Perk Rating | New Building System

uniqid Member Posts: 46
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Currently in DBD there are builds that are just too OP making perks getting nerfed because of other perks or just because a perk itself is too strong. This was mostly addressed with the 6.0 patch but leaves a gap where perks can never be fun or a bit better than they should because their interactions with others are just too strong.

Here's the solution - I call it Perk Rating.

Each perk - killer and survivor - would now be rated between 3 ratings. They can be Common, Rare or Epic. How does this affect builds? Here it goes.

  1. You can only equip up to 1 Epic perk;
  2. You can only equip up to 2 Rare perks;
  3. You can equip up to 4 Common perks.

The amount of possible builds would be immediatelly restricted but the change would then allow for epic perks to actually be meaningful and trully affect how killers or survivors play the game.

I'm not gonna go ahead and say what perks should be what rating as balance changes would be needed most likely, this is just to present the base idea.



Take Dead Hard for example. The perk lost its soul with last patch not just because it was OP but because it was OP when played with a bunch of other meta perks. Balance changes were needed yes but rating perks instead of nerfing all of them to the ground would have been a way better approach. They'd get to keep their playstyle while not being able to be played all together.

On the killer side take an example build like Franklin's Demise, Thanatophobia, Plaything and Pentimento. Playing against something like that is extremely frustrating and you can tell why. The rating system should prevent such builds from being possible. These would all at least be considered Rare perks allowing you to only take 2 of them together.


In summary, you couldn't just throw 4 OP perks together and call it a build. You'd have to give them some thought and figure out a good playstyle. Just remember Epic perks should trully affect how you play and shouldn't be just another perk you throw in there.


To give alittle credibility to the idea, last year, I basically predicted (and asked) for a base game change regarding tunneling (see my posts). No one replied but the truth is it was actually implemented almost word by word. Given it isn't perfect, it's a start but that's ouside the scope of this topic. This is nothing but a continuation of that to address base game issues - namely camping, tunneling and "sweaty" builds.


Give it some thought and share your conclusions, I'd like to hear them!

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