PC-Bloodwarden range

Frys_Dog Member Posts: 92
edited December 2022 in Bug Reporting

Step 1 : Play in RPD.

Step 2 : Play as killer with the perk Bloodwarden.

Step 3 : Wait till the endgame.

Step 4 : The door near the helicopter down the staircase with a window vault, will have a spot in a corner outside the door, where Bloodwarden will show you the survivor auras if they stand right there.

Additional information:

Played as Leatherface.

With Bloodwarden, Enduring, Spirit Fury and Eruption.

In the RPD, the variant where there is a door down the stairs, next to the press room and the helicopter.

It only happened once, but it is consistent, because when the survivor moved outside and inside the corner, the aura remain visible.

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