfed has been "Debunked".

    Just nurse players desperately scrambling to defend their toy saying all sorts of nonsense.

  • threeQuinn
    threeQuinn Member Posts: 51

    I doubt they'd completely rework her to the point she is like a normal killer, so here's my suggestions.

    Make it 1 blink by default, and 2 addons that add blink charges. If people want safety blinks that would prevent them from stacking range/recharge addons. Nurse having 2 blinks has always felt to me like it would be an addon you'd take as a safety, or extra strength.

    Also make her blink attacks count like Blight's charging attacks. A secondary attack that's not gonna proc noed/starstruck. At least the blinks past the first one.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    I already have. Multiple times. No point doing it again. I'm a 6k hour player. I'm a streamer. As soon as I show I know how to play as effectively as you can against nurse these nurse players suddenly change the subject.

    Plenty of other players out there who have shown they can play as well against her as well, who say she is broken/OP. Not sure what you're trying to argue, it's just wrong.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    I play her occasionally on console and 4K every game I don't really know why her kill rates are so bad. She is so different from other killers so I quess people can't adapt. I would say nurse is easier on console than oni or blight if you use their power for example.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited July 2022

    That means what? We know that starter-nurses dont get kills, and once they hit a certain skill threshold, they make up the kill statistics for most nurses alone. Left high-skill killing machines alone because they are balanced by low killrates from people who havn´t mastered them yet?

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    How would it be easier to balance around killers like nurse than killers like huntress or demo?

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Yes they have been debunked constantly in everything thread counter plays are discussed some simple and some in great detail. Even some have links to YouTube videos HOW to counter her.

    It's the "NeRf NuRsE" players scrambling to do something....hence why everyday there's a new Nerf Nurse...Nurse Should Be Deleted....or my favorite is Nurse is a No Skill Killer threads pop up.

    Does she need some minor changes yes she does.

    •Add-On rework

    •Change her Blink attack from a basic to a special

    •Have the Doc check out that horrible wheezing she does I'm worried about her health.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370
    edited July 2022

    Nurse with 1 blink would be C- tier. Thats not a nerf.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598

    The Problem whit Nurse that makes her so strong sie is the only Killer that didnt Care about the awful Map Design

    She doesnt care if the Map is to big she doesnt care if die Map is full of paletts or Save loops,she doesnt care if the Main Building is busted becasue of the many windows that makes her so strong

    The only Thing i Really would nerf about Nurse is that 1 shot perks like hounted grounddoesnt activated when she hit some1 after the Blink her blink should count as a Special Attack

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    I mean i am kinda average at nurse and to me at least closed maps like the treatment theatre is extremely hard.

    Maybe its a skill issue but if we are talking maps, closed maps with a ton of clutters that make blinking really hard or eat up blinks altogether and a ton of line of sight breakers is kinda hard.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    In the current state of the game, it wouldnt. Sadly, BHVR current vision is to favorise Casual & New Players experience to optimize their retention and cosmetics sells. On the opposite, "serious" games such like LOL balance stuff around high MMR and Pro Play. See the difference ? In DBD there is no rules, everything is mixed.

    I think the problem (beside the asymmetrical nature of the game) is having so much release to fit an agenda. BHVR don't even care about balance, they just try to reduce the gap so it's "Kind of balanced" so players keep playing, strictly depending on statistics.

    Maps arent balanced, tiles spawn and RNG elements arent balanced. The more years pass, the more it's a mess. We just have to accept this game is a goofy party game that FOR NOW is not balanced nor competitive, in a serious way.

    Optimally, everything should have to be constantly updated, but I doubt that's the vision of BHVR. Look at Myers, Freddy... So much outdated perks and addons that serve absolutely no purpose... A broken MatchMaking with zero transparency. No tutorial or tools to help new players to understand the basics of the game and get better, tons of exploits in the game, cheaters & hackers...

    There is so much more to do, than talking about "NuRsE iS Op OmG NeRf". Tho, I hope the 6.1 type of work becomes more recurrent.

    Nurse, like Blight, is a treasure that brings something new mechanically. Look at Sadako/Dredge/Freddy - Myers/Ghostface - Deathslinger/Huntress/Nemesis ... Only derivative products of each other.

  • Salinero
    Salinero Member Posts: 19
    edited July 2022

    Ah yeah a graph of kill rates across the board. Now show me the data for higher MMR nurses and then we can talk. Global data doesn't mean anything when there's plenty of bad nurses. I want the stats for higher tier where the best nurses are, since THOSE have plenty of 3-4k's every match. Global data doesn't mean anything when you have people mixed in who just started learning her

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Nothing new, then? The same old stuff that everyone has said is useless for everyone except players new to facing nurse? All that stuff?


    It's actually so silly that these nurse defenders try to tell people who know the game much better than they do how to play against Nurse. It's all common knowledge at this point. Stop lying and saying people just don’t want to learn how to play against Nurse. It is so insincere. Just a cop-out.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    Yes, I remember watching a video of you playing against the nurse; your moves are really cool to see and I think a lot of players who complain about the nurse should take inspiration from it 😉

    I also remember you saying that you used to play with the same people a lot, and some of those people managed to win against your team. I don't doubt their ability to master the nurse, but that's more like saying you're less strong than those nurses, not that the nurse in general is OP.

    In fact, when I ask people (not u) who complain about the nurse to prove that she is too strong by showing how they play against her, it's to make them understand that if they get crushed by her, it's also maybe (probably) because they are not that good ...

    And as for this last point, the fact that they never dare to show their gameplay on video is, I think, the proof.

    The nurse is indeed not affected by the same things as the other killers.


    A nurse will hate some very tight LTs, which on the one hand break her LOS, and on the other hand, are sometimes complex for her tp.

    A nurse will hate some main buildings (hello Crotus Prenn, hello RCPD, hello Lery, hello saloon, hello mother's house), etc.

    "Stop lying and saying people just don’t want to learn how to play against Nurse."

    If they really want to make progress against the nurse, let them dare to show us their gameplay when they play against her.

    I'm sure some people will go and criticize them for free (which I don't condone), but I know others would be happy to give them valuable advice on how to do it.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    I've already posted video on here proving I know exactly what I'm doing when facing a nurse. I've already posted video on here proving I know exactly how to play as nurse. I wouldn't be surprised if I have more hours on Nurse than you do.

    All high level players I've talked to agree Nurse is OP. Top players all say the same. Top players who stream.

    And yet, I've never seen a single person who isn't a nurse main say nurse isn't OP. And i've never seen a single person in these threads defending nurse show any gameplay to show they know what they are doing. Cause the thing is, as soon as they show their gameplay everyone will know they aren't nearly as good as they think, and they haven't come even close to realizing how strong nurse is. The lot of them are boosted by Nurse's mechanics, holding on to the idea that they deserve to be at whatever mmr they are (they probably don't). So hey, where is your gameplay?

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    Unless you know all the DbD players, the fact that some of them tell you "Nurse is OP" does not mean that she is...

    On the other hand, in the same way that I ask those who complain that the nurse is OP to show how they play against her ...

    ... I would be curious to see these same people playing the nurse.

    If she is really OP, they should be able to take down any team, right?

    Let them show us, then.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    I was only talking about you, I know you have a lot of content online.

    Besides, you yourself say that most players make you look good because they actually suck. So ... if they come and say you are OP, what would you say to them? That they are getting better? Well, that's kind of what you say to people who cry about the nurse.

    Maybe some big players can't stand the fact that a killer can be more powerful than them, but that doesn't mean that said killer is too strong.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    But: Freddy needs a 2nd rework or at least an massive Addon-Pass. As soon as possible. His current state is disgusting.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,176

    Not sure if this is still a thing, but I hope to find out when I play a bit this afternoon: does she suffer from _lightburn_ still?

    The reason I'm interested is that, of all the debating back and forth, this isn't mentioned as one way of taking her on.

    From what I remember, if you shine a light on her she cannot charge her power at all, so can be useful if needing an extra second or 2 to find cover. Also, if you time it right when she's charging, shining a light at her can result in her being stunned, like Wraith. Apparently, you don't need to aim for the face neither.

    Obviously, this is a small bit to countering her out of all the debating, but thought I'd add this in case people weren't aware. By the way, this is not a post saying she should or shouldn't be changed - her add-ons could do with a once-over - but for now it may help.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Nurse.. overpowered? Not by any means. Did you miss the graph above your comment, showing official data that she has the lowest kill rate for one of the highest picked killers? Sounds more likely to me that she reveals the skill issues for both roles.

    But y’all keep holding W and predropping; if you don’t point and hook suicide or DC first.

    Also, I could argue that those two killers “break” DbD in their own ways. Hillbilly moves base speed, yet gets a speed increasing one-shot power that can also break pallets. On top of that, it gives him extremely high map mobility - greater than Nurse. Huntress can ranged camp (get hits and downs while camping or protect the hook from afar) and also get other ranged hits and downs out in the open. Nurse can’t do those things!

    You ready to nerf them into oblivion too?

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,501
    edited July 2022

    Billy already was nerfed to oblivion. I've faced like 2 in the past month. And thats a miracle. Huntress they are "satisfied" with since when they did her and demo she didn't really get any changes but exhaustion hatchets. Pre nerf besides instasaw billy was labeled one of the fairest killers in the game. Since he had the most gameplay from both sides. Each loop being equal opportunity. Nurse isnt even close.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,618

    Until SWF will remain a global feature and it won't be relegated in custom matches, the nurse can stay.

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939
    edited July 2022

    Always the same survivor mains complaining about Nurse whilst I get the good survivor mains in-game who know how to fight a Nurse and know areas on maps where the blink bugs out and forces a short 0.5-meter blink whilst they run around the obstacle knowing I can't blink through it.

    I don't see them crying after a game, props to them for being good survivors and not forum criers.

    You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

  • Dunkinspunkin
    Dunkinspunkin Member Posts: 191

    Agreed, with the #metoo movement she has no place in the game right now

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Hillbilly and huntress both have to play around windows and pallets nurse doesn’t it’s that simple really. Huntress has to reload and hillbilly has an overheat system. Billy is punished much more a mistake and can’t snowball as effectively due to this mechanic. Huntress may have to leave chase to reload which can be a huge punishment compared to nurse fatigue + Cooldown (Which can be basically negated by add ons anyway)

    Stats mean nothing, otherwise Pinhead is the best killer in the game and Freddy is actually decent which are both objectively wrong statements

    Sure nurse can’t instadown or get hits from range but what she can do is get a hit in a chase regardless of what the survivors do to try and counter it. No other killer in the game can do such a thing. Combine this already insane ability with perks and add ons and it’s just plain overpowered

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    The topics about the nurse always come down to the same thing.

    1) someone comes crying "The ugly nurse is too strong, you have to nerf her!"

    2) someone (often me) responds "Ok, you say she's too strong, can you show us on video how you play against her?"

    3)....The end.


    4) someone comes up and says that some streamers think she is OP.

    Except that well, just because X or Y says she's OP doesn't mean she is.

    I confirm!

    About a week ago, I was in part, I had just hit a survivor, I start loading my tp to go back on it, and then another survivor lit up my back.

    Not the face, not even from the side, the back.

    After 1s or 2, my tp was stopped, and I went into fatigue 🤣

    So yes, people, think about the light, nurses fear it very much 😜

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    Don't talk to me about horses, it reminds me of Maurice 😫

    Maurice ... we miss you! 😥

    THIS is an important subject.


  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    I see clickers all the time but they rather click at me than actually use their flashlight to be effective vs a nurse.

    Guess they rather try to piss people off instead of winning and then making a forum post.