PC - Pallet stun with Smash Hit does not trigger perk when pallet dropped while crouched

IsoSTARDUST Member Posts: 77
edited July 2022 in Bug Reporting

I was playing Yoichi at Gideon on PC, running Adrenaline/Head On/Parental Guidance/Smash Hit. Legion was in a frenzy and tried to wait me out dropping the pallet, where I was crouched. I timed it correctly and got the stun, but my character did not get the speed boost or enter the exhausted state.

No, I was not already exhausted.

Yes, I saw the Killer Stun score event.

Yes, Parental Guidance did trigger.

As far as I can tell, according to the perk description in Smash Hit, it shouldn't have to be activated while standing or running.

Oh, and I successfully got a Head On stun, previously, if that's at all relevant, somehow.

That's about all.

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