Perk Rework Ideas.

MaxIsBased Member Posts: 52
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

This is just a bunch of random ideas i came up with which are maybe balanced. Feel free to criticise them. I don't expect for a single thing in here to ever go into the game anyway because they probably won't get in anyway. I just got bored of DBD so i decided to write and entire Mid-Chapter's worth of changes instead.

Survivor perk section:

Prove Thyself - Also affects yourself. Repair bonus changes from 15% to 10%. I guess another way to do this is make so you get a 5% gen repair speed buff but your teammates get a 12.5% buff instead. This is probably unbalanced but i hate that you actually need 2 people to activate this because finding anyone in solo q as survivor without bond is hell unless you are playing on a small map like The Game.

Leader - Either make it also affect yourself but nerf the buff from it from 15%/20%/25% to 10%/15%/20% or just make so it has a bond perk effect where you can see survivors from a distance off 10/14/18 meters which would make sense because a leader needs to know where his team is. In exchange you could nerf the lingering effect or the buff from it or both.

Self Care - Honestly this perk was ######### and still is ######### because it's always #########. Just buff it to 30%/40%/50%. At least now Claudette's with self care and botany knowledge won't spend 50 years healing.

Fixa.. I mean Self Aware - Buff it to 17.5%/25%/30%. Also i have no idea why it even enables you to see your own scratch marks because anyone who played killer at least once knows exactly how they spawn.

Premonition - Reduce the cooldown to 50/35/25 seconds. No one uses this anyway so i guess a cooldown reduction would be nice.

Lightweight - Scratch marks are no longer inconsistent but disappear 4/5/6 seconds sooner. No one who runs this perk actually cares about the inconsistent spacing which i saw myself. If anything it actually makes it very slightly harder for the killer to even track you.

Plunderer's instinct - Make so it's impossible to get common rarity items. Yes the amount of items that are common that i get while using this perk is surprisingly high which i find hilarious but it can be kinda frustrating.

Spine Chill - Make it affect vault speed. Maybe nerf the buff from it down to 2%/3.5%/4.5%. I just want my vault speed combo to be viable again man.

We'll make it - Why does the effect linger for more than 30 seconds? Instead make so upgrading it buffs the healing speed instead so it looks like this 100%/125%/150% healing speed bonus.

Killer perk section:

Insidious - Make so it's a manual dark devotion. Press e to make your terror radius stand still in one location for 4/5/6 seconds while being able to still move around. Only have it activate after chasing someone for 25/20/15 seconds. Not only in my opinion this would be probably more fun but also would allow for some pretty cool mind games at tall loops maybe.

Thanatophobia - I like the idea of getting a bonus for all of them being injured but in exchange you made it useless unless you are playing legion or plague. Instead make the penalty from a survivor being injured to 2.5%/3%/3.5% but the bonus from having everyone injured, dying or hooked also count if a survivor is dead either via hook or mori but decrease the penalty from it down to 6% so now you could have a maximum of 20% If you don't suck at the game. otherwise without the bonus from having everyone injured you can have a maximum of 10.5%. But if you are playing legion make so the perk gets nerfed down to 2%/2.5%/3% with a bonus of 5% or if you are playing plague then it goes down to 1.5%/2%/2.5% with a bonus of 4% or just make it not possible to use on plague.

Beast of prey - Add an effect of bloodlust popping 1/2/3 seconds earlier or just make it so it makes bloodlust just stronger in general without the blood points bonus which would like like this - Bloodlust pops 2/3/4 seconds earlier and increases the movement bonus at all tiers. tier 1 gets increased to +0.3 meters per second. tier 2 to 0.5% meters per second and tier 3 up to 1+ meters per second just to really secure that down.

Unrelenting - Buff it to 40%/50%/60%. It's useless anyway because a good killer never misses.

Spies From The Shadows - Please for the love of god make this perk never get triggered by downed survivors.

Whispers - I have no idea why it is at it's current state. Like wow there's a survivor near a 32 meter range. This is the only perk where i would argue that it's tier 1 is actually better. Also it says that it only works when you are standing? Just make so you have some kind of visual cue to where the survivor could possibly be. Like an arrow or audio of the entity telling you forward, left, right, or backwards depending where the survivor is every 10 seconds or something.

Gearhead - make so it triggers when a survivor completes either a good or great skill check but it's only active for 3/5/7 seconds and the survivor is notified that their position is currently revealed to the killer.

Dead Man's Switch - Buff it to 27.5/32.5/37.5 seconds.

Mettle Of Man - It's dead so bring it back to how it was before and change it so you only need 2 protection hits. Also don't break it again.

Lightborn - Combine it with Shadowborn or remove shadowborn.

Shattered Hope - Instead of it's completely useless effect because no one is going to try to sneak past a killer snuffing a boon instead reveal the person who installed the boon on the totem for 5/6/7 seconds.

Blood Warden - For the sake of simplicity change it to 30/45/60 seconds.

Deerstalker - Make it trigger an alert if the survivor is close to enabling unbreakable or if someone is healing them. Other than that i have no idea how to make it useful.


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