Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Solo Q suggestions

Member Posts: 1,579
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm sure the community is aware of the awful state of solo Q and is waiting for improvements. I'd be astonished to find anyone who'd think otherwise.

For a while, I have thought of a few suggestions that could alleviate some frustration of playing solo Q. These aren't the only suggestions that should be implemented but are the ones that have come to mind at the moment.

1 - Survivor action icons :

Why aren't these in the game yet? They'd be so useful for solos to understand what the others are doing. I don't even want to explain this because it's so straightforward.


2 - Survivor Flash when "Recovered" :

The amount of times that I have tried to heal a survivor in the dying state in crucial moments only for them to press their run button early when they're 99% healed is annoying. I suggest that a small green flash pop out of the dying survivor to further help the survivors indicate that the healing interaction was indeed complete.


3 - Mini Basekit Camaraderie/Kinship :

With camping made much easier and harder to punish, I think survivors should have some form to remedy a hard camper.

This mechanic can be called "Hopeful Strength" due to survivors seeing a glimpse of hope from their nearby allies.

When any survivor reaches 12 meters from the hooked survivor, their timer regardless of hook stage is paused for 10 seconds, but both stages can only be paused ONCE from Hopeful Strength.

This will directly interfere with the perk Camaraderie/Kinship so it should be tweaked a bit.

The new Camaraderie/Kinship:

Increases the range that Hopeful Strength will activate by 4 meters.

During the first hook phase, the duration is increased by 5 seconds.

During the second hook phase, the duration is increased by 20/22/24 seconds.

^ The perk has basically stayed the same, but can now trigger for both stages while the first phase isn't as great as the second phase a.k.a the original version of the perk but the perk has been overall buffed.


So that's what I wanted to share for now but let me repeat myself, I don't think these are the only suggestions that should be implemented. I just wanted to share these ones for now. There are a lot of ways to improve solo Q and I hope to see the improvements making their way to the game soon. Thank you.

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Really like these ideas! Especially the ones relating to dealing with Campers.

    I would also add that we should be able to see other survivor perks in the lobby simply because it would make it much easier to coordinate if they are going for specific plays (head ons, power struggle etc). Additionally I would not be opposed to in-lobby voice chat as an optional feature.

  • Member Posts: 707

    Completely agree.

    I also want to see everyone’s ping, even the Killer’s, so I know the game won’t be destroyed by high ping players.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    I think the action icons, basekit Kindred, being able to see your teammate's loadout in lobby and maybe a basic text wheel would essentially fix solo, at least as much as it can be fixed.

    And none of these, at least the first three, seem like they would be at all difficult to implement.

  • Member Posts: 710

    Most of these changes would be fine, but I wouldn't bet on them actually making solo q a significantly better experience.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    1. Definitely needs implementing. A simple get gen/exit/hooked survivor is a massive boost to teamwork.

    The other ideas are good too

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    I think the action icons alone would make a big difference. The biggest negative (and perhaps defining) aspect of solo is lack of information (relative to SWF). So much time is lost due to teammates doing redundant things, or no one doing what is needed because no one knows what anyone else is doing.

    Knowing what your team is bringing and basekit kindred would really round it out.

  • Member Posts: 911

    You'd be surprised how much even very small amounts of information can completely turn a fustercluck of a solo queue lobby into a killer's worst nightmare. Info perks for your teammates like Blood Pact, Aftercare, Empathic Connection, Situational Awareness, and Blast Mine gives your teammates the tool they need to make smarter decisions.

    I'm all in favor of adding more info baked into default survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    Seeing loadouts in the lobby would be very nice as well! Since I've been seeing players run new builds lately, it would be appreciated if we could see if they have a specific gimmick planned.

  • Member Posts: 11

    One and two I'm okay with. I think encouraging killers to leave the hook will lead to a better overall experience. If you are aiming to punish camping though, I don't think making the survivor on hook last longer is a fun experience for anyone, and you should instead find alternate ways to punish a killer.

    The entity being displeased with the direct lack doing what a killer does, if the killer is within a set distance of the hook (stealth or otherwise) they become revealed after a set amount of time, and generator action speed increases over that time, going faster every second the killer remains near the hook while not in a chase (to prevent abuse). While camping, the range to disable the effect for the killer increases by a set amount every second as well, to prevent him from just dancing in and out of it.

    This signals to soloQ players that the killer is camping and it speeds up generator progress to allow a comeback mechanic. The speed increase should be high enough that if even two survivors are doing gens while the killer is camping, that it will be a net loss to the killer, if all three are doing gens, the killer would be so far behind that they will end up losing.

    Doesn't solve tunneling though, good luck with that one.

  • Member Posts: 4,142
    edited August 2022

    I wouldn't mind seeing other's perks in the lobby, but if someone's only running No Mither for a challenge then they will likely get dodged.

    Maybe it's a good thing. The devs will stop making such bad challenges.

    At the very least, if a survivor has a perk like Open Handed equipped, then show all players who have it equipped a red exclamation mark on their loadout to show them the redundancy.

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    Adding built in voice chat imo is the biggest fix with the ability to easily mute players. I do realize tho that could kill off 80% of killers as most would not want to deal with it. Solo que just suffers from lack of team awareness but these icons may help its hard to really judge the idea unless it was put into testing

  • Member Posts: 944

    I just want basekit kindred so I can equip actual perks , like just seeing your team when someone is on hook is really basic stuff and needed in solo Q

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    Interesting idea. It could work if implemented well.

    I agree. Making the loadouts visible before the match should be beneficial even if it means the devs would think of better challenges lol.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Incentivizing teamwork by increasing blood-point allotments could help. Spreading “win” rewards amongst all survivors in the trial regardless of them making it through the gates* could help.

    *provided they don’t DC. But if survivors are truly a team, then all should be treated as one. If a single survivor escapes the trial reward the entire team with the same allotment of BPs and increased MMR.

  • Member Posts: 710
    edited August 2022

    I'm not so sure.

    In my solo q games the defining aspect is two players having no idea what they are doing. No info buffs are going to fix the Claudette self-healing in the corner or the Dwight scared to touch a gen.

    That's why I said "significantly better experience." I think it might be marginally better, but solo q is always going to be roughly 3 killers vs 2 survivors in the average game.

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    They would! The icons and like you added; basekit kindred would really help, but I think survivors may need a few more than just informational tools in the case of camping and tunneling. Though I didn't propose an anti-tunneling idea, I did propose one against camping which should help those in the Solo Q experience (or survivor experience in general).

    Possibly! Voice chats are more direct and instant compared to icons but let's see if the devs want to implement Voice Chat or icons soon even though they opened up to the icon idea a while back. Surprised we haven't gotten a word about it yet.

    Basekit Kindred would help a lot for sure! When the 6.1.0 patch rolled in, I'm not surprised that players were disappointed in basekit kindred being absent since it would've been a great step for solo Q.

  • Member Posts: 944

    I have another one remove DC penalty after the first one just like dota 2, only first person leaving get a penalty the others can leave and go play another match, 3v1 games are such a waste of time in dbd just let us leave

  • Member Posts: 709

    I like the suggestions, but I would suggest instead of 3 being based on a survivor coming within range just increasing the hook stages each by 10 seconds by default. Generator times went up, so I believe it is an oversight to not do the same to hook timers.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    I think they if you're solo then you should be able to see everyone's aura, including the killers' from any distance constantly. It's only what swf has, right?

    Additionally you should have the endurance status effect when within 40m of another survivor to simulate someone taking hits for you. It's what swf has, right?

    Once per game you should be able to automatically wiggle off the killer's shoulder. This is to simulate a coordinated flashlight save, because swf can do that.

  • Member Posts: 1,297

    Good ideas !

  • Member Posts: 1,579
    edited August 2022

    Fair point! I think I considered it at one point but I decided for a more "interactive" route.

    I wonder what'd happen if these changes were implemented. Solo needs some help, but I don't think a simulation of SWF needs to happen all the time since SWF groups aren't perfect either.

    Thank you!

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