I Think People Are Missing The Point Of 6.1.0.



  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Why on earth would they revert the gens back to 80 seconds? That would be the dumbest thing the devs could ever do. Especially if they then also looked at camping and tunneling? Then we are just back at 80 second gens, but with the strongest slowdown perks being nerfed. They couldn't then nerf camping and tunneling, or queue times would probably just switch.

    Increasing gen times to 90 seconds was one of the best changes of the last patch. It gives killers a bit more time at base to deal with their objective, which is exactly what killers needed. It makes them less dependent on slowdown perks, and also encourages them to play more fairly and skillful, because they have more time now to go for chases, and apply map pressure.

    The problem is that certain slowdown perks are just too strong at the moment, now that gens take 90 seconds. Especially Thana and Pentimento. You even mention it yourself. Those perks need to be nerfed, not gen times reverted to 80 seconds. Reverting gens back to 80 seconds would just make killers more dependent on slowdown perks again, and then that's all you are going to see. And killers will be less encouraged to play normally and fair.

    I swear, if the devs actually, unironically nerf gen times back to 80 seconds, instead of just nerfing problematic slowdown perks, and then taking the opportunity, now that killers are buffed, to nerf camping and tunneling properly, I am going to lose my mind.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    There's one issue with this. If the devs would have just buffed killers in pieces, and stopped when the kill rates that they wanted would have been reached, then killers would have just gotten a few buffs and the devs would have stopped there, not doing anything against camping and tunneling, because that would decrease kill rates again.

    The killer buffs are great, the only problem are certain slowdown perks that are too strong at the moment. The big problem here is that they didn't give survivors anything in return, especially something against tunneling and camping.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Definitely worth our limited spare time - right? Like seriously... Why would I (or anyone else for that matter) want to play that after a hard day at work?

    I'm actually shocked the devs haven't done anything to improve the fun factor of DBD since I left and returned to DBD.

    It's been half a year-ish since I was an active DBD player and most of the awful aspects of the game are either still awful or even MORE awful than before.

    How hard can it be to nerf tunneling/camping/slugging in exchange for a second objective for survivors (allowing the killer to play and win without having to slowdown the match and play as scummy as humanly possible) ?

    As killer I want to have the chance to win a match with up to 12 legit chases starting from full health.

    As survivor I want to have a chance to actually play the game and either escape if I manage to dominate multiple chases or die if me and my teammates lose multiple chases.

    DBD could be an exciting game but instead it's still all about making the game miserable for both sides.

  • Neyar
    Neyar Member Posts: 65

    So, you're watching people who play DBD for a living, who each have thousands of hours in the game, have encyclopedic knowledge of the game, are playing literally like a comp team, and using perfect communication and callouts, and wondering why this isn't the typical solo q survivor experience? Really? That's essentially the killers worst possible nightmare scenario, and the definition of seal team SWF.

    I get that it's a team based game for survivors, and sometimes you take one for the team. But there is literally zero incentive besides being a 'team player' for doing so. If you get tunneled and face camped for five gens, but still die while the other three escape (which is best case scenario and completely unrealistic), you can still get less than 10k BP at the end of the game. There's no shared BP reward for that, you got unlucky and only get boldness points and nothing else. Sometimes you get a high five from someone in end game chat.

    And more likely you get tunneled and camped for more like 1-2 gens while your soloq teammates crouch in a corner with a gen allergy.

    The game doesn't have to be 0k or 4k to be fun. Some of my more memorable games ever are ones where I died, but had great moments with a killer who wasn't a jerk and teammates who weren't brain dead. They're memorable because they're rare.

    Personally, I want there to be a chance at winning. But lately it feels like survivors get one mistake per match. More than one mistake and the game is very difficult to come back from without communication, and, unlike killer, you don't have to be the one to make those mistakes. First chase is a basement hook at 5 gens? Well, I don't get Dowsey and Otz to get them out. I get 'guy who wants to self care under the basement hook for some reason' and 'guy who loops the killer back to hook'.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    I'd actually be happy if they nerfed some of the gen slowdown perks and fixed tunneling/camping. Right now, the game is miserable when killers stack slowdown perks and just tunnel and camp everyone.

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026

    I'm glad you think so too. None of my Survivor friends were upset about the patch. On the contrary, everyone is happy that they can now leave BT at home.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932
    edited August 2022

    My solo games (that's all I play) wasn't always easy, lol. Solo was bad before but now it's hell. We need some survivor buffs.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    So all the basekit buffs didnt change anything at all, right?

    The problem is just the teammates.

    All soloQ survivors woke up after patch 6.1.0 and decided colectively to lose 90% of their matches because logic.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    Killers were not overbuffed?

    90sec gens

    Shorter surv distance when hit

    Faster recovery on hit

    Faster pallet and door break

    Faster bloodlust tier

    Thana, jolt, gift of pain, eruption buff

    Laughable surv perk buffs

    Only good surv perk on buff OTR

    All this in one single patch and you dont see any change?

    Surely must be the teammates

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    Maybe because the swat 4man SWF is like a 10% at best of the playerbase and the other 90% that dont have comms or 5000h each are being destroyed by overbuffed killers?

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    So i could escape 60% of games before patch and now that i can barely escape 30% am suddenly bad.

    I simply woke up after patch 6.1.0 and suddenly i am bad at dbd.

    The game shouldnt force you to SWF to have a chance of escaping, i dont have 10 friends with 10000h each to counter the sudden boost to all killers so i am stuck with soloQ hell where every killer tunnels/camp you the moment they see you and your random stranger teammates are required god skills to try to reach endgame.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    Win as much as before? I think you have wrong idea, it was never about winning, it was about having fun, there is none now. I can loop a killer for minutes and it still doesn't matter because he still gets a 4k. Because all they do now is sit on hook and tunnel.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    wow, obviouly it was DH. The perk i used like two games and replace it with Lithe. and Genrush? really?

    What is Genrush to you? because players call everything Genrush nowadays.

    i repair one gen after the killer hooks one surv? Genrush

    the gates are powered and there 2 survs left? Genrush

    If SWF are required to have a chance of escape, that means soloQ players are really not meant to play dbd, which will lead to more players leaving the game, which will lead to you spending 15 min killer queues to face a 4 SWF.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    I want a fair chance of survival, i dont want the game to punish me because i dont have comms or friends with 3000h on dbd.

    If the devs are so afraid of SWF, they can make a separate a queue entirely of killer vs SWF and buff the killer everything they want, but at least i would have the opportunity to play the game without being destroyed by killers buffed to counter swat squads.

    What annoys me the most is people like you telling me i am being carried by old perks that i didnt use while the game is making me run less on chases, making me stay longer on gens, making the killer hit faster and break thing faster, making the killer faster with early bloodlust just to guarantee you effortless 4k.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    "If you're facing killers with thousands of hours, you shouldn't be able to beat them without a team with thousands of hours. If you could, the game would be unbalanced."

    so if i have thousand of hours on dbd but i am not in a team, i deserve to lose?

    "SWF makes up the majority of the player base"

    But the game is balanced around thinking Every single SWF is a top 4man elite squad SWF, which is nonsense.

    "You're carried because of the fact that your TEAMMATES were using those perks"

    And i could run longer, and i could spent less time on gens, the killer didnt get bloodtier early

    "The 10% buffs do basically nothing"

    Have you tried to unhook someone with built-in STBFL and the perk itself?

    "The extra time on gens is more tedious than impactful."

    Thana Legion, Thana Plague, Thana blight

    "but stop trying to get killers nerfed because you aren't willing to run the same meta they are"

    WTF, what meta are killer running? they are building the same meta as before, slowdown perks.

    Yes, they had to change some perks, but where before they had ruin, scourge hook, corrupt, tinkerer now they have thana, jolt, eruption, gift of pain.

    survivors got all meta perks destroyed and only received OTR

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    so play with friends or quit the game.

    and then people whine about killer long queue times

  • Zee141
    Zee141 Member Posts: 18

    The game has gotten abit to easy as a killer and I’m saying that as a killer main I’ve never had survivors complete more than 1 gen since this patch and the games are taking less than 5 mins, I did play a few games as survivor and I got to say the changes are okay maybe abit too strong for solo players and makes survivor game really boring but there has not been a single game where the killer has not tunneled or camped body, this wasn’t the case pre patch

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    Maybe because i don´t like playing killer as much as like playing survivor?

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    'Deserve'. No. MMR should take care of it, over time. If you play with a team sometimes and solo sometimes, you're going to lose more solo because your MMR will inflate.

    It's more of a pragmatic explanation than an accusation.

    Don't strawman - a SWF doesn't need to be a tourney comp to have massive, massive advantages that need to be offset.

    Against STBFL, you will need coordination. Ditto Thana Legion and Plague. Thana Blight...that's a Blight problem, not a Thana problem.

    Survivors absolutely did not get all meta perks nerfed, what? PTS is still crazy good. Kindred is still top tier. Sprint Burst is solid, as is Lithe. Literally the only meta survivor perk that got a nerf was DH.

    Then either your MMR is bugged or...you're exaggerating.

    I'm a bad survivor. I see 0ks.

    The devs own stats also disagree with you.

    No, you're probably going to lose until SBMM finds you the 'right' spot.

    You don't need 10 friends with crazy skills. Jump on the Discord, there are groups popping off at all times of day.

    Do you have any stats on hand, or is this all conjecture?

  • JacobiusWick
    JacobiusWick Member Posts: 161