Store (change)

This may be minute to some but this is something I noticed quick and am hoping for the change back to the way it was before.

So I believe prior to the most recent update when going into the store for your character, you would enter the store with the character you currently had up and their current cosmetics they had on. were able to "try-on" a particular piece separate like Head, Torso or Legs..and it would not change the current cosmestics you had on expect that particular item you "tried on".... NOW when you attempt to try on a particular item it changes your characters entire look to their default attire/cosmetics.

One benefit before this change was the ability to try on a cosmetic that you were trying to how it would look with what you were currently wearing. Example. I go into the store with Nea's crazed cool Green hair, Hardcore 74 black top and mosher red and black pants, I may be interested in a new head to see how it looks with the torso and legs that I have . ( before I could just try on just the end without changing what I had one but now it changes everything else back to default cosmetics)

Maybe I am the only one but it definitely helped with deciding if I wanted to purchase cosmetics more