I hate stealth survivors



  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Getting a 4 stack stealth squad that bring rpd is pain

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    How's it selfish, exactly? Sure, if they do nothing all match and bring selfish perks like Left Behind. However, that specific survivor you mentioned was still being efficient and helping the team out (doing gens and going for saves, as you said). You have to remember not all survivors are good at being chased/looping, so I'd actually argue in that situation it's the most optimal thing to do (only if they're doing objectives, of course). Also, in the current camping/tunneling meta (you even admit to doing this yourself), some survivors feel their best hope at surviving is by playing stealthily, which I'd argue is better if you feel you're not able to waste the killers time by looping/being chased.

    Also, every player is different and approaches the game differently. One of my good friends who I SWF with has vision difficulties and being chased on dark maps (Azarov for example) or going against certain killers (Dredge with Nightfall and Freddie with Dreamworld) can be difficult for him, so instead he will be more stealthy and objective focused (gens, rescues, totems, etc.) whilst I take the pressure from the killer. So, in my opinion, you should be more sensitive towards others, and tunneling people because you don't like their playstyle is not a productive or cool way to play the game.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Well that's too bad because i love stealth. It's fun to juke and avoid a killer who is looking for you to waste their time.

    Killers have a plethora of tracking perks and addons. Use them instead of complaining about a valid playstyle

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited August 2022

    I don't mind stealth, just don't complain that killers are focusing the other players because they can't find you all game.

    4 people playing stealthy with distortion/spinechill or whatever can be a slog sometimes, also voice comms make everyone stealthy.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Exactly this hiding is only a problem if you play silent as well

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 407

    This is hilarious...aren't there like 20 perks and addons to help killers find survivors. Maybe stop stacking so much gen slowdown and chase perks. Maybe you should try to slot in a whispers, or iron maiden, or spies. This just might be a you issue.

    And at the same time, its ironic. Killers get buffed on all their actions so chases will be quicker, and our now surprised the survivors are choosing to engage in chases less. Hmm....I wonder why that would be.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    Stealthed survivors dont get gens done, so you automatically win the match

    May I suggest a Set-up killer, that way, the moment the survivors lose their cowardice in a fleeting act of courage, they are swiftly met with their demise, making you happy and effective at the same time?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,235

    I prefer stealth survivors over "run up in your face and bodyblock, 360 whiff all your attacks, clicky flashlight, teabag after every pallet" survivors.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Youve clearly not played against sabo or blind squads then stealth at least lets you work on tracking try using infectious fright as well as bbq. There is also the play style of using that strategy against survivors if they want to hide ghostface can hide too and find them as they wont be so cautious if they dont have a TR alerting them.

  • _VTK_
    _VTK_ Member Posts: 383
    edited August 2022

    You hate stealthy survivors in a stealth survival horror game? Just uninstall, this game is not for you.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    But using stealth is not some cheat or unfair strategy.

    I mean, as a survivor you are encouraged in certain situations to hide and do your best to not be seen for the killer, as some of them are hard to loop. The killers are always faster than the survivors, so trying to hide and "survive" is a common thing to do.

    Even if you were good at looping, many survivors would not risk looping unless they didnt have a choice, as killers got a buff in chases in p 6.1.0, with faster bloodlust and surv less sprint on hit

  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 244

    Last night, I brought Deception and ran the killer around the map for almost the entire match. I got killed in the end, but all 3 of my teammates escaped.

    Stealth is "strong" (just because chases suck now) but I wouldn't call it a "selfish" role. I got half the points of my teammates because I stayed out of the dead-end that chases have become

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    I used to hide. but the thing is i learned to loop. I KNOW its ok and a good playstyle. BUT because I play both sides and I die because of stealthy bois and then as killer lose gens because stealthy bois I have grown to hate it. I have been a solo surv for most my 2500+ hours and the amount of times people have never taken chase or hid got me killed has left me with a bad taste. and the amount of people who just hid for hatch and just stalled the game. one game i had 2 or 3 survivors just hide and not do gens i think it was the last 2 and so when i found one i slugged her and she showed me where the other was. I dont like that and it irks me to no end. I dont need perks to find people because eventually they have to come out, but there isnt a way for me to not hate it

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    When BHVR reviews the reasons why killers camp survivors, I hope they realize that survivors hiding is one of the reasons why killers camp. Why should a killer go too far away from a hooked survivor, if the survivors might be hiding in random parts of the map, just waiting for the killer to leave the hook? And the survivors might be using voice communication to warn each other of the killer's location, to make it easier for them to hide.

    Of course, survivors hiding and using voice communication is allowed, and is part of the game. I just really wish BHVR realizes that survivors hiding in a coordinated SWF can be so difficult to find, that it often feels more time efficient to proxy camp, because it's the only way to guarantee the killer knows where someone is.

    I wish killers could get some counter on their HUD, that tells them how many survivors are currently repairing generators, so they could have some basekit clue if they should be leaving a hooked survivor. If it's totally fine for survivors to call out the killer's location via voice communication, they surely it should be fine if killers got some extra game information to help balance the advantages of survivors using voice communication. It would even be cool if voice communication were balanced by giving all 5 players some extra game information. Survivors could have those icon things to tell them what activities their teammates are doing, and killers could have some (possibly watered down version) of those survivor icons so the killer could be more efficient too.

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    iri head XD its dead and its only use is for meme builds. also if you take aggro then yes you are playing right. but do you just hide after unhooks while your teammate is running away? do you hide after healing them and get them tunneled?

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    the fact that you do hide and seek swf is a real good play eh? its almost like the killer has a build to win and you totally deny him. you just stealth away as soon as you hear the terror radius and tbh i bet you guys have made killers dc because of that. srtealth is only fun for 1 side. if i had a swf do that id just tunnel them and camp every chance i got. i play killer do get my sexy hatchets not try and find survivors who want to waste my time. 10 minutes trying to find someone if i wanted that id play prop hunt

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    i could teach you if youd like. its not that hard it just depends on loops sometimes and the killer

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    well like i said i wont buy every perk just because stealth. i play at high mmr so dealing with the few stealth survivors is few and far between so itd be a waste to start running bbq after buying bubba and then spending 1.8 million bp

    good point XD

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    especially when i get teabagged at the exit gate for camping after barely finding anyone because one person would be saved and i didnt want to tunnel

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    ok so here is my match that caused this. I brought dead dawg to testr some add ons... i down a girl and go for the suvivor near her and then start heading back and she is saved, by a generator. the gen and savior hid alll game, halfway through. the survivors who will touch gens and stealth away are annoying. bbq doesnt work much if youre far away, you just search that area and as someone who played immersed before... lockers exist and hiding behind gens and also if you just stay in the area and the killer commits they lose the game or you hid badly and if you move to another area they definitely lose. and thats you but im sure most people want an interaction

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    yeah i get higher mmr so stealth is rare, therefore i shouldnt have to deal with it, i wanna deal with the damn sweaty loopers

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    the fact you dont take chase is selfish. if i save someone i refuse to hide, and when im killer i will tunnel anyone whos savior is nowhere and you know what i LOVE when their savior starts running to take hits because they see me tunnel and then you know what i do? i slug them and then tunnel the person unhooked. I will NOT let a survivor do some stupid crap to their teammate without punishing it, turning people against their friends is by far one of the best ways to fix problems. thats what bootcamp taught me, if you make a mistake and then ebveryone gets punished you are less likely to do it. yeah he showed himself but whose to say he wont try it again and that survivor wont be tunneled if he doesnt hide. I literally had a bill let this nea get tunneled out of the game and so instead of her 3rd hook i slugged her, because in actuality im not a total jerk.

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    well lets see i was playing huntress with bitter murmur and fire up and shadowborn and spies. dont make assumptions buddy. I was testing perks because I dont have many and the fact i have to be away across the map before they do gens means by the time i go over they are hiding and spies doesnt work unless you run, crows dont get disturbed by crouching

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    you can but im not interested in set up killers too much, But mine did get gens done they just made sure to hide anytime i was near and their teammates would all sprint away early so i either waste time chasing them to the main building of dead dawg and let them rush gens or find the stealthy boi and lose the game or tunnel which i didnt want to do at first, but i should have

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    playing a killer or perk just to avoid a gameplay style is very annoying and pointless since its drawing lots, also i have not a full sabo squad but ive definitely had like 2 or 3 in sabo and that sucked and flashy squads are fun XD they cant save if i look at walls, and they waste more time then someone who sneaks between gens and saves. you can stealth and be efficient

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    yeah like i meant he was gonna let her, but you get the point

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    of course but the people who hide all game and will hide after saving teammates is where i draw the line, hiding around a loop is one thing because youre walking but the people that go full into it and switch hiding spots and hide in corners of other areas and then leave their teammates to die

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    So you think 'turning people against their friends' and deliberately tunneling/slugging people is an effective way of fixing problems within the game? Sorry, but that makes no sense whatsoever.

    Taking hits for a recently unhooked survivor is not, by any means, 'stupid crap'; it's a viable strategy that most co-ordinated teams use. People do that to make it harder for the killer to do exactly what you said: tunnel. Swapping health states/hooks and taking protection hits is a basic strategy for any coordinated team.

    Also, I'm not sure how slugging that Nea you talked about did her any favors? Sounds like she already had a miserable game and she probably just wanted out so she could move on to the next game. Slugging is boring and unfun, so you essentially punished the Nea for Bill's bad gameplay.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Who says you need to waste time on finding them?

    That's entirely up to you to waste time on finding survivors and let gens pop.

    If you have no trouble in finding the other 3 and can down and kook them, then why wast much time and effort on a survivor who doesn't want to be found.

    Just play normal and eventually you will run into them.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    Best response. Thanks Mandy! Now I don't have to chime in, because I literally was going to say the exact same thing. 🙂

  • MrJack20252
    MrJack20252 Member Posts: 390

    sorry but if they still do objectives while they succedly remains hidden from you it is skill issue from you, i can understand if 2 survivors don't even try to do objectives and just stay hidden to keep you hostage in a hide and seek game but you are complaining over nothing if they still play the game normally the game.

  • moonwinx
    moonwinx Member Posts: 51

    So I have a theory that super stealth is the survivor equivalent of camping. You are playing in a way that greatly reduces the ability for the other side to play the game, if done well its a super strong strategy that is very difficult to overcome, if done poorly it will cost you the game.

    Also, if the other side is kind of bad they can think you are doing it when you aren't. Like, the killer isnt necessarily camping if the other three survivors are at the hook, a survivor isnt necessarily playing stealthy if you can't find them. And just for that reason it would be very hard to "get rid of" stealth gameplay. I've seen suggestions that all seem to boil down to revealing survivors locations to the killer if they haven't done anything to progress them game in a certain number of minutes (lets say their aura is revealed to the killer for a few seconds if they havent performed a conspicuous action or been in chase for 3 minutes), but I think in practice those wont actually work. Its super easy to just tap a gen or totem every so often, and I've noticed that usually the teammate that is playing stealthy is still actually progressing the game, they just arent taking aggro, which honestly is fine.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,860

    Speaking of stealth, stealth killers are having a rough time at higher MMR. Can yall at least make spinechill not detect undetectable?

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,306

    I take hits for my teammates when the killer is lazy and rushes back to the hook.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    Becomes stealthier

  • RyRapsYT
    RyRapsYT Member Posts: 299

    yesterday my friends and I hid for 30 minutes straight until the killer left the match 👹

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,244

    Tracking is a learned skill. Good survivors aren't going to hand you a chase for free unless they want to be chased.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    I don't like Stealth in general lmao

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890

    Killer mains: "no more DH! no more crutch perks! get good!"

    Survivors: *adapt and start playing more stealthy*

    Killer mains: >:((((((

    It's funny that you claim stealth is "playing wrong" yet you tunnel, which others would also say is wrong. Almost like we all have a different idea of how to play!

    Get over it dude.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    IF a lot of killers wouldnt camp and tunnel anyway, there would be no need to hide that way. Because then, every survivor would get hooked evenly, and survivors could take the risk to just lose a chase easier.

    But as it is, with a lot of killers camping and tunneling, not being found in the first place is the safest way. Its a result of how killers play. Thus, you going to tunnel and camp doesnt matter much, because thats what happens in most cases anyway.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,627

    FYI, if you didn't progress on your objective, it's called taking the game hostage and is reportable.

  • EternalSinOfCain
    EternalSinOfCain Member Posts: 132

    Today in "I'm a Survivor player that hates Immersed players!!!111!!" we have : Pretending to be a Killer who hates hiding players.

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    you didnt understand, if that nea told bill how he was the reason she got tunneled then he is more liable to listen than listen to the tunneling killer. also she was trying to live not give up. also i neveer said taking hits was stupid, its that they refuse to and then when i target them they come out of some shadow they hid in to take hits and at that point the damage is done because theyre too late. trying to find immersed survs is a waste

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    no not a skill issue, some maps have a plethora of los blockers and corners and the fact survivors can switch hiding spots is even worse because say they hide behind a wall at the corner of the map and then while i search lockers in a jungle gym they sneak to the jungle gym after ive searched it, i wont search again and also wasting time is not good for killer. so refusing to look for that survivor after 10 seconds isnt a skill issue

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    well its not lazy, if you are an aggressive player who doesnt focus on gens as much and you dont tunnel you just add pressure but at the same time if i dont have bbq and i hook and walk 20 meters away towards a gen 50 meters away im not gonna keep going. its smart to down 2 survivors while the other 2 are doing something else. they are split up or stacking on a gen and once 2 survs are hooked and i chase 1 more the other does nothing and if they both run to the hook ill pressure the whole team. but yes some killers will go back to hook mid chase with a survivor even if youre cross map which is annoying and pointless

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    i mean if a killer wins because he camped and tunneled... if a survivor teams wins because they are a swf using insanely strong perks and medkits... some wins arent really good wins are they? some wins are given tbh

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    nope not remotely, i mean in some situations yes things are unfair. like its unfair that a bubba can guarantee 2 kills by facecamping if he knows how to get downs. its not unfair if a legion facecamps all game and gets 2k because he is literally an m1 killer you can divebomb against and his 5 hit thing wont work if you guys bodyblock for the last person. although things like running insane healing builds on top of 4 comms can be unfair it just depends on the level of it