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Tunneling and Camping

Member Posts: 128

I've seen and heard plenty of comments from folks I know complaining about the increase in camping and tunneling and how its a big problem. I don't really get it myself, since I've been camped and tunneled myself plenty before this latest patch. Heck, I still do both if the situation calls for it. What is it that makes it feel so much worse now?

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  • Member Posts: 420

    Because now the gens take so long that if they just camp on the first hook 2 players will die before all 5 gens will get done.

  • Member Posts: 158

    From what I can tell, it's a couple of things. Others may disagree, but these are my thoughts.

    1.) Because gen times are longer and killer action speeds have been slightly increased, killers can afford to spend more time in chases instead of pressuring gens. While this itself isn't bad, it does make tunneling and camping easier by proxy, camping especially.

    2.) Several killer perks that originally encouraged going after multiple targets were changed or nerfed so that they lost those properties. For example, Pain Resonance used to give both the location of the gen with the most progress and any survivors working on it. While I agree that it shouldn't give away the survivors, losing both notifications means that the killer using it often does not know which gen went off, giving them no target to go after.

    3.) The nerf to Decisive Strike makes it significantly easier for killers to catch up to survivors who use it.

    4.) While basekit BT was a good idea, it is very easy for most killers to wait the 5 seconds it takes to deactivate.

    There might be more, but these are what I have noticed.

  • Member Posts: 696

    I rarely seen anyone tunnel or face camp, so I'm not sure. Maybe 1 out of 10 matches someone does one or the other or both.

  • Member Posts: 128

    I have noticed this as well. Lots of survivors DCing early into a match ruins it for everyone. It makes you wonder why they readied up in the first place if they're just gonna quit.

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    We really need a middle ground between now and before with the amount of matches that have been ending at 5 gens still to go its becoming apparent that they may have nerfed survivors a little too hard. Dont get me wrong killers did need some of these changes but dbd is definately not in a healthy state right now and they basically just slide the weight to the otherside of the seesaw which is obviously still not balanced.

  • Member Posts: 61

    Ive played about 5 games so far today and 4 of them have been facecampers. Camping always happened but it happens so often right now its odd. A lot of lethal pursuers for an immediate chase, 3 gens done into a down. Then we see kindred and the killer just staring at them.

    Its really just odd. All these games have been 3 escapes and 1 hook/2hook. It just really sucks for that one guy honestly :(

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    This is categorically false. I've been watching hardcore survivor and haven't seen a single hard camping killer. I also don't see them when I play.

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    The majority of killers have turned into guard dogs they got their one treat and dont care about anything else it seems. Itll hopefully start to go away but it may kill the game if it doesnt get addressed. Killers no longer enjoy the chase maybe kindred could increase increase repair speed of other surivors if your being camped.

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    Personally, I don't believe when survivors telling killers camping and tunneling more.

    I don't see it im my matches, I don't see it via Youtube on others.

    I think it's a thing with survivors being so upset, that they're trying make things look worse, than they really are.

    Killers camp and tunnel same way, or even less after a patch. I don't believe if they think differently anymore.

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    You do understand that something is wrong with your gameplay, that so many killers just want you out of the game.=)

    It's not happening to me tho. xD

  • Member Posts: 542

    Same when I've played survivor i don't see it and even a streamer I mod for her stream last night she didn't run into any killers that were camping or tunneling if anything most of the survivors got out in most of the matches.

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    IMO! Youre being rude to killer, annoying, making fun of them, pissing them off... Whatever you doing.

    I'm not getting such behaviour from killers, they hook me, and they gone for next guy.

    I can't tell for sure, since I didn't see a gameplay, so IMO! You're a toxic survivor. xD

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    So I don't think camping and tunneling are happening more, camping in my games has definitely fell quite a bit. What people (myself included) are complaining about is how tunneling became more easy this patch. DS died, people don't run BT because of the baseline change, nothing works in end game collapse. So in other words, while camping happens less, tunneling happens at about the same measure, but the killer is having an easier time if they decide to tunnel.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    How am I being rude/annoying/making fun of them exactly? In my post I just said I'm never toxic, so.

  • Member Posts: 598
    edited July 2022

    it's weird I am playing Solo Survivor since 2016 (not continuous) and .. well I can count the times I've been Camped on my Hands, maybe it's the region? I'm from the EU, even now after the Patch I played one Week exclusively Survivor (normally I play Killer most of the time and Survivor occasionally or for Challenges) and since the patch, I've been Facecamped one time and "kinda" Tunneled ONCE!

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    I can't tell for sure, so it's just my opinion.=) Sorry, I believe my eyes more.=)

    I don't believe you. I don't believe anymore.

    I think you guys just upset with patch and you want to worsen things, that don't happening.=)

  • Member Posts: 45

    I tunnel when I'm feeling a lot of pressure on gens(maybe 2 gens left) and I still didn't kill anybody. Also if someone is so stupid to walk into my face after the unhook instead of running to safety I may go after him to punish his stupidness.

    I camp under 3 circumstances:

    1. I've heard someone just behind me as I were carrying the survivor. So I know if I leave its a free unhook with no benefit to me.

    2. The nearest gens are too far away. I don't know where is anybody else and I need them to stop doing gens and injure 2 people or hook someone to make pressure.

    3. Gates are 99% and I want to get some kills.

    Point 2 could happen more than before cause BBQ its not a must have anymore and pain resonance doesn't give you any info.

  • Member Posts: 598

    Oh, and I don't think killers don't camp or tunnel, just not as often or dramatically as many people are making it out to be now

  • Member Posts: 45

    Maybe you're good at chases so they prefer to camp you to get you into phase 2. Some people do that.

  • Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2022

    It varies. I think they refer to themselves as either hiding in the back corner or doing a gen in some random corner in the back if they don't get hooked/camped is my assumption. I have had plenty of problems of killers camping and tunneling the past few days. It fluctuates by the time of day though. I get more during the day then at night. It is weird how that works.

    I have it bad when I loop the killer for a good duration of the match and pallet them enough that they ****ing hate me I guess. They just chase me, tunnel/camp me out of the match. i mean nobody else bothers to get chased since they go down instantly or hide in a locker/corner. I have had very few team mates that can loop for a good duration before going down. It makes it difficult to do gens, which factors to also why survivors struggle. You got to pray you have a decent looper or two in your group to get a decent headway in a match.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Not sure. All I know is that it's not because I'm toxic or anything because I don't BM.

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    Nah, the killer can camp with bunch of reasons and "toxic survivor" most common reason.=)

    Also: if you're really good survivor player, killer would love to have you out.

    If killer feel presure when the gens being done quickly.

    If killer is basement bubba and etc...

    There is a bunch of different reasons for killer to camp, you know it, come on.

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    (sorry for out of topic)

    Someone can tell, that "clicks" and T-bags are the things that survivor use just to have killer's attention... But come on.=) We all know that these are the things survivor do just to annoy and make fun of the killer. =) No one actually considers that as a tactical move.

    And what killer do when he got annoyed with this survivor who was making fun of him?=) He can tunnel him, he can camp him, he can have fun with him (weird but still).

    Don't forget tho: killer who camp or tunnel just to be an ass to someone, is also considered as "toxic". I think they call it "malicious intent" or whatever...

    So yeah. Don't be a D to each other, respect your opponent, good sports is always welcome.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    People complain about things they didn't before, or complain extra compared to before, just about every patch that includes a killer buff. Sometimes literally nothing changed and they'll complain, which was the case with the Legion buff. "MeNdInG SiMuLaToR" yet nothing changed about mending in the slightest, just that more people were playing Legion. Or the infamous pre-nerf "Forever 'no-skill' Freddy", even though he was literally an M1 killer with a weak teleport that encouraged you to split up on gens, which was the way that you beat him. Or fixing old Ormond and old Haddonfield which were huge maps with loops endlessly connecting to each other.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Yeah, that's cap when they say "I get camped/tunneled EVERY game!"

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    There is plenty of reason to camp and tunnel still. The game has not changed for Ghost Face, Trapper, or Pig.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    That simple, huh? Maybe I should get on right now and get free 4ks if it's just that easy.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Considering almost all of your teammates were Megs, Jakes, Neas, and Claudettes, it's safe to say your teams' average MMR was low. Especially seeing that one just running near you while you're on hook. It's no wonder you never get all the gens done. There's no cure for bad teammates either; it happens to the best of us.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    They're definitely exaggerating. "All I ever get is tunneled or camped."

  • Member Posts: 29

    You're either not playing survivor or intentionally being disingenuous and gaslighting. Either way,

    I see killers tunnel in nearly every match. Because if they get one person out early, the rest of the game is a cakewalk. Gens have been slowed and chases are easier now. So in a 3v1, one person will be hooked, one person will be going for save, and one will be working on a gen or running the killer. There is no time to make significant progress on generators in this scenario. When one person is dead, it's almost guaranteed to be game over if there are more than 2 gens remaining. Especially if people are not in a 4 stack SWF. It feels worse now because it IS worse now. Not more common - just harder to fight.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Obviously not saying it's not happening, but in my matches there has not been anything more than proxy camping (and there were survivors near, so I assume the killer had an inclination that somebody was nearby). Tunnelling is happening, but nothing more than usual.

    I suppose to combat tunnelling, give the survivor a 3 second Sprint Burst and maybe 10 seconds of BT and haste (instantly cancels when they do any conspicuous action). If a killer is gonna tunnel, then they're gonna tunnel, so may as well have them waste a shedload of time should they decide they want to.

    Camping is trickier, because sometimes it is the absolute right thing to do, but I hear the pointless camps. So maybe if a killer is face camping and no survivor is nearby then progress stops; starting when survivors come within a certain radius. This effect cancels once the final gen is done, when a killer can then face-camp with no penalty.

    Proxy camping shouldn't be punishable, as far as I'm aware.

    This way, killers can be punished for deliberate tunnelling or face-camping when there is no need, allowing for a better flow. And with all the extra buffs killer has had, then I feel these survivor changes may be worthwhile.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Almost like that's the characters most people use..... Nea Meg and Claudette are the most popular characters..

  • Member Posts: 29

    Tunneled off hook two games in a row now. Because killers can count to 5. I even took a build recommended by someone on the forums for extending the chase when being tunneled because it's been such a bore. Still got tunneled even after he knew I had OTR. Killers tunnel because it wins games and BHVR is too chicken**** to do anything about it. It's a wonder they've brought the game this far. This patch is unplayable in solo queue. You'd be better off cutting your fingers off at each knuckle, you'd have more fun. Uninstalling.

  • Member Posts: 598
    edited July 2022

    wait! I always stop the chase one second before I down somebody if another Survivor clicks with a flashlight, and run after the clicker ... I am a good boi!

  • Member Posts: 1,452

    Camping is overall easier. Gens take longer to do, hook trading is weaker due to nerfed Dead Haard and buffed weapon cooldown, endurance is not that strong against STBFL, DS is trash...

  • Member Posts: 339

    I will agree to stop camping and tunneling when survivors agree to stop doing gens

  • Member Posts: 3,132

    I'm not going to outright call anyone a liar, but I have been playing survivor almost exclusively since the patch dropped (like 10:1 surv to killer), and I am just not having that experience at all. I can count on one hand the times I've been facecamped in the past week, which is in line with my experience prior.

    Not sure what the would cause some people to have such divergent experiences (region? time of day? MMR?), maybe there's an explanation.

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    So i have a bit if a hot take on this ive been monitoring this for myself, and while a small data point, its a data point none the less, and im not trying to make an us vs them point, just sharing my data.

    So I play on xbox and over my last 76 matches ive had 19 killers who camped or tunnelled in a bad way. I say in a bad way excluding looping around the hook, an obvious retaliation for bm/toxicity, gen defense and other situations that are more than valid in my mind. Of those 19, 7 were on xbox and i could see their profile, of those 7 i was able to determine by their stats that 5 were definitely survivor mains 1 was a killer main, and 1 was hard to tell so i will assume 50/50. I will also state that Im not a top mmr type player and thus was mixed soloq, duo, and swf with 2 more experienced players and 2 newer players.

    I'm going to withhold stating an opinion on this but its an interesting data point nonetheless.

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