5 Reasons why Generators are now too Long



  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    This is just objectively wrong. The players in January through May of this year are 5-10 thousand players lower than they are right now.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    The skill checks element was supposed to make generators less tedious and more stressful. Something you really had to lock in on to perform perfectly and possibly not pay quite as much attention as you could at your surroundings. Giving stealth killers a chance to sneak up. Something that would make that gradually intensifying heart beat terror radius a fearful game element instead of "Oh okay, they're nearby. Whatever." But when survivor skill passes the very low bar of skill checks as they are now, they stop being a function of game balance and become, as you say, tedious. They don't even make you hold down the mouse button anymore. It's nothing, and robbed of a challenge, generators progress with 100% efficiency every time.

    Increasing base gen time is effectively factoring in slightly less than ONE missed skill check to every generator (8 charges of regression and pausing the gen progress for 3 seconds). When was the last time you saw a survivor team miss a skill check on every gen? When was the last time you saw a survivor team miss one single gen skill check all match, for that matter?

    In a perfect world, they would tie skill check difficulty to your MMR. If you're new or very low ranking, skill checks would be easier, letting you hit Great results more often, and making gens take less time. If you're experienced and have a high ranking, skill checks should be WAY WAY harder, going double/triple speed with zones a fraction of the size they currently are. Something to make the game actually engage the survivors outside of merely holding W from one pallet to the next.

    Instead, they decided to go for the lazy route of "+10 seconds." So if you have a complaint about gen times, blame the path of least resistance.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    They didn’t say anything about 2k-2 escapes this summer. Perhaps they want 3k, and now they have more than that for sure

  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479

    They said previously the wanted ratio was 2k.

    They said now the average kills was too low.

    I dunno your statistica but 3k on average is A LOT!

    I assume they had kinda 1.7 or 1.8k on average.