I hate stealth survivors

I will go out of my way to camp and tunnel each and every one i find. It is the easiest, most bs gameplay in my opinion. you make the killer waste all of his time and because he cant find you your teammates get juggled. its a selfish way to play and very unfair in my opinion. if my mmr is high enough to where i have to be on my toes at all time the fact someone can just hide is really annoying. I just had a girl working on a gen on dead daweg and go for saves but i could never freaking find her. its the worst feeling in the game



  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    nah man hiding is so annoying. im not trying to waste 5 minutes finding 1 survivor and its not very fun to have gens pop because im trying to look for him. thats why i tunnel every single time i have a stealth player. they save their teammate so ill turn it to a 1v3 and every teammate they save will be tunneled because of him not taking aggro and when he does he will be dealt with similarly

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    nah waste money for bbq and darkness revealed and all that? sounds like my money would be better spent on other crap. id rather survivors loop me instead of hide

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    im sorry but if you think i have 2 minutes to find a survivor among bushes and trees and corners with higher mmr then youre insane

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I agree time is tight but there are tools. Lightweight is being used more so maybe just go full tracking with Predator and Bloodhound.

    Animal style

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Why not? If you do not like the strategy, why would you not use a strategy that they do not like? An eye for an eye and all that jazz.

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    I’ve been seeing in the high mmr games, I’m having an increased number of survivors playing complete stealth/gen rush builds. Is a complete nightmare to play against, especially as an oni main who relies on quick injures off rip.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It depends on the team, but they can rush gens fast enough that you are not getting a kill unless you tunnel to be perfectly honest. You sometimes literally have to.

    If they are average survivors, sure. Yeah. But I do not believe that is what he is complaining about. Nobody cares about the immersed players in their guaranteed 3k. It is more that when a SWF adopts this style and you do not immediately commit, you lose. Feels bad man.

    I think camping and tunneling is a you problem that you need to get over. There is no difference, really. You are struggling with a style you do not like. The only difference is that I am not criticizing you for it. Thats all you, baby!

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,625

    We are (were, in my case) the Fog's finest, for sure <3

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    sorry but its horrible for teammates as well as killer

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    This isnt a conversation about me though cause I dont think I've actively complained about camping and tunneling. I've brought it up because this Patch was supposed to 'HELP' with that, and everyone here kind of agrees that it just made it worse. That's something that's been accepted already.

    The point of his post was pretty much a venting post for all I know, just talking about how he'd tunnel and camp people who stealth the OP cause he cant find them. I just pointed out that this was expected, if you cant out run a killer, you hide from them, not like you're guaranteed to survive anyways. I gave OP a solution to the problem, snow ball it.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    total hearsay... Saving my hooks for an unhook build or making a clutch play does not mean stealth strat is "bad" for my teammates.. wasting the killers time isn't "bad" for my teammates either.. Thicc is 100% using camping and tunneling as a crutch because he only wants to chase and down.. So my guess is he does absolutely nothing about stealth survivors and is only using it as a means to justify his crutch. He only has 1 lame strat and is complaining that its survivors fault he cant find them.. which is a tad bit sad.

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    nah because i typically go against smarter survivors who do gens so when i get that potato who hides all match ill always be pissed. he screws his teammates over and avoids taking hook states and i hate when my teammates do it.

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    well if you save survivors and hide and let them get tunneled youre a bad teammate and if you do gens then hide by gens and force me to lose or go after someone else then youre a bad teammate. if you have 1 hook and everyone has 2 and youre hiding youre a bad teammate and as a killer it pisses me off and ill let the last surv live just so i can find the last. I have ahd a nea show me where the claudette was and then let her live. its all fair

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,306

    I play stealth. I can’t loop well (issue with looking behind while running) but I can avoid the killer, do gens and I take aggro for anyone on death hook. I and many players who play like me are not screwing the team over. We enjoy this aspect of the game and shouldn’t be disparaged for it. Not our fault you don’t want to adapt.

    You’d probably tunnel and camp for anything a survivor may do that you don’t like. I bet you run Iridescent Head and get frustrated because survivors don’t want to give you easy downs.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    using a survivor to find another survivor is literally a reportable offense.. "teaming" is wrong. I'm not saying that the survivor that "only" hides is a good survivor.. But you cannot expect every survivor to "force chase" because you got hooked twice... what if they're running a stealth flash save build? or a stealth heal build? or even a Stealth Sabo/Breakout build? Just because they are not being chased or are better at "not being seen" doesn't make them a bad survivor or teammate.. as a matter of fact it makes them BETTER... When all four of me and my friends are being super stealthy it literally wastes soo much of the killers time playing hide and seek.. The strat as a whole is 10x more effective then trying to "race" to the finish by forcing trades and pushing gens hard body... I don't understand why soo many ppl are 1 dimensional in how a game can be played.. chase then chase then trade then chase thats not always the best thing for the team... sometimes we have two ppl with "run the killer" builds and two with solely gen stealth builds... and guess what.. The stealth ppl score higher in altruism most matches simply because they're still alive to heal and unhook their team.. instead of everyone forcing trades and forcing chase because they don't have any hooks...

  • The_Yosh
    The_Yosh Member Posts: 150

    Your name is MommyHunktress, I can only assume you play huntress. Please sir, how do you loop a huntress?

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,466

    There are so many aura reading perks these days that I'm not sure how stealthy survivors can actually be. Last time I tried Distortion I was out of tokens before the first gen even popped.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    That didnt kill stealth. And IW still works pretty well if you care to stealth with it. It just doesnt work if killer finds you and you SB away or something.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    Not really. I tested it with Kate, who's one of the less noisy survivors. I hid in lockers, found. I hid around places moving as the killer moved, found. No longer stealthy.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    It messed me up some when i was playing spirit but than again im not even close to being good at spirit.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    "Sop tunneling!" lol

    Well, if I can only find one team member while the other 3 Spine Chill Urban Evade around, that one is gonna die and it's not my fault. I don't even feel guilty.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,283

    I mean i get you but as a killer its not so bad. As a survivor otherhand...oh boy i do love seeing my fellow survivors urban evase in every corner and hide everytime someone gets hooked... Just because your spine chill activates doesnt mean the killer is coming to you...stop hiding and do gens you are the reason we are losing.

  • IH8ThePatch
    IH8ThePatch Member Posts: 9

    Might not have to hide if we weren't getting camped by keyboard warrior idiots.

    If a survivor hides and annoys you, good. That is about 1% of the annoyance survivors feel from killers like yourself than refuse to play according to etiquette.

    The game is now heavily killer sided. What more do you want!?

    Lets all stand still and let you butcher us !?

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182
    edited August 2022

    Swap some of your load out for info perks. BBQ, whispers, bitter murmur, etc. If it bothers you that much.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Play doc, all you need is one zap through the entire match and you have illusion docs pestering them

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    "I will go out of my way to camp and tunnel each and every one i find"

    Assuming you do find me 😏

    "you make the killer waste all of his time"

    Yup, that's the point. The killer wasting time and achieving nothing out of it is in fact good for me if I'm a survivor. If you chase me for two minutes before downing me, that's pretty good. If you look for me for 2 minutes with no results, that's even better.

    "and because he cant find you your teammates get juggled"

    Some stealthy survivors are guilty of that but I'll get more aggressive when necessary. One problem a lot of survivors in general have is refusing to adapt their playstyle according to the situation. This includes survivors who will be aggressive even with multiple teammates hooked/slugged

  • OldIronKing
    OldIronKing Member Posts: 67

    I agree with you but not when I'm playing killer. Immersed survivors totally screw their whole team over.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,627
    edited August 2022

    It's a perfectly valid way to play. A killer cannot down you if he can't find you.

    I would even recommend it against some killers, especially if one has trouble in chases against it.


    This kind of play has a high success rate against my Nurse. But the whole team has to play accordingly. If there is one survivor isn't "immersed", then if he can't drop the chase, he is dead.

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    Annoying as it may be, the fault completely falls to you. The survivors that run stealth have found a way to succeed at the trial that is not only effective, but an intended and expected method of play. You've found something that challenges you, but instead of learning alternate methods of attack or asking for help in how to deal with it, you keep doing the same thing then blow up about it on a forum.

    Even more importantly, you've now let everyone know what one of your weaknesses is, AND what they can do to troll you. Both regular players and hackers.

    Your future looks very angry.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,540
    edited August 2022

    Sorry, I don't see any problems with that and I'm never getting mad with survivors do that. It's a good part of old dbd, good tactic to waste killer time. And getting mad on survivors for doing so is kinda weird to me. -_-

    As a killer if you have troubles with that, some aura reading perks would help you. Be more attentive, thats all.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I mean, if someone is bad at chases, stealth is all they got.

    BHVR kinda tried to get rid of stealth as a strat for survivors because they didn't want the game to feel like a hide and seek, but with all these killer buffs sometimes the best way to buy time for your team is making killer look for you, if chases are going to be short.

    I do think that once other survivors have been on hook they should take a down, but stealth is a strategy and sometimes, the only viable one.

  • JaviiMii
    JaviiMii Member Posts: 286

    Disclaimer: I have not read through all comments. It does seem like people paint a rather black and white picture though.

    I can see where OP is coming from. Personally, I would take a flashy bully squad over a stealth squad any day. I don't enjoy the whole hide at the faintest hint or TR game. So far the most it has accomplished is me involuntarily "camping" (being a back to hook Andy) because there is just no one else to be found once you do manage to down someone - and eventually you do between the bazillion gen kicks to check which ones they're working on. Maybetthere are people who enjoy that kind of gameplay - I'm not a fan.

    On the survivor side I also find myself being somewhat annoyed by these teamies - especially when it gets to the point where they are screwing the team e. g. when I'm injured and maybe even on death hook and found myself a gen to quietly work on and the healthy not yet hooked stealther joins me. So far so good. - Then someone gets hooked. And they proceed to refuse to let go of the gen.That is until the first sign of TR when they run away from both the gen and the hooked person. That being said, sometimes you end up being the one who just kinda didn't cross paths with the killer until late game even though you've been quite busy running around to do gens, unhook, heal and what else might have to be done. It's sometimes hard to tell from the outside.

    Personally, I'm absolutely not a looping god and will try to dodge the killer rather than run straight into them to draw aggro. But if it happens that everyone but me has been hooked I at least try to distract so hook stages among survs are evenly distributed and the killer doesn't feel tempted to just quickly tunnel the person on death hook out.