I think the reduction to survivors' sprint on hit may have been overkill...

AGM Member Posts: 806

I completely agree with the to pallet breaking time reduction and basic attack cooldown reduction, as both of those held back the performance of many weaker killers that relied mostly or exclusively on basic attacks, but the reduction to survivors' sprint on hit seems to have had an adverse effect against stronger killers in addition to killers who use their powers for most of their hits.

Killers like Wraith and Freddy seem better, but killers like Nurse and Blight seem extremely overwhelming. (I also think Nurse needs to have a look taken at her, but that's another story; there are already 1000 Nurse threads.)

The vast majorities of killers' powers (and cooldowns) were made with a 2 second sprint burst on hit in mind, and I think restoring this to 2 seconds would help to make survivors not feel so hopeless.