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Crazy Idea DBD with Tarkov-like or Diablo3-like cycle

cacao1 Member Posts: 89
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Crazy idea! Dont shame me please. Try to be open minded... try to be even more openminded then right now. Dont worry I did NOT forget the terrible Grind in DBD.

We have a rank reset on every 13th of a month. Tarkov and Diablo3 have their wipes every few months.

People in tarkov and Diablo3 LOVE the wipes, because it gives the game fresh air. SO you can see that its not a bad thing at all, its just a different experience. I know I know... you are not sold... the inner greed demon in you doesnt want to lose everything... but remember! Everyone will also lose the same as you! Are you not sick of people using the same builds and same addons every game? Let them work for it! Let them play with minimal stuff in the beginning of the wipe.

Dbd has a terrible grind, suggesting to lose that little we get sounds crazy to you... I understand.

The wipe can ONLY work if the Grind is reduced and two things are mandatory:

1) massive price reduction for bloodweb nods (e.g. 1000bp for each nod regardless of rarity)

2) instant nod pick... like INSTANT! Why do we need to hold it for 1 second? I want to be able pick nods as fast as I can click! (this change btw is needed regardless of if you agree with wipe or not)

Now to the wipe:

Question 1: Wipe frequenzy

[A] every month with rankreset

[B] every few months (e.g. with the start of each DLC)

Question 2: Wipe Amount

[A] wipe only Addons for killer and Items+Addons for survivors

[B] also wipe Offerings

[C] also wipe Perks [price reduction in bloodweb is perhaps mandatory or even removing perk tiers]

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • awustzdn
    awustzdn Member Posts: 317

    So you want people to grind...for the same old builds once a month? When this is already Korean MMO levels of grind? Hell no my dude.

  • cacao1
    cacao1 Member Posts: 89

    yes! thats the fun about grinding. you dont lay down on your addons and perks like a dragon on his treasure but addapt using stuff you have each month. its fun aslong the grind is doable -> and I suggested to reduce the grind before, so dont blame me if you did only read the headline and not the whole post.

  • TeleportingTurkey
    TeleportingTurkey Member Posts: 589

    Progression in Tarkov works a little bit different to allow such scheme.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Even with reduced grind, that just sounds bad, sorry.

  • Onyx
    Onyx Member Posts: 214

    I've read it all, but I'm sorry, it just doesn't work for DbD. It's just not that kinda game. Heck, I still have items and offerings on my players that you can no longer get. I'd be pissed if I lost them. Plus, this would just punish those who only like to play once in a while. Imagine having to constantly have to spend BP to get some stuff to play the game. That sounds awful.

    Not only that, but what about literal completionists? As one myself, I'd be furious and just ditch the game entirely if I was forced to grind for ######### every. damn. month. It just doesn't work for DbD.

  • cacao1
    cacao1 Member Posts: 89

    on the countrary! People who played >4000h now have addons and perk in amounts that casual people cant get. So with a wipe every month and a reduced grind casual players could get closer to those people with a lot of time to play.

    And on the other hand people who do play a lot could get some kind of achievments like skins or icons for e.g. unlocking 100, 200, 300 Perks etc.

    Like I said if you never played a game with a wipe you think its bad. But everyone who played a game with a wipe loves the wipes and is always looking forward to it.

  • Onyx
    Onyx Member Posts: 214

    You can't just turn a game without monthly wipe into one :/ This is the sort of thing you plan from the start of the game and balance it accordingly. It is too late for DbD, it has already established the way gaining things works and changing it now only stands to piss off its playerbase. You can't just force people who most likely do not like monthly wipes for them to suddenly be a thing.

    People who play games with monthly wipes expect them and play them because they find its appeal, but this is not the case with DbD. I'm sorry, but it's just not a good idea.

  • cacao1
    cacao1 Member Posts: 89

    what are you talking about? it was done in tarkov and diablo though XD people were sceptical and then liked it. you are just biased no point in talking to you! if by any chance dbd ever would bless us with a wipe system you would love it after a while too, but now you are just subjective as hell.

  • Onyx
    Onyx Member Posts: 214
    edited August 2022

    Boy I would not like it, because I grinded for all those items, addons and offerings, perks too. I do not wanna spend every month having ot unlocking builds, it just isn't fun! It feels like I am making no progress in the damn game at that point. Not only that, like I goddamn said already, I have items, addons and offerings from events and ones that are discontinued. I would be extremely upset if anyone removed those, which I worked to get on my characters during those times. I would especially be upset if they removed my bouquets offerings, which you can't even obtain at all. Those are relics from the past and NOBODY would enjoy having their hard work removed every month.

    I would NOT love it after a while, nobody would. In fact, it would piss people off so much it would make them stop playing entirely. Don't believe me? They have proof of this themselves. You are clearly new, but let me tell you that, at one point, DbD had a massive issue with people losing their stuff. Items, addons, offerings, perks, everything, their files were just corrupted or wiped. Back then, when that happened, since they didn't have backups, all they could do was just give those people massive amounts of BP to compensate for everything they lost. However, what they noticed, but didn't really tell people except one of the devs years later, was that those people, who lost everything and were given massive amounts of BP, didn't just go about reinvesting all that BP, instead they just left.

    Even if you made everything cost 1k BP and let people insta-click nodes, people would still leave. Why? It's not just because progressing is tedious, it's because they lost progress, they lost their value. Every second they invested was just gone. To them, it felt like all their work was for nothing. Despite being compensated, they were still angry. What makes you think things would be different now? Heck, even now when people lose their stuff and have to get them recovered they still are upset.

    So no, this is a bad idea that just wouldn't work in DbD.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,855

    Terrible idea, imho. The grind was not fun nor interesting. I wouldn't want to do it, again. One of the reasons I continue to play is because I fought the good fight and now have a fun collection to choose from as a reward. Losing out on that is a hard pass for me.

  • cacao1
    cacao1 Member Posts: 89

    I would NOT love it after a while, nobody would.

    Those are relics from the past and NOBODY would enjoy having their hard work removed every month.

    You are just wrong and subjective! Please stop arguing! you are trying to predic the future with no facts at all but your biased opinion. Diablo 3 and Tarkov proof that the wipes are the most fun part about those games (games that have a terrible grind on their own). When I started them I thought I will never love the fact that my work is gone, but I was proven wrong just as everyone else!

    You just have to accept (just as I did) that people from DBD would no like it until they try it but when they try it they MIGHT like it. I dont predict the future like you, I say what is the logical result based on similar cases.

    So please just stop, you are making a fool of yourself.

  • Onyx
    Onyx Member Posts: 214

    Dude, you're the only one making a fool out of yourself. Nobody else here likes your idea and it's clear you didn't read my comment past those two quotes, because then you would know why I am sure nobody would like the idea. Maybe you would, sure, in general maybe a small percentage would, but not the majority, no, and this is based on data the devs have shared. Please just stop arguing, everybody has already told you this is not a good idea, it just would make everybody upset. I know that based on how people reacted in the past, the reason people play.

    People enjoy having everything unlocked after putting the work in to unlock them, because then they can use whatever they want whenever they want. Not only that, somebody already mentioned it, but like... what is this supposed to achieve exactly? You think people will not just unlock the same perks over and over? And go for the same addons over and over? It really is just pointless and a tedious addition for no other reason than to be novel or something.