Basekit gen regression to deal with tunneling?

What if there is a built in Ruin effect for killers with whatever is fair regression numbers, that ends the very moment the first survivor dies. This would make it worth hooking more rather then getting a fast kill.
Or make the regression less for every survivor death, while rework all killer gen regression perks to something else so there is no gen regression perks at all, just the basekit regression.
The idea of normalizing regression across the board is an interesting idea, I feel like that ship has already sailed though, they would need to completely re-design a ton of perks to do this.
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If anything, this Patch showed that adding incentives to chase other people does not do anything. Playing Killer got easier because they got better in chases AND there was a Basekit increase of Gen Repair Time. And still tunneling and camping are the best "strategies" and are even done more frequently.
If you add a automatic Regression, this wouid just make tunneling even more effective, because it will prolong the game. And if it is an early 3v1, even if the Regression is gone, the game is over. (Let alone that they just nerfed Ruin in a way to not be functional after the first Survivor is dead, so very unlikely that they add it as Basekit. But given the fact that they added back the PR + DMS-Combo, despite wanting to get rid of it, anything can happen).
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People will still tunnel, its a nice though tho.
I think some regression perks are fine because they reward good gameplay.
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Did they buff Gen time? Yes 50sec
Did they buff hit cool down? Yes, 16% if you count on both weapon cool down + survivor speed boost nerf
Did they buff Gen kick? Yes
Did they buff kicking speed? Yes
Hardcore tunneling/camping still happen? Yes
You can add another 4 Gens as basekit and it still happen.
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Buddy you just made tunneling and camping better.
How to incentivize people to not tunnel: Base kit DS for 30 seconds.
How to incentivize people not to camp: I have no idea, basically all ideas i can come up with are probably pretty abusable.
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I've already toyed with this idea.
Improve Regression — Dead By Daylight
In summary:
- Base regression on generators would be 0.25 charges a second... Which is normal regression. Before anyone gets in a tizzy about it, that's 5.3 minutes for a full generator, and 2.6 minutes for a half-done generator for it to regress completely to 0. Nobody is keeping a generator unattended for that long.
- When you kick a generator, you take 5% off the generator (already kinda implemented with 2.5% immediately taken off), and it now regresses at 0.5 charges a second. This is the normal Ruin speed, before the nerf. This cuts the time of regression in half.
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Firstly, you can make it so you can't grab people unhooking anymore, which makes facecamping not a viable strategy except for hook trades.
Then, they could actually pause the timer if the Killer is in a radius for too long. Sure its abusable in some weird, roundabout way, but not any moreso than Camping is already an abuse.
Tunneling? Simple; instead of just giving someone a few seconds of invincibility, give them a sprint-burst effect off the hook so they can get to a safe pallet.
There, you've made camping and tunneling an inefficient strategy.
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Yeah not being able to grab survivors means 100% safe unhooks if 2 survivors attempt it, without even a hook trade. Pretty damn abusable.
Looping around the hooked guy becomes the meta weirdly enough, this is especially strong against killers that get their power deactivated near hook.
Camping is not an abuse, its just boring.
I understand if we dont care about the balance of the game we can just end camping pretty easily but thats just ending camping for the sake of ending camping.
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If two survivors occupy themselves for the unhook, why is that abusable? Honestly that seems pretty fair to me; in exchange for more effort, the survivors are being awarded with a better outcome. That isn't abusing, that's... literally gameplay. The thing we want. You about to tell me two survivors being used to rescue one from a hook and taking that risk upon themselves don't deserve a safe unhook?
And when they're looping around the hooked survivor, so what? You hit them, they keep looping, you make deadzones around that hook... You're literally the one winning in that position. And if you make the timer significant, say, 30 seconds around the hook, then it doesn't matter if they loop, it'll be long enough for you to punish them for trying to do that.
Seems perfectly fine to me, some hooks don't have any loops so a survivor won't be able to abuse it for very long at all.
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You have no idea what abuse means or you dont care. Either way...
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If two survivors go for the unhook, then they deserve it. That's two survivors not on gens plus one on hook. Literally free pressure. To make camping less powerful, the killer should only be able to grab an injured survivor off the rescue.
I do have to concede that looping around the hooked survivor would become meta if the hook timer got paused or even slowed dramatically, so either Slippery Meat or Camaraderie should become basekit.
This here is a big fat no. This patch proved that killers can't just be asked nicely not to tunnel. Killers got basekit buffs to gen regression, gen kicking, pallet breaking, basic attack cooldown, faster bloodlust and longer gen times.
Meanwhile survivors got a 5 second basekit BT, no protection in the endgame, shorter DS stun duration, endurance effects deactivate upon performing a conspicious action, nerfed self-care, now an even more niche MoM, and less distance gained on being hit.
The last thing killers need right now is more buffs. There needs to be proper anti-tunnel and anti-camping measures that actively discourage the killer from camping.
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Ehh, honestly most killers know their chances of 3k/4k greatly improve the moment the first survivor dies. I don’t need built in regression if I can kill somebody off before 3 gens. (I don’t tunnel most of the time, just a realistic opinion)
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I know what abusing is.
Facecamping is an abuse of game mechanics and design. That isn't the intended way to play the game. It isn't a strategy because it only works as a fluke. It isn't fun because it adds nothing interesting or interactive with the gameplay.
It's absolutely an abuse because it's benefiting you for not even engaging with the game or its players, you're just being rewarded for staring in a direction for two minutes. If you think that counts as genuine gameplay, but looping around a hook for a tile or two is an abuse, then idk what to say other than you're deluding yourself into believing that the status quo of the game is how normal games work.
It isn't. In most games, these abuses would have been patched out by now, and abuses of those patches patched out. Things break when you fix things in game design; being too afraid to take that step is how we got the content drought for the last several years in the first place.