Suggestion: some changes to regression

Gen Regression perks are a tad oppressive at the moment. Or at least, some of them are. 

Old Hex Ruin was a very strong perk, but it was also a pretty fair perk. It had simple counters (Don't leave the gen or cleanse the totem). It was high risk, High Reward for killers. And while it could be oppressive at times, I don't think the reduction it received was fair. Especially with the condition that it goes away as soon as one survivor is killed. I think it should be reverted somewhat. Ruin should regress generators at 175% speed (a reduction from before, but not as significant), and when one survivor is dead the survivors will see the aura of Hex: Ruin from a distance of 28 meters. This would return the perk slightly to form, while still making it a weaker version of the old perk.

What made Hex: Ruin so well balanced was that it lacked synergy with so many other regression perks. You couldn't use, for example, Pop Goes the Weasel while Hex: Ruin was still up. In the current Meta, the meta regression perks all have synergy with each other and in lieu of chase perks, or other interesting perks, a killer can run 3 or 4 regression perks in order to gain control of the game (especially when only 3 generators remain). With the new meta regression perks (Call of Brine, Overcharge, Eruption) they all have synergy with each other, and provide useful information as well. Something Ruin never did. 

To remedy this, I would suggest making a few changes:

-Call of Brine and Overcharge should no longer stack. They are strong enough on their own, but together they can be oppressive (especially against solo queue survivors)

-Call of Brine should remain at 200% for 60 seconds, but should only be able to apply to one generator at a time. 

-Overcharge on the other hand should be reduced to 150%, but can be applied to multiple generators at a time.

-Eruption should only apply to the last two generators kicked. It should also only apply the incapacitated status effect for 16/18/20 seconds (still higher than before, but lower than it is now). In exchange it should lose the cooldown entirely.

-Pain Resonance and Dead Man's Switch should not have synergy. To remedy the issue with Merciless Storm, Merciless Storm should only apply skillchecks for a set period of time or until the generator is completed. Dead Man's Switch can then be reverted to its older numbers.

-Oppression, on the other hand, should be buffed. Its cooldown should be reduced to 80/70/60 seconds, and missing the difficult skill check should cause 10% regression to the gens being worked on.

-Gearhead should also receive a buff, removing the condition for hitting a survivor. Instead, it should simply show you the aura of any survivor who hits a great skill check for 6/8/10 seconds. 

The idea behind these changes would be to give killers options, while taking away some of the synergy these perks have. The regression as it is can be a bit oppressive, and I think this would work toward making it less oppressive while still giving killers good perks to work with. For example, Call of Brine and Overcharge would still work together -- it would regress at 200% for 60 seconds, or until you kick a different gen. At which point overcharge kicks in and regresses the gen at 150%. Stacking the regression is a tad too much. Especially when you can stack Eruption on top of that and pop or Surge or Pain Resonance. 

Thank you for your time. And I hope you'll take some of these ideas into consideration for the future


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    "Gen Regression perks are a tad oppressive at the moment..."

    They really aren't. If tapping a gen for quarter of a second is giving you trouble, I suggest running rookie spirit. Personally I'm thankful every game that I don't have to go hunt down ruin before I can actually start doing gens.

  • Kaapskaaps
    Kaapskaaps Member Posts: 58

    When ruin was meta you could just have one totem perk and get rid of it easily and now there's no counter to those perks and most people run multiple regression perks at the same time. This along with the 10 seconds added to the gen time just makes doing gens near impossible sometimes, especially against already strong killers that have great map mobility. Rookie spirit helps you see which gen is regressing but how is that going to help? I know my gen is regressing and I can get back to it but by the time I get there, I've lost over half the progress in most cases and the killer knows which generator had progress and will come kick it again and chase you off of it so unless someone else takes it that's probably all of the progress gone again just like with ruin but this time you can't just cleanse a totem to get rid of it.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 457

    Killer mains don't want weak perks that basically do nothing. That "tad oppressive" argument is what got Ruin nerfed into obscurity. At this point, why not just suggest a perkless mode for both sides and call it a day lol.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,200

    Ruin, Pop and old Pain Res were absolutely the best regression perks to run, mainly because they required killers to actively progress and engage with the game, and minimised camping.

    That's the reason the new regression meta feels oppressive, because killers can just kick gens back to back without any other qualifiers, essentially bringing the game to a standstill.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Current slowdown Perks aren't oppressive, they're boring

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I kind of would like to have Ruin's values buffed only a little, but instead have BHVR find a way to make Hex perks a bit more consistent. My suggestion would be to have them stay active for a certain duration after the start of a match, whether the associated Hex: totem is destroyed or not. That duration should obviously vary from perk to perk. And only after that duration, does the perk then deactivate, if the totem was already destroyed. I really want Hex perks to become a bit more consistent in use.

    I am not sure if it's the regression perks that are so oppressive at the moment, or if it's more just the slowdown perks. Like Thana, which luckily got nerfed.

    I never thought of Call of Brine as oppressive though. And having it work on only 1 gen at a time, I feel could overnerf that perk. Maybe just reduce the duration to let's say 50 seconds or so? Though I feel like Call of Brine is one of those balanced regression perks that doesn't need to be nerfed.

    In my opinion, there are only two slowdown perks that really need to be nerfed at the moment. One is Pentimento. With only 1 totem up, it can increase gen times from 90 seconds, to freaking 128 seconds. That is simply too much in my opinion. It should have it's values reduced from 30% to 25 or 24 %.

    Eruption is problematic because it can hurt solo survivors more than swf survivors, because an swf survivor that is about to go down can just tell their friends to let go from the gen. So the incapacitated effect needs to be decreased by a lot. Down to 8/10/12 seconds in my opinion, and I think in that case, the regression could also be buffed from 10 to 12 %. It would make the perk much healthier and less oppressive.

    Gift of Pain could maybe also use a nerf from 16% repair speed reduction to 14%, but not sure on that one. Honestly, before they go and nerf any other slowdown or regression perk, I would rather have them nerf camping and tunneling properly. These two strategies are arguably the biggest source of frustration for survivors. So I'd rather have them focus on that primarily, and then see how balanced the game is, when killers are more forced to play normally, and actually skillful, if they want to have a decent chance at winning. And even after that, instead of nerfing killers, I think buffing solo queue with more information would be the better way to go.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,703
    edited August 2022

    The main issue with call of brine imo is that it’s too strong once a survivor dies. In a 3v1 against certain killers it can become pretty difficult to deal with. Pre-nerf Ruin had this property too but to a lesser extent since it’s a hex and usually wouldn’t even last long enough for that to be an issue. But even beyond that it already does a lot imo, you get extra regression AND information. So I would not really complain if it was nerfed slightly, whether that be not stacking with overcharge or something else. I don’t think decreasing the duration would do a lot though.

    I do agree eruption is a problem. One idea I had was that instead of incapacitated it should just block the gen for a shorter period of time, regardless of whether or not it was being worked on. This makes it weaker against solos (by effectively decreasing its duration) but better against swfs who can’t let go of the gen anymore to avoid it when a teammate is about to be downed. However this also gives it a bit more counterplay since it doesn’t prevent you from doing other actions which makes it less boring. The 10% regression penalty is fine as it is.

  • SgtMittens
    SgtMittens Member Posts: 249

    Second this. I never want them to revert back to the old ruin. EVERY killer used it. In fairness, at worst it was a minor inconvenience and only delayed the inevitable. However, it was very obnoxious to do every match.