Chris Redfield's face

Since there is a new Resident Evil chapter on horizon, I have been wondering if you've had any plans on adjusting Chris' face to look more like him from the Resident Evil games. I love the character, and I generally love him in DBD. Beautiful voice, clothes and body. The only thing that's felt really off to me is his face. Below I'm posting a comparison of his face in DBD and his face in his remastered model from RE 5. I am really hoping that you will adjust his face so he looks like himself, so it really feels like I'm playing Chris in DBD.

You did an amazing job with Cybil. On release, she didn't really resemble Cybil from Silent Hill, but since redoing her face, she's looked amazing. I love that. Resident Evil Chris is very pretty, and I've been wanting his face to be accurate to that ever since you've released him.

Just look how pretty he is on the right ❤️ I'm sure you can do an amazing job, just like with Cybil.


  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    Chris is pretty and good the way he is, if they chanhe they would tweak a bit like the pic you provided in the thread, would not ne baf

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,150

    In my opinion, he looks off just like Claire. I'm surprised that people have been asking for her face changes, but not his. Everytime I see him, he feels off. His face looks very different from his RE 5 model's.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,150

    His profile doesn't look that bad. It's the front of his face that I feel is off. I've talked with a streamer today about this, and they feel like the front of this face looks as if it was squished from the sides (from the left and right towards the center). A little bit of work on the face would do wonders 🥺Please let us have a pretty Chris ❤️ Us fans would really appreciate it.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,150

    I'm genuinely baffled at how you guys can't see the offness in his face 😅

    I guess I'll have to wait and see if they do anything about it.... It would also be cool if they gave Chris more outfits, he has some really good ones. :)

  • Spykitty358
    Spykitty358 Member Posts: 51

    Yea coming on this post i do see a difference, as I've said back on my post RE5 Chris is my favorite look out of them all so if they can recreate that exact face pattern in DBD I'd be happy.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,150

    They've done an amazing job with Claire, considering how off her face looked. They can surely do it with Chris too! They just need to do it. I don't know why they would keep one of the most handsome guys in the history of video gaming looking off like this. It just ruins the sales and displeases Chris's fans.

  • Spykitty358
    Spykitty358 Member Posts: 51

    Yep and i agree, if we can get some kind of petition to get his face to look more like RE5 I'd sign it just as fast as one for his RE5 look all together.

    I've made a post complaining on how they made Chris's RE5 outfit for Felix (And also called it STARS uniform rather then BSAA) but not add it on Chris. Which ironically that post lead me here.

    This is likely because they didn't want to create another Chris Legendary. But If they do make Chris's STARS appearance more like the promotional art and then they could add the BSAA outfit with his RE5 look I'd be more into that. Because this prevents the issue of cosmetic pieces looking the same. I know they technically did this for Wesker on his STARS Uniform but the Sunglasses are different. With the RE1 and RE5 Chris the difference can be RE5 has the Facial Hair and earpiece while RE1 is clean shaved and maybe doesn't have the earpiece (I might keep it because it's a part of icon and his animation in the lobby. But at the same time i wouldn't mind if there's 2 headpieces that are the same. In the end it's the outfits that i care about. Of course people will complain "Oh I'm paying 10$ to 20$ for 2 sets of clothing and the same headpiece i already have" That may be true. So i was thinking maybe they can just have his BSAA outfit as an attachment piece you can buy. But then that requires you to buying the STARS Chris to get BSAA outfit so that would actually be charging you extra so i don't think they would go that route. In the end i just wanna see RE5 Chris with hopefully a slightly better Face.

  • Spykitty358
    Spykitty358 Member Posts: 51

    IDK why but i made a previous post then i tried to edit a slight grammar mistake and it got deleted for some reason so i gotta repost what i said. But i totally agree that Chris could use a bit of a rework. His eyebrows are off and his cheekbones are too inwards.

    (If i somehow posted 2 posts then something glitched out on the Forums)

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,870

    Among DBD models, I think there's a spectrum of facial "offness" from "fine" to "omfg that must be a pod person", and Chris is definitely closer to the fine end, imo.

    I think they have bigger aesthetic fish to fry.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,150
    edited September 2022

    @Thusly_Boned @Spykitty358 Someone posted a better comparison of Chris' face here:

    I find the face on the left really hard to look at, they really massacred the face. As an artist, I really notice the offness heavily. It takes a few elements to be off for a face to look very off. It also takes a few elements to fix to make it look right. I know when I draw, a lot of times a face I'm drawing looks off... eventually I manage to adjust certain elements and then it looks completely right. Chris' face is off right now, and it's fixable.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,870

    I get that, and I'm not saying it isn't off, I'm saying it's good by DBD standards. Hell, I think most of the survivors' faces are wonky and off putting upon close examination, even some of the ones generally considered the most attractive.

    Maybe you have a particular affinity for RE, but I don't Chris' is that bad, relatively speaking. I still think Claire's is worse, though improved.

    I certainly wouldn't argue if they improved it, but there are others who I think need it more.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,828

    It's just the wrong face they've given the legendary skin, is suppose to be his RE1/Code Veronica face as it was shown in the dbd trailer for the first RE dlc.

  • Spykitty358
    Spykitty358 Member Posts: 51

    Yea definitely agree, it also kinda confirms they we're going for the RE5 Bonus outfit when making this model. I actually use the mod in RE1 Remake that replaces Chris's Lost in Nightmares BSAA Bonus Outfit with his RE5 STARS look since his RE5 Face is my favourite in the series. But can i also point it was funny reading the notification on the tag lol

    "Alen_Starkly mentioned you in Chris Redfield's face"

    That got me to laugh a bit ngl XD