Potential Sadako Changes Maybe?

It isn't really a secret to anyone that Sadako is on the weaker side of the killer roster, and I feel like a big aspect of that has to do with the condemned status not being at all potent without add-ons. I'm not even just talking about getting condemned kills, because I don't think that should be the primary aspect of her power. I view condemned a lot like I do Pig's RBTs, in that tapes are supposed to be more of a slowdown with a harsh punishment for not giving it your attention.

That doesn't really...happen with a no-addons Sadako. Not against players who know what they're doing at least.

How would you guys feel if when Sadako first teleported within 16 meters of a survivor, instead of giving 1 point of condemned, it put those survivors on a timer? Subsequent teleports would give 1 point of condemned.

The timer slowly builds your condemned progress-- slower than a tape would, but still building it nonetheless. Taking a tape will build it noticeably faster. Putting a tape into its designated TV will remove the usual amount of condemned and will also stop the timer until you've been teleported to again.

This is an idea I had been tossing around in my head for a few days now, and I wanted to pitch it here to see how other players felt about it. I feel like it would naturally boost Sadako's strengths without making flat, band-aid fix number changes that may make her feel a lot more annoying to play against. I'd love to discuss this with people :>?