Simplest Changes I'd Make to Sadako

Basekit Changes

  1. Lullaby Radius reduced from 24m to 16m (I'm only keeping this because she technically doesn't have breathing sounds like Wraith/Myers)
  2. Increased Post-Manifest Flicker Duration from 0.75 seconds to 1 second (Old Newspaper basekit)
  3. Reduced Post-Projection Cooldown from 100 seconds to 40 seconds (survivor disabling a TV will remain at 60)
  4. Hooking a survivor gives 1 stack of Condemned to all other survivors in the trial
  5. Survivors that are fully condemned are now inflicted with the Exposed status effect. This will be removed upon reducing your condemned level.


Mother's Comb - Survivors that disable a TV have their aura revealed for 6 seconds.

Old Newspaper - Increases manifesting/demanifesting speeds by 25% (1.5 seconds to 1.25 seconds)


  • HagathaSimmons
    HagathaSimmons Member Posts: 236

    Meh, I like most of your ideas but the numbers can use some tweaking.

    1. For the lullaby 16 meters seems really small, I'd go half way with you and say maybe a 20 meter lullaby would be better. Like you said, she doesn't have a breathing or other sound que (other than manifesting) to alert the survivors.
    2. seems okay
    3. Honestly the times should be reversed, she shouldn't be punished for using her power but 40 sec cd for tv's...idk about that. Maybe 60 second post-projection cd for TV's and 80 second CD for survivors disabling the tape. In this way you can use your power just a little bit more to get those condemned stacks while survivors are rewarded for disabling your power.
    4. Yeah, seems ok. Condemned stacks are hard to get most times so the mechanic is very inconsistent. I would add though, for thematic purposes, after hooking a survivor only those that are actually near an On TV get the one stack.
    5. I actually had a similar idea I pitched on the forums forever ago but BHVR don't like to throw the "exposed" status effect around too often. I would say this would fit or be more okay as an iri addon. With the added effect that you see the survivors aura for like 2 secs.


    Mother's comb: Initially I thought that 6 sec aura reveal would be a long time for an action the survivors are supposed to be doing frequently but then i remembered the dredge literally has an addon that reveals their aura for 6 sec after they lock a locker so i think it's fine.

    Old Newspaper: Honestly I'm surprised they didn't release with any addons that speed up her manifesting/demanifesting time. I would go higher though, 33% (which is a 1 sec manifest/de-manifest).

    btw 25% of 1.5 is 0.38, so it would be a 1.13 time.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    1. I left it small deliberately. She is a stealth killer, after all. Plus, we have Myers with a potentially 6-16m TR and people don't bat an eye.

    2. Glad we agree.

    3. Reason I settled for 40 is that we have Dredge with a cooldown of 12 seconds (8 with an add-on), stronger chase potential, and less no way to prevent his teleport (only slow it), and he's not OP at all.

    4. I'd rather focus on balance than anything thematic. Although, that might be fair. I'd test in a ptb.

    5. I think Exposed at 7 stacks would be fine. If you let stacks climb to 7, then you often did it to yourself. If nothing else, I'd like to test if something would be an issue before shooting it down.

    Comb - Dredge's add-on is the base for this one, as you can probably tell.

    Newspaper - Not correct. The charge system would calculate the math as 1.5/1.25. Tbf, I was wrong as it'd 1.20 seconds