The Reason Dead by Daylight isn’t Balanced


Survivor balance is in a pickle, no ALL balance is in a pickle right now. Lots of people say looping, camping, etc. are really big problems...but why are t they being tackled.

Here’s why; SWF. SWF throws balance out the window, not only does it make survivors strong....but the main core 3 sides need to be balanced, but 2 are tied together. As it currently is,with states including SWF matches saying that survivors survive rate is 50%-ish...that’s really bad. As we know SWF is much stronger than solo, that means, by logic, that SWF has roughly a 70-80% survive rate, while solo has only about 30%.

How do we fix this? Well it’s near impossible. But the only way to fix this would be to make solo survivors have much more communication, and with the 3 sides becoming 2 again, be able to nerf survivors with out making solo queue a death sentence.

The reason why this hasn’t occurred...the developers don’t want to break “immersion”. But I think it needs to happen. We literally can achieve balance unless Solo is the same strength as SWF. That’s the only way to then balance killer vs. survivor.

All in all, immersion shouldn’t cost balance and elbow drop it in the jaw. It’s a price to pay, but survivors that are solo should have a voice chat (SURVIVOR ONLY; NOT PROXIMITY OR HEARABLE BY KILLER LIKE IN F13)

With that, solo would be of similar strength to SWF making solo overpowered just like it. Next killer and survivors could be balanced without making solo queue trash.

As of now, nerfing survivors would make SWF more fair, but solo would be ruined. Buffing solo would make SWF even more broken. So solo must be made of equal strength, so both can be nerfed or buffed without messing up the other.

The developers claim they want a 50% death/survival rate of all games. This is the only way to do it.

If solo continues to be without comms, one part of survival (Solo or SWF) will ALWAYS be unbalanced. A game mode separation would split the player base, and the game wouldn’t be able to handle that, so casual and ranked simply wouldn’t work. This is quite possibly the only way

I know, it’s sad...but it’s too true to deny.


  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    Like before, editing has been done, and this message has been altered from previous threads.

  • Ogurcha
    Ogurcha Member Posts: 24

    You won't make 3 sides become 2 by adding communication :(

    There is very liitle about communication. Its just solo player queue consists of ragequitters, newbies and ppl who got no friends to play with.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Ogurcha said:
    You won't make 3 sides become 2 by adding communication :(

    There is very liitle about communication. Its just solo player queue consists of ragequitters, newbies and ppl who got no friends to play with.

    Having the tools to be equal and simply being worse players is still balanced. It’s not my fault if they’re bad. As it stands. It’s currently impossible to be as strong as SWF without comms. If what you said had merit, that’d also mean survivors should never be nerfed again due to solo queue.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Devs gave up the balance by adding SWF to the game. So many killer powers, strategies and perks become utterly useles if the survivors can communicate.

    I accepted thsi fact now, either you dodge every SWF or you simply dont rely on these tactics.

    Just sad that the game itself is still unbalanced AF even if there were no SWF

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930
    edited June 2018

    @SaltyKiller said:
    The reasons are very simple:

    Matthieu Cote is a complete moron who only cares about the number of players playing the game and how much money the can make. Starbreeze harbored similar feelings. And since Cote is the director the devs who actually PLAY the game had their hands tied.

    Now that Starbreeze is out of the picture and competition is looming with the eventual release of Last Year: the Nightmare and now Hide or Die there's been a much bigger push to make the game not terrible. The problem now is that there's only 3-4 people (Tops? Maybe?) working on DbD. The others at Behavior are doing contracting work porting other games and working on Death Garden.

    What we're seeing now with the 2.0 update is the beginning of a long awaited turn around in righting all of the mistakes made under Cote and Starbreeze. Not so much because Cote has a conscience or is smart but because if they don't appeal to the Killer community then there is a very good chance that a big chunk of their audience will just move on to another Asymmetric horror game.

    Right on that, it may get balanced, but it’ll take AGES! It’ll probably be balanced in the sequel instead it’ll take so long.