Blaming DC'ers is stupid



  • Carnivorone
    Carnivorone Member Posts: 84

    No what I want is for generator times to go back to normal, because who on earth wants to sit and watch a progress bar creep up for a minute and a half?? But since I can't get that and the game has changed, I want my money back. I think this is utterly ridiculous and for the life of me I can't understand how on the one hand people can think increased generator time is not big deal and on the other hand blame people for being fed up with the game, like myself.

    I can't understand the ATTITUDE of people thinking its all about winning and losing when its about making a game that's supposed to be enjoyable for people! it's not enjoyable for people to lose, but it's a downright kick in the face and being spat on to be told you have to do even more of the most boring, tedious and gruelling part of this game (generator repair).

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Because finding, chasing, downing, and hooking the first survivor, just to have 3 gens pop isn't enjoyable for killers.

    I don't think BHVR understand that gen times aren't the problem. It's survivors lacking a objective prior to gens.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,283

    You say game has to be enjoyable for people but you do know that this game has 2 sides? survivors and killers... yes killers are people too they deserve to have their game enjoyable too.

    This patch was killer sided and for a good reason. They had to make changes since the game was too survivor sided and heres the news flash.. killers werent having FUN.

    This being said i still think the biggest issue is the map sizes and safe loops but this is what they did now who knows what happens in the future.

  • Carnivorone
    Carnivorone Member Posts: 84

    Then change something else! Make killers faster or something? Don't make the worst part of the game even worse!

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Because someone at BHVR thinks holding M1 is thrilling and exciting. /s

    Seriously though, I am not sure. The reason being thrown around is “killrates”. To which my response is… if it was about killrates, they would have done something more substantial than a flat nerf/buff. Why? Because DBD has gotten to a point where a minor change can affect certain killers differently.

    Why buff the length of how long it takes to hold M1 on a gen instead of making it more interactive and have survivors install “parts” (as an example). Why not take this opportunity to buff each and every individual killer who needs it. Rather than universal buffs that benefit one killer more than another who was already in need of buffs.

    Mobility for example. Something which the majority of the killer roster doesn’t have. Why not work on making every killer more mobile? While also finding NEW ways to chase and mind-game. So the killer actually feels like a threat (word they used) but like a FUN threat. Not the “Ugh gotta mend for a million years” kinda threat. Looking at you Legion. 🫠

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    It does make sense to blame people when not doing gens, because they are longer. They need now more attention than ever. If you find it boring, don't play survivor as it's part of their gameplay.

    What do perks being less strong need blaming for? If people make bad plays they make badplays, but rather have them try and fail than DC. I bet I am a solo that causes people sometimes to slam their face, we ain't perfect. No need to blame people for trying, losing is ok.

    I blame people for rage quiting, because it ruins the game. If you don't find it fun, unplayable... Then don't join a match. I won't blame them for not playing.

    People making excuses why it is ok to DC don't get it at all. Those people are purely entitled cry babies, that don't like that the game got more difficult for them and think it justifies them for ruining the game for others. Does solo queue need a buff, most definitely. Yet if you boot up the game, pick your role and queued up than you signed up to play the game as it currently is, so play it out. We are all in the same boat... Nothing makes you special.

  • Carnivorone
    Carnivorone Member Posts: 84

    Sure, but are you going to blame everyone ever who DC's, especially when it's apparently on the rise and this is connected to the update? I'm pretty sure it's also the updates fault

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited August 2022

    I mean you are right, but there were lnumberous threads about gens being boring way before the update. So yes, if they are boring now, they were boring before, and people complained about it long enough. What is your point here? The game got more boring on that part.

    You are absolute right.

    I am a solo survivor main, and i have reduced my dbd playtime by about 80%. In the last 20% i mostly play killer (just did all but one adept achivement on killers i have, bringing my achivement count to 90%).

    I couldnt find decent solo matches anymore, partly because camping and tunneling went up in my region and mmr bracket, partly because dcs and suicides (or other behaviour that basicly throws the match away), so i stopped. And every solo survivor that doesnt enjoy the role anymore should do the same.

    DC´s are not only bad for the other players, its bad for the game overall. Because players do it if a game goes wrong for them. However, as far as i know, games including dc´s are not part of the kill/escape statistics the devs look at, meaning a lot of games where killers are winning are actually ignored in those statistics, while the ones where survivors are winning are kept, and thats screwing over the kill stats big time.

    (thats why i dont understand this conspirity-talk about tampering kill numbers by dcíng, because it actually has the opposite effect.)

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170
    edited August 2022

    When I played in Swf's, I would instantly stop talking to a teammate if they ever quit mid-match and remove them as a friend.

    I mean, why were they playing in the first place?

    At least have the decency of finishing the match and then stop playing after that since you're not liking it.

    DCing or giving up ensures that every other survivor in the match has a bad time as well, nothing less, nothing more. Doesn't make sense to keep playing with people that don't understand a simple concept.

    And I'm not saying that the game didn't get easier for killer, or that is not more frustrating for survivors. I'm saying that screwing over your teammates (that are in your same boat) is not teamplay, and I wouldn't want to play with someone that pulls that move.

  • CyberRoninX
    CyberRoninX Member Posts: 293

    Killers getting mad that survivors wont stick around to give them a 4k. Its funny really.

  • CyberRoninX
    CyberRoninX Member Posts: 293

    Man this community is really trying to kill the game or just make it so killers are only playing against SWF. Keep telling people to not play the game and new players will stop coming because they wont feel like they even have a chance to get good at the game. Casuals will stop playing because you keep telling them they suck at the game. This game is gonna die now and its mainly because this community and game is terrible to new and casual player.

  • Carnivorone
    Carnivorone Member Posts: 84

    Exactly! It's the objective of the game why is it so boring! You can have an objective in a game without it being BORING!?!?!?! Like, have a task to do like you would have in Among Us?! Those tasks aren't boring! I would never hear people complaining about that.

    How the hell is it entitled to ask for a game which you PAID for to not increase its tedium!? Like jesus christ get over yourself thinking your this hot survivor

  • Carnivorone
    Carnivorone Member Posts: 84

    If people complained about generators before then why make it LONGER and even WORSE!?!?!? Like where is the logic!?!? Am I living in upside down land!?

  • Carnivorone
    Carnivorone Member Posts: 84

    Oh yes they need to be filled with people like you, the master race of survivors. Puh-lease!

    If the game is having issues they need to be addressed! Not everything is an opportunity to flex

  • CyberRoninX
    CyberRoninX Member Posts: 293

    If people are quitting its because this game is terrible for solo casual and new players. Like I said killers will be stuck with nothing but SWF here soon and then they will back to crying on the forums until the devs give in and give the killers another major buff. Why should anyone stick around in a game if they know its a loss?

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,386

    If the game is so terrible then stop playing. Like you guys spend so much time trying to justify rage quiting when you could be playing anything else.

  • Carnivorone
    Carnivorone Member Posts: 84

    I'm not playing and I've requested a refund. Now I'm stuck with a game that is horrible that I've sunk lots of money into, and on top of everything else I have people with attitude telling me I'm not even allowed to complain about it. Well guess what, damn you, I'm complaining. I hate this.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842
    edited August 2022

    Some of us like the update and if you don't like it than don't play it's not complicated. Like I'm not asking anyone who doesn't like it to play but if you hate it that much please just uninstall it'll make the game better if the only people playing it are people that actually want to. And if you start up the game for the first time since the update just finish the game then uninstall if you can't wait 10 minutes to do that you're just a child.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Carnivorone
    Carnivorone Member Posts: 84
    edited August 2022

    Edit: Retyping this because I mistook the response to be something else

    Well sure I'm not saying I like it either, I'm saying the fault lies with the update as well as the individual. As for the influx of DC'ers, that is the fault of the update.

  • CyberRoninX
    CyberRoninX Member Posts: 293

    Ok as long as you know that this update will kill the game considering most of the games killers play are soloq casual players. Sure they can play something else. Have fun playing against nothing but SWF I suppose.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Do you and your friends also support killer DCs?

    If they don't like the map, or they don't like you're in a swf, or one of you got a flashlight/pallet save, or the first chase took too long, or their noed got destroyed?

  • CyberRoninX
    CyberRoninX Member Posts: 293
    edited August 2022

    Yea except this one is different. 12k players on steam left last month. How many do you think this month will leave? You can bet that new and casual survivor players (which make up most of the player base) will not stick around to lose to bad killers every game.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,283

    Resident evil chapter will be coming and that gives more new and probably returning playerbase. No game stays steady all the time people come and go, people try out other games and takes breaks, return later. Its NORMAL.

    Game isnt dying just because survivors got nerfed.

  • EternalSinOfCain
    EternalSinOfCain Member Posts: 132

    More like you miss the days where you could win by bullying the killer in chases with the broken 2nd chance perk spam Survivor Meta. Your post in another thread "Killer sided trash game!" confirms.

  • CyberRoninX
    CyberRoninX Member Posts: 293

    Ok if you say so. I've been playing killer more often and queue times are getting outrageous. Keep living in denial my friend because then you are never wrong.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    What's the point in neverending DC justification thread? to make more people DC?

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Have you ever thought about the fun playing killer? Juggling attention between the status and hook states of 4 survivor, keep their 16 perks in mind on the correct character, 5 totems (boons or hexes), the progress on 7 gens and the 30-50 pallets on each map.

    Killer has and always will be more stressful than survivor. Couple that with a game where survivor that don't do any mistakes and dance in circles around you and fun is the last thing you are going to have.

    Killer finally became a little less hard and stressful and survivor in correlation became a harder and more demanding and some people just cant change the way they play after getting used to it for years.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    i am not a dev, and i didnt make this change happen.

    I dont even agree with it, but its not the first time they tried to fix issues the easy, yet somewhat wrong way.

    Well, to me, solo survivor has become very unfun. why is it not allowed to share that opinion? Either that opinion is right, then something need to change, or it isnt, then people won´t listen to it anyway.

    The chance of a good game has gone way down for solo survivors, so the only impact might be that casual or new players become aware that this is not an isulated issue with them, but with the game. But if thats the state of affairs, how is communicating about it bad?

    Well, i can tell the killers that say all is well just what i used to tell survivors: If its so well and easy, just play the other side, then you have control over your dc, short to no waiting times, and can use all the usefull tipps you try to make other people play survivor with.

  • the_honey_badger
    the_honey_badger Member Posts: 111

    I'm sorry, but saying updates where hard on survivor's isn't a valid reason. That's like saying "Every killer who dc's was justified because of the amount of survivor sided patches", more often than not they played the game out. Survivor's shouldn't hurt their team by dc'ing, they should play the game out

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598
    edited August 2022

    So because they didnt accept the Update and DC because they cant Deal whit it ... ist fine they Ruin the Game for others Players in the Match ?

    This ja just a big crybaby move the Game was Survivor Sided for Years and now since the Devs Changed it a Bit Survivor are going to Ruin the Game for others Players

    Survivors are still very strong but it feels much fairer and less frustrating for Killers

    Survivors just Need to learn how whitout get carried by a busted Perk like Dead Hard

    Ppls like u and ur Friends who DC becausethey cant Deal whit the Update should be perma banned u guys ruin the Game for other players

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    I will tell my expierence.

    I were playing Myers, as usual addonless.

    David saw me and instantly run to me and allowed me to fully stalk him.

    Later i downed him in a pallet 2 people running from far to stun me in tier 3 they got stucked both and downed all those 2 surv.

    One survivor DC. David AFK.meg downed.

    After a while only last meg and you know what? It t bagged me in the tiny building with vault and a breakable door.

    Use lithe but didnt last that much and got down.

    The only player that was playing fine was swearing everywhere.

    So why DC? Becuz u didnt like it? As killers we dont dc if you break our totems or repair 3 fens in one chase.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    It is valid to blame people who dc. They've dc'd often way before this patch, and the reason isn't in protest, but moreover not enjoying the experience, but instead of playing on they throw a fit.

    I have way, way more respect for a newer player who at least sees it through to the end than a quitter. And those "bad" players get better becausebof it often.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited August 2022

    If the game is so killer sided and unfun for you as a survivor, don't play survivor.

    You don't need to load into a game, DC 2 minutes in and ruin it for 4 other people.

    Just don't queue up to begin with.

    As I've said before; DCing is the equivalent of throwing the board game across the room when you're losing and storming off in a huff. I'll never respect intentional DCs, unless it's due to a hacker holding them hostage.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    funny how many say don't Q up and play if your going to DC or stop DC your bad you should uninstall,because of how many DC I see if every DCer I see quit today there be no game. lol

    and there almost is no game or you think the long killer Q time showed up out of no where?

    sucks the long q for killers make me have to play survivor more and with the BP bonus gone from my perks the game don't feel fun anymore and it mostly the grind tho solo still sucks.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,306

    I finished my Survivor rift challenges yesterday and started on the Killer challenges. All of my killer queues were nearly instant. Didn’t have to wait more than 10 seconds to find a lobby.

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    So its the dev fault that someone got down first before the first gen popped by ghost face causing them to DC what other reason is there for them to DC, the only time that its ok to DC is if its a real life emergency when you hit that ready button your committing to the match and playing it not to DC for stupid reasons.

    How long did killers have it rough at times but didn't DC and played out the match as best they could like when the breakdown perk bug happened causing hooks not to come back, survivors abused it and killers stuck out the match they didn't DC but a survivor goes down first and must be a reason for them to DC.

    I was playing ghost face the other day and someone with a flashlight tried to out play me and lost and DC when i went to pick them up, even another survivor in endgame couldn't work out why they DC just because they lost the mindgame. Only 1 person to blame for a DC and that the person that did it not the devs, not the killer and not your teammates.

  • Alex_
    Alex_ Member Posts: 143

    No, not really. First, most survivors still enjoy the role. Second, the 'most boring part' of the game as you called it was increased by 50 seconds. Now considered that you will pretty much never will do all gens alone, means, that it's maybe 25 seconds more gen time. Now, also consider working on a gen with someone else, using a toolbox or using PT, etc. Now it's maybe 15 seconds more you will sit on a gen.

    And for the people saying survivor is unplayable... i still have a lot of fun. Killers have been buffed a little, that's not the end if the world.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    lucky you

    for me I have to wait till 7:30pm to get 3 to 5 min killer Q other times it takes forever and survivors are instant.

  • Alex_
    Alex_ Member Posts: 143

    First things first. You said it's bad that survivor perks have been nerfed. Killer perks have been nerfed as well bro. It's not like there are no valid survivor perks anymore but killer perks are op. The strongest perk in the game right now is arguably on survivor side with Off the Record.

    And second: why is it stupid to blame DCers? Nobody blames you, if you don't have fun playing survivor right now. I can't understand you, but i won't blame you. But then don't start a game and DC. Just don't play the game, or play killer oe whatever. Because DCing ruins the game for people still having fun.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Oh no gen times have been increased by 10 whole seconds! The game has become completely unplayable and not fun at all :C

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