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M1 cooldown should be shorter

Razum Member Posts: 8
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

You remember when DbD was actually scary? Well, it developed in a different direction.

My main point of this is, how the killer (except for a few like bubba) seem like a joke to the survivors in certain scenarios. They can just run around them and since the attack cooldown is so long, they get about no damage, like 1 health every 1.5 seconds if the killer is 'efficient'. This makes bully squads possible with body blocking and stuff. I remember a game as a Blight, where I downed one survivor but there were some others with flashlights. So I tried to chase them away but with the constant attack cooldown I could do what I want, but I wasn't a thread to them. Soon after like 2 hits to injure some other survivors they healed the downed one up and I was there with nothing. What I'd like to change is the attack cooldown. But only that. Not the time you are slowed.

The current cooldown 2.7 seconds. In that time you are slowed, a killer dependent animation is played and after that you can go for an attack again or follow the survivor you just hit. I only wanna reduce the time where it's possible again to hit. So you are still slowed for 2.7 seconds, but after like 0.5 seconds you can quick attack again. No lunge. So that if survivors just circle around you or bodyblock you or something you can attack faster, but only with a quick attack. A hit survivor can still run away and you wouldn't catch up faster, but you are now a danger in you immediate area.

This does not apply when carrying a survivor. Body blocking the hook is fun mechanic and the survivors deserve to rescue another one this way.

Let me know, what you think.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • TarunCosmo
    TarunCosmo Member Posts: 181

    There's a couple perks that speed up M1

  • Razum
    Razum Member Posts: 8

    Yes, I know of course. But Unrelenting is most of the time useless, since you do wanna hit people and not miss and Save the best for last firstly doesn't do what I suggest and is more a chase perk. I don't want a change to killers being better chasers. I want the killer be somewhat more respected in these pretty niche scenarios.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited August 2022

    I'm pretty sure body blocking and taking hits for a downed person to gain time is a legitimate strategy on survivor's part.

    Attack cooldown already got a bit shorter with the update, and if the cooldown was even shorter, chases would be too short in my opinion and risky saves would hardly be possible. The game shouldn't be balanced around the most new and clumsy of survivors, but it shouldn't either be balanced around top tier squads. I feel like right now it is balanced enough to be bearable for casual players.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Pretty abusable.

    One more thing to add to the list of things you would be able to do.

    Teleport on a falling survivor attack and while they are staggered attack again. I mean dropping from a height is already basically a guaranteed hit for nurse but turning it to a guaranteed down would be pretty funny : P

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    What you are suggesting would be bad for the game.

  • Razum
    Razum Member Posts: 8

    Ok, I got the point. But just to comment some arguments:

    "A nurse who just misses could swing again if the survivor turns back without thinking."

    I didn't mean to include special attacks. As Nurse, Blight, Demo etc. you aren't able to attack 0.5 seconds after blink or dash. With Nurse and Blight you get into fatique and can't attack and so on. The survivors should be rewarded when they dodge these special attacks and not instadowned if they got hit.

    "chases would be too short in my opinion"

    Well, since you are still slowed for 2.7 seconds after a hit as a killer, you won't catch up to a survivor quicker. The only way a chase would end faster than before is when the survivors doesn't run away after the first hit.

    "killers aren't supposed to be ultimate survivor stomping machines"

    I agree, didn't mean to change that.

    "With your proposed change, you would be able to hit him again and get basically an instadown. That would be pretty broken."

    My change adds a variable to consider. Now you won't have all the time in the world to run around the killer after a hit. You need to run away immediately. If the instadown chance is too high (meaning, too many survivors don't get out of range of the killer) you could set the cooldown to 1 second. But still: after 0.5 seconds you can hit, but not lunge. For a lunge you have to wait for the 2.7 seconds.

    "risky saves would hardly be possible.", "The fact survivors can finish a gen in an M1 killers face is dumb."

    I pretty much mean exactly these situations where the survivors stand directly near the killer and laugh him in the face. You shouldn't get 10 extra seconds at a gen after the killer has already approached. You shouldn't be able to unhook when the killer is near/directly beneath the hook, since it's a ######### killer. For that to not be unfair gameplay, the camping issue needs to be solved aka the killer should have no motivation to stay near the hook, except when all other survivors are there.

    "any survivor that vaulted after a hit and vaulted back would be instadowned."

    Not that you, what you mean there. If the survivors vaulted to escape you and you still get a hit while he's vaulting, why should he ever vault back to you? The other situation where he's vaulting to you while you stand beneath the window and after the first hit you immediately vault back to try to escape. Double medium vaulting takes 1.8 seconds and so yes, you are right, then the killer gets 2 hits. These scenarios are very rare. You would notice the killer if he stands on the other side. For it to work, he needs to stand directly near the window, because he has no lunge for the second attack. And still after the first hit, you can just run away, but not through the window. In that scenario the survivor gets punished (but not unfairly in my opinion) for a bad mistake and still has options.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,108

    Here's my take. The attack cooldown right now is good. However, survivors are able to do stupid stuff, as you said, because the attack cooldown is still a bit long. So what I suggest is that as long as there is a survivor touching the killer, the killer's attack cooldown should be that much faster, like 1 second or something. That way, survivors would get punished for running inside you, multiple survivors body blocking, and people committing to gens in your face. These are common sources of killer frustration.

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386

    I can tell that you dont understand how this game functions,at all. The attack cooldown where the killer cannot do anything is CRUCIAL. It's why 8 stacks of STBFL make the Killer such a scary machine.

    The changes you suggest will just make Killers extremely unfun in unhook scenarios and tons of other places.

  • Razum
    Razum Member Posts: 8

    I have 1.4k hours - I suggest I know how to play. I can tell you either can't read or can't argue. STBFL is strong, because the killer after hitting you is in your neck so much faster than without. That's because he not only has a very short ATTACK COOLDOWN, but he is also SLOWED for much shorter time, what allows him to catch up much quicker. And that allows him to chase faster (get downs faster) and makes him 'scary'. I suggest, that you can't stand in his face for more than one second without being downed, but chasing doesn't go faster.

    You could give some more examples on where it would be unfun, instead of giving already discussed examples without adding anything. For me personally it is very frustrating that survivors are able to do what they want in front of my face without me being able to do anything about it despite being the killer.

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    Lmao what? There is nothing wrong with the recovery time. It has never once been an issue for me or any of my buddies. Matter of fact, you get 8 stacks of STBFL and the game is pretty much over. I really have no idea why you’re complaining about something like that. Especially as a blight… m1, rush, down.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    If you hate Bodyblocking for a survivor so much just use one of the several perks that deals with it. Bodyblocking is fine imho, there are substantially larger issues in the game to tackle like matchmaking and maps

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386

    people really are like "survivor completed a gen in my face please devs i cant win in this game i am getting bullied"

    legit that's not a problem just play better or get perks to reduce your cooldown lmao

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I 100% disagree with this. The 2,7 second cooldown is fine, I do not think it needs to be buffed in any way.

    I do get that you're suggestion would still allow survivors to get the same amount of distance they did before, but I still think it would be too much. Slugging survivors would become more effective, because survivors couldn't heal in between hit cooldowns, and that's not something you want to see in DBD.

    Also, a Wraith able to bodyblock a survivor in a corner for example could probably insta down a survivor with such a short attack cooldown, though not sure.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,108

    That doesn't mean the issue disappears, just because it's smaller. My solution isn't game breaking either.

  • Taxman232
    Taxman232 Member Posts: 139

    Just.... no.

    You got a massive killer buff that includes faster recovery time from a hit and less speed boost for a survivor post hit.

  • HoopyK1
    HoopyK1 Member Posts: 48

    I think the cooldown should be reduced to 1 second. Give to killers 3 add-on slots and 5 perk slot. Increase the generators time to 300 seconds. Remove all perks from survivors and pallets. That would be fair.