why can’t the aura reveal on survivors part of kindred be basekit?

Hoodied Member Posts: 12,994
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Seriously, I have no idea on whats “too strong” about showing survivors this info, don’t make the killer part of it basekit if you need to just make the survivor reveal part basekit and that could be a start, just a start to helping solo queue not feel like you are stepping on nails

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,499

    I wonder what's keeping BHVR from implementing this into the game or even allowing us to test it on the PTB.

  • Objectively_speaking
    Objectively_speaking Member Posts: 495
    edited August 2022

    Wall of Text, Sorry I was bored

    Likely, because any information drastically changes how people play. For instance, say that Survivor A gets hooked, Survivor B and C see this and go to unhook at the SAME time. Unfortunately, because Survivor B and C cannot see each other this leads to wasted time because it is two people off gens. Now, with Kindred <Survivor auras> as basekit, Survivor B sees Survivor C go to unhook and never leaves that gen this leads to more time on gens and more efficent playstyles more often. If this is good or not, depends on the player but all it does is lessen risk for survivors with NO Counter for the killer and hurts killers for hooking <might even reward killers more if they slug>. Imagine if the killer everytime they lost a gen <was Hooked> had 2 random survivors scream <Cannot be countered with calm spirit> it would be basically the same thing. Free information with no Counter that punishes players for playing.

    TLDR It would punish killers for hooking and it Would lead to more sweaty matches and more Nerf <Obviously>. But I would still like Kindred Basekit <only for survivor auras if they are within 24 Meters of the hook>.

    Edit Changed <Killers hooking to losing a gen>.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,082

    Because it would counter camping.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,729

    why would they do that when you could just actually run the perk that already got buffed for that reason? I honestly think some people still think it only gives auras to other people when you're hooked like it used to. If you use it, you have that information every time anyone is hooked, and if you want that as basekit thats just kinda greedy.

  • Supersaz
    Supersaz Member Posts: 7

    Because part of DBD is having some mystery, and purposely not having everything "known".

    Obviously things like SWF negate that / that's what perks are for, but I think if they start going in the direction of naturally showing more and more auras then the game will lose some of its magic.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,244

    I don't think giving full aura is the same kind of information that SWF has. It's a bit more info. To get same kind of information you would need location indicator (so e.g. yellow dot instead of full portrait of a person - you don't see if he's crouching/running/etc. ) with some built-in imprecision (say misplace the dot somewhere within 10m radius). Even giving info like this is still a little bit more, because you would always have it instead of having to ask for it and waiting for reply.

    That being said - I still think that some kind of ping mechanism that would allow basic communication within team would be actually beneficial in bridging the gap between swf and solo