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Best Sadako build?

Slan Member Posts: 357

Sadako is a weak killer these days, we all know that. And I just wanted to know if there is a build that helps her improve in a match.

Best Answer

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    Answer ✓

    A popular and effective way to play her is to slug for pressure and use her Green add-on that makes survivors who heal and revive each other gain Condemned stacks. Basically if you slug someone they normally don’t get up unless another survivor revives them so it makes it fairly likely that someone will gain a stack in the process, and then gain a second stack if they continue to heal the person to full health. On top of that when you slug you are shaving off about 10 seconds or so to get into a new chase right away so you can keep applying constant pressure on the survivors to stay off gens. Between the frequent chases and the increased Condemned token gain rate it makes it a lot harder for the survivors to juggle all their priorities, giving you additional time to hook someone three times and eliminate them or, if in the chaos a survivor loses track, you can even get Condemned kills more often than you might think compared to normal Sadako matches.

    If you do the above then Jolt is a good pick because it offers regression on downs without you needing to stop chasing to either hook someone or kick a gen to get it. Chase perks like Bamboozle or Save the Best for Last are also useful since that’s her weak spot. If you have trouble finding survivors a tracking perk might be good too, particularly since she can teleport around the map directly to the area you see an aura.

    As far as second add-ons, ones that refresh the TVs more quickly are good because they improve your map mobility and also more teleporting means more Condemned stacks.

    Finally there’s a tactic being used by high level Sadako’s where they follow survivors who have a tape in a way that doesn’t trigger a chase (not looking directly at them, using line of sight blockers, etc). This allows the Condemned to build up during the chase itself and hopefully get to the point you can get a Condemned kill. Using that tactic they also will use the Purple add-on that starts everybody with a tape at the beginning of the match so they can harrass the first survivor they find until hopefully they can be Condemn killed out before they have a chance to use the tape in a TV. I suspect though eventually this will get tweaked since it’s kind of like how Legion used to be able to sort of moonwalk chase survivors until they bled out so I don’t think it’ll be a strategy people can use forever.


  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065
    edited August 2022

    I don't know about builds as a whole, but I know Sloppy Butcher is a good choice on her. I've also had personal success with Thrilling Tremors as a way of knowing where to teleport to.

    Jolt would probably be solid slowdown since she's an M1. You'd probably want Chase or Exposed perks to help cover her weak points.

    This guide from Son of Jazzy might help, though bear in mind it's from before 6.1.