Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Minor changes that could actually improve the overall game

I've played a bit more now than I used to, and while a great number of changes have improved over the years, there are still some minor things which would greatly improve the flow and feel of the game as a whole. I'm gonna list what I think could be changed for the better, and I would love to hear other opinions on these ideas and more.

1: Treat the killer/survivor switch like it is in KYF: A button on the side menu to switch between the two. I'm currently trying to level some killers so I have more perk variety available to them all, and to do that I'm mostly playing survivors that I have stuff unlocked for. However, after playing some survivor games, I have to back out all the way to the main menu to switch. Its cumbersome, and it just takes time away from progress to do so.

2: Regarding Daily challenges: I have no seen a survivor challenge in over a month. This is unfair to survivor mains as it means they get very little chance at bonus BP while playing their preferred role. There is a very obvious solution to this, namely make it a choice of survivor or killer challenge. All us to chose the role before it uncovers what the challenge is.

3: Offerings and gear (Survivor side): It would really help if we were able to share our offerings and tools (medkits, toolboxes, etc) between characters, making it just one big pool of supplies to pull from so that if we want to use another character we haven't touched, we have available resources to work with and not feel hampered. Same idea for the offerings for killers, especially with offerings from events as well as offerings to go to certain stages.

4: A BP shop for directly buying specific offerings and gear would be very nice, especially if you really just need a specific addon but the bloodweb is just not participating.

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  • Member Posts: 7,383
    1. That was a thing, however was deleted when SWF and Soloq became one lobby.
    2. I have no idea how it works, but I have a clue - They give you the role you play the least of. The ideas of having 6 daily challenges, 3 surv and 3 killer seems like the best one to me tbh.
    3. eh
    4. eh , those would have to be either expensive or rarity capped.
  • Member Posts: 30

    I've had times where I play solely as killer where it still never gave me a survivor daily. It has nothing to do with what you play. I'm not asking for six daily challenges. I'm suggesting you have a daily challenge, that will either be killer or survivor depending on which role you pick. Same amount as normal, just personalized to which side you pick. Bonus BP for everyone, no punishing Survivor mains.

    Regarding number 4, I would think that the price would be 3-5 times the price on the bloodweb.

    Also, if easy switching before killer and survivor was a thing before, why not just bring it back?

  • Member Posts: 387
    edited August 2022
    1. this looks like a good idea; if it works fine that would be neat; knowing the devs this will allow exploits
    2. I think killer and survivor dailies should be split anyways so you can have 3 killer and 3 survivor challenges; also I think as soon as you complete a daily challenge you should just get a new one so you can technically do an infinite amount of challenges each day. Would add more variety to the game + more BP gain :)
    3. i get why this isnt a thing but also since survivors are literally just skins i would love this
    4. this should cost more than randomly finding it in you BP but i see this idea a lot and i still would really like it

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