When Will Nurse Get Nerfed?

Nurse has been arguably the strongest killer in dbd for about 6 years now and not much has changed. She's had some nerfs in the past but it still doesn't really help the game in it's current state. Now that dh and decisive has been nerfed, I think it's time for another nerf nurse. Personally I feel like nurse has no counterplay if she's been mastered. People say, "oh just double back and lose line of sight." But you can only do so much and on some maps you can't lose line of sight so it's very easy for her. You can't hold forward against range addon nurse and even if you do she'll catch up quickly. I just think bare minimum she needs range add-ons removed and maybe a longer recharge time for her blinks. She doesn't really have to earn her power like oni or wait awhile like blight to get their power. This is just my opinion, but if you guys disagree please let me know.
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Range add-ons are getting fixed in the next update. Doubling back and losing line of sight aren't your only options against a Nurse either. Mind games and stealth are at your disposal too. She doesn't have to 'earn her power', but also moves slower at base than a running survivor; has to charge her blinks, recharge her blinks; has fatigue; and land her blinks well if she wants a hit.
Nurse is fine.
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Enough with the nurse forums. We get it. 😴
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The only reason nurse hasn't been nerfed at this point is because she "keeps SWF in check." No other reason makes any sense.
All experienced players who aren't biased nurse mains who just want to keep winning can agree she is too strong.
Yet, "keeping SWF in check" is a terrible reason. You can't even change killers in lobby anymore, so even if you do meet a SWF you know is an SWF, you can't change to nurse.
At some point the devs will realize it. It is one of those things like keys and moris. Everyone knew they were broken for years, and the devs just did...nothing, for a long time, until they did something, and fixed it.
Nurse will be the same, and all the nurse mains boosted to oblivion by nurse's OP mechanics who will come to this thread to claim she is fine with lies and madeup statistics, well, they'll switch to Blight, because the game is only fun if they are winning in an unfair matchup.
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Soon, I hope.
She's a relic from a different age. She shouldn't get the Billy or Freddy treatment but maybe get something like Doctor. Same powers, just in a different format. Idk.
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She has the lowest kill rate in the game. Why should we nerf her?
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This is sarcasm, yeah?
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It is not.
Every single time they have released data, she has the lowest kill rate in the game. Here is the most recent data they released in january:
It is likely that since they buffed killers across the board that kill rates dipped for most killers below 50%, but yeah, in general nurse is always the lowest kill rate killer in the game. If not the lowest, i don't think she has ever gone above the 2nd or 3rd lowest.
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I’m sure she’s getting something soon.
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Why would she be nerfed? She's balanced.
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So we should nerf Pinhead, Pig, Freddy ect because of data?
Use your head. Nurse is clearly head and shoulders the best Killer in the game. She's an outlier and a relic from a time long since past.
Nurse's basekit is slightly more reasonable than her add-ons but it is still immensely strong. Don't be willfully obtuse.
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Best =/= Overpowered
If you have statistically significant proof that Nurse regularly overperforms against players of the same skill level as the Nurse player, I'd be open to seeing it.
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Nobody can provide that except for BHVR.
Even if I played 2000 Nurse matches in a row, that's still probably less than a single days worth of data that BHVR has access to.
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So, there is no proof of her being overpowered.
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I think that if you feel that the nurse is too powerful, you may not be able to play well against her.
I agree that some nurses are very very powerful, but they play at high ranks, where they can meet survivors who can put them in trouble.
After the update, the nurse's tp's will no longer allow her to go faster, which makes her really good the way she is.
I would be interested in you showing us how you play the nurse.
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If you can only use your eyes and not your critical thinking ability, then yes.
You don't need to see data to know that Ghostface and Myers are pretty underpowered. You don't need data to see that Doctor is mid. You don't need data to see that 4-man SWF's can be pretty OP. See where this is going?
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Or maybe the reason is simply that she is not OP, especially when her range addons will be impacted by the update 😋
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It took 5 years for DH and Iri Head to be nerfed...
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DH was literally: "I have no skill but I can restart the chase by pressing E" 🤔
Never seen such an illogical perk.
And I also play survivor 🤗
What you say is very interesting; you talk about "seeing" something 🤔
That's exactly why I keep asking everyone who comes to say that the nurse is too strong to show us videos of their gameplay against her.
Because it's easy to say something, but it's better if ppl can prove it 🤗
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Sorry, but you are just wrong, and cases of good players versus other equally good players on Nurse comes out roughly even (outside of one-side favored maps/people doing meme builds or not playing seriously or whatever/etc), both in and out of competitive. Competitive has pretty much all VODs on YouTube and/or Twitch.
As for non-competitive, there's both proof that good players can do just fine in a chase against a good Nurse, as well as that games overall also are roughly even when all skill levels are more or less equal.
Examples of the former: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ig_iQ5S-ABA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnjfG_sLfQg&t=213s (1v1s with SupaAlf, a semi-frequent competitive player and Nurse main)
Examples of the latter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_R-gkMwKpA (SupaAlf on MMR Test Day 3 where equal skill matches were prioritized over queue time) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4ZHFVowqws (Fubs vs partial tournament SWF in regular non-tournament KYF) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30TKsT-s8Y8 (Ayrun's chases versus a decent Nurse)
The main issue with players of super high caliber is the same issue that exists in any versus game with matchmaking literally ever. There's not enough people of their level on consistently for said even matchups. So they get matched with worse players for the sake of queue times. Which is exactly why good players get massive winstreaks on basically anything and everything. You have solo survivors getting 400+ escape streaks without keys and then stopped counting cause they couldn't be bothered to remember anymore, and people getting anywhere from 50-150+ killstreaks on basically every single killer in this game, like someone playing pre-buff Legion with meme builds and getting over 150 wins in a row when they weren't even trying to go for a streak in the first place and only started keeping count because they noticed they were doing well afterwards.
Good players stomping players that are worse than them is not a balance issue. If it was, literally every single thing in this game would be busted, including solo survivors and even the weakest killers.
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Yes, DH was very dumb in the hands of good players.
It took 5 years to get nerfed. The Devs don't move fast on these things. Saying, "Well, it hasn't been nerfed so it's not OP" isn't a very good argument.
Also, lmao, gatekeeping at it's finest. "If you aren't able to juke comp Nurses you can't have an opinion" is what I'm picking up on here.
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So, what you are saying is that we shouldn't look at data that shows the average player? And should instead look at what those killers they are capable of at a high level?
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As I post in every Nurse thread, I want to see:
- Make any attack where she uses 2 or more blinks count as a special attack.
- Make it so if she blinks through a falling pallet she gets intercepted and pallet stunned.
- Make it so that if she gets hit with a pallet during her fatigue the fatigue is interrupted, the rest of her fatigue negated and she gets pallet stunned.
The nerf of her range addons really establish her as not a high mobility killer when it comes to movement speed. If she only uses one blink to travel she is not much faster than a 115% movement speed killer, I've done the math. On large flat maps she really suffers vs hold W survivors and if she misses a blink attack the survivor can punish her with distance. On small multi-floor maps she is disgustingly overpowered and I think she is holding back creative map design.
I am really curious to see new kill rate data, but I doubt BHVR will release any because they fear backlash from the community because kill rates are too high for all killers.
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based and nuance-pilled
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Well, you know, I'm glad that people with 8K hours in Survivor who knows the animations and timing of every Killer can do well against Nurse.
Really, it's good for them.
Unfortunately, 99.99% of the playerbase doesn't know that. I'm honestly pretty much done having this discussion with completely biased and delusional people (who I keep humoring for some reason), so I'm going to head out before I say something I'll regret later lol.
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As i keep replying to you every time you post this:
- This is bad, because it is inconsistent, every other killer does not have their basic attack become special just because they use their ability. Should we do this for: Deathslinger, Freddy, Clown, Onroyo, Wraith etc.?
- This already is a thing. It is just very hard to time.
- This does not do what you think it does. Fatigue duration is LONGER than a pallet stun, and a pallet stun doesn't obscure your vision. I would much rather get pallet stunned then deal with fatigue.
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Ok then, we should do what you said. let's buff nurse, nerf pig, cenobite and plague.
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Wow, it's almost like that's why it's a video of someone who's an extremely good Nurse main with thousands of hours. Or do you somehow fail to understand that average players will not be going against insanely absurdly ridiculous Nurses anything more than rarely? Do you think people are facing Seal Team 6 SWFs every time as killer too or something? LMAO
But yes, please stop wasting my time with your bias and delusions if you have no intention of discussing in good faith :) It cycles misinformation and is a detriment to honest discussions. If you ever have actual proof, I'd love to see it. Hint, asserting something is unbalanced because most people are average and do not know how to play as or against something well isn't the way.
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Let's try this again and start over. I think we've both become to invested and heated, yeah?
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It's BHVR, easier for them to take the Billy and Freddy route than try to fix her like Doc
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Her range add ons could use a pass but overall her power is fine. It's the range which makes her crazy strong. All of her other add ons are literally jokes.
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Well guess it’s time to nerf Freddy again!
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Even if you can successfully outplay a nurse the punishment on her end is minimal and she can make up for it easy with her snowball potential and quick downs. You can come at me and say I need to “get gud” all you want but that doesn’t change the fact that nurse at her core is an unbalanced design regardless of how many bandaids they put on such as slower movement speed or a cooldown
How can we call Oni, a Killer who has to be an M1 killer to charge and earn his power balanced while nurse gets a stronger power from the start balanced too? That literally makes no sense
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I'll repost the reply that you ignored last thread:
I'm not suggesting making all her blink attacks special just the ones on the 2nd blink or later. If you're a good enough Nurse to get the job done in 1 blink you can still get Starstruck value.
Excepting Blight you cannot use Wraith, Onryo, or Clown as examples to defend Nurse having all her blink attacks count as basic attacks. You are comparing the strongest killer in the game to 3 of its weakest. Those killers aren't even B tier. Also if a Clown hits a survivor with a bottle it does count as a special attack, even though it does nothing without Pinky Finger.
As for falling pallets interrupting blinks, how does it already happen? The only case I know of is if the Nurse blinks into where the pallet can be dropped and the survivor drops the pallet once she has actually completed her blink. It's about 50/50 whether or not the survivor gets away without getting hit, the window of opportunity is narrow. I think if falling pallets actually intercepted a Nurse mid-blink then she wouldn't be able to practically ignore pallets as she does now. If a survivor was camping a pallet she could still get the hit by blinking to one side of the pallet and dodging the stun zone.
It does exactly what I think it does. I don't think it would be a net buff or nerf to Nurse really. Sometimes she would be stunned for longer, like in cases where a survivor waits almost until the fatigue is over, and sometimes she would have her fatigue cut short, like if she used 3 blinks and was running Enduring. It would give her reason to run Enduring and it could be fun. Any camera bugs should hopefully be fixed.
The Nurse will change because the community will not quiet down about Nurse until she see some nerfs. My demands are the most reasonable of them all. Others are outright calling for harsh reworks or straight up "delete her from the game REEEEEEEE!"
It would be much better if the Nurse mains here could listen to reason and at least try to bargain in good faith, but every single one of you is "Nurse is fine," "Nurse is balanced" and quote 6 month old data from before the major Nurse bug removal and a major game balance rework and say "Nurse has the lowest kill rate." No one can take you seriously.
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Yeah, I'm up for that. My stance is the available proof of good players versus equally good Nurses comes out to be roughly even, both in ability to be chased and the overall game itself (with the exception of things like one-sided maps, people not trying, meme builds. etc).
I think range add-ons and the third blink add-on are fundamentally problematic because they remove or reduce the counterplay available, while I think recharge add-ons are fine or even necessary (depending on the level of play) - not that it's necessary for most levels of play, mostly just the much higher ends. Recharge is less downtime, but doesn't alter the counterplay to any given blink trade attempt itself the way range or the third blink being available does, and base kit recharge time is excruciating against very very good players.
I am of this stance because for both competitive and non-competitive, there is ample evidence that shows said gameplay of those levels of players playing against one another. Furthermore, the amount of extremely good players of anything in any game is a quite small percentage of the player base. The odds an average player will have to even face them in the first place is low, and even if they do, that's on matchmaking and not on balance. Average/okay Nurses will make plenty of mistakes and unsuccessful reads, much the way that average/okay survivors will do the same.
Furthermore, while competitive's results aren't directly relevant to regular DBD, it can still be learned from to see how players at the highest levels of gameplay handle every and any kind of situation. For instance, how one handles chases as or against a given killer (eg, Nurse). And it shows results at the uppermost levels of play, for anyone curious about that. Which in turn would disprove allegations such as "god (insert) is uncounterable and a free win every game", given that very much does not hold out if they actually are matched against equally "god"-like players. Again, the majority of people do not have to worry about this level of play, but even besides results, the gameplay habits and skills can be learned from.
Additionally, confirmation bias is an unavoidable aspect, and most people will not remember wins or average matches to the same extent they remember losses. Furthermore, because she is the best killer in the game, as people get better, it will become more common to face her, which in turn means also having to improve against them to keep up.
Also, fundamentally, I am of the stance she has the best-designed power in the game, precisely because she can ignore physical barriers. It does not matter what tile or location you are at. She cannot brute force a hit the way a standard M1 115% can by walking up to you will eventually do (which is completely unavoidable at dead zones without something like Sprint Burst). She also cannot auto-lose a chase because of any given map design. She must use her power and win at a mindgame to land a hit.
For example, many killers just have areas where their powers do not work well, and they usually must chase as a regular walking 110% or 115%, which is quite disadvantageous, and in stronger tiles, that is usually a point to drop the chase outright as it will not be worth the time it takes to even get a result. Regardless of how much maps are redesigned, this will always be the case because of the variety. However, while additional LoS breakers do make it more challenging, by winning a successful mindgame, she can still play these tiles as well.
Because of this, it becomes almost a virtue in map design as well in some aspects. BHVR does not have to worry about map designs making her busted (other than extremely small map sizes), because tiles do not affect her beyond LoS barriers in the first place. This cannot be said about basically any other killer in this game.
Regarding her power being a basic M1 and thus being able to use Exposed, I don't consider this an issue. Like stated before, mindgaming is built in as counterplay into her kit, and counterplay is built into each individual perk as well that grants Exposed. For example, Starstruck is countered by either already being injured, staying split up from survivors (which would also avoid Infectious Fright), or leaving the area someone goes down by. Yes, it's an issue on small maps, but that is because those maps are too small, not the perk or Nurse itself.
Regarding the myth that she holds back balance or perks, it's quite simple to disprove. BHVR has continually made changes to buff perks or released new perks that are quite amazing on her, which they have never taken issue with. Furthermore, some of the basekit changes such as the survivors running for less time after a hit or the longer gens are also an indirect buff to her. I have no recollection of any such explicit statement from BHVR indicating the opposite.
Regarding how she outperforms every other killer with fairly low downtime compared to them, I am of the mindset people are looking at it the wrong way around. For weaker killers, a single lost trade means they can quite easily lose 20-30+ seconds. That is not sustainable or good design, because that is essentially a lost chase immediately in time-efficiency against better players. Weaker killers also make trades happen much less often because of how long it takes for them to even get in a situation to get a hit each time. Comparatively, Nurse frequently forces trades, and thus constant adaptation and mindgaming. Did you successfully win this trade? Then you bought yourself a modicum of time, and then you will need to do that again. The amount of downtime is much more sustainable design, and it also doesn't go ridiculously long lengths where there cannot be an attempt to land a hit at all that the survivor essentially knows they are completely safe for.
Also, another point is that people underestimate her said downtime. After 2 blinks, if she swings and a whiff, she fatigues for 3.5 seconds. If she doesn't swing, she fatigues for 2.5 seconds (a swing adds +1 regardless of miss or hit). During fatigue, she moves at 0.96m/s. This means that she moves 3.36m in 3.5s or 2.4m in 2.5s, in which time a survivor would run 14m or 10m respectively. Afterwards, she must spend another 2.5 or 3.5 seconds recharging the second blink by default. (3s per token) During that time, she moves at 3.85m/s, and thus would move 9.625m or 13.475m in which time the survivor would run 10m or 14m respectively again. Now both blinks are back,and the survivor is 24m away from the starting location while the Nurse is 12.985m or 15.875m away. While charging a blink, Nurse walks at 2.89m/s, and charging a maximum distance blink takes 2 seconds, which means the Nurse walks 5.78m during that time and the survivor runs 8m during that time, increasing the gap to 13.235m apart or 10.345m apart. In the 1.5s of travel time it takes, the survivor can go up to 6m while the Nurse can go up to 20m. Landing a blink hit with the first hit is extremely unlikely outside of either an amazing read, a survivor misplay, or being trapped into a corner (which is one or both of the previous). The second blink is up to roughly 1.2s or so of charge time, and then up to roughly 1s or so of travel time depending on charge amount. This is where she can attempt to make a hit again or fatigue again. Thus, between the start and this, the following amount of time has passed: 6s to recharge + 2s to charge + 1.5s to travel + [minor to ~1.2s] to charge again + [minor to ~1s] to travel again = A total of 9.5+(minor to ~2.2s) for a total of around 10.5-11.7 seconds. Basically, every won trade will buy around that much time on average.
Regarding the point of her mindgames being difficult, that is the point. Both sides must adapt to the other on the fly based off how the players are reacting and responding to given tools. For instance, if a survivor looks back, that could either be a genuine look back to gauge when to double back, or a bait to fake out the Nurse while running forward. So the Nurse attempts to make a decision based on how the survivor plays when they do that. But if it's inconsistent, it will only be a prediction at best. Likewise in reverse, if the survivor notices the Nurse is looking at a specific location, it might mean that's where they are planning to blink, or a fake to make the survivor think that before flicking. So they judge based off how the Nurse tends to play. Whether they tend to blink short or long on first, how they play around any given tile or location/LoS barrier, etc. Which is what the examples I had shown prove, that said good players understand how to adapt, and prove it is possible. Similarly, the issue at lower levels of play is (1) lack of solo queue communication ability and (2) lack of knowledge both as and against a Nurse.
Regarding the point of "blink to last seen and then readjust", the issue is combined with the above, that is only the most-reliable option. And by this, I mean comparatively so, compared to predicting. However, that does not mean it actually IS reliable in those options. Predictive is a complete guess of where they may go through somewhere you cannot see, which obviously carries a great deal of risk. However, all it takes for an area or a survivor play to throw a wrench into this strategy is for them to cut off LoS somewhere in the time it takes for the Nurse to reach the corner and then make another judgment, either there's another LoS barrier cutting off vision again, or enough distance that the Nurse cannot reach them either way if they attempt to play safely and not predicting. For example, like said before, Nurse has 2s of charge during which she goes 5.78m and the survivor goes 8m, and then 1.5s where she can go up to 20m while survivor goes up to 6m. Something important to note here is it does not matter if the Nurse manually shortens the blink by dragging the mouse down. The blink travel time will always go off whatever the charge amount is. The survivor leaves Nurse's vision prior to or during the charge (which is quite possible at any modicum of distance there will usually be due to Nurse's burst-style of moving during any downtime). For example, running towards Shack. If the survivor simply continues to run and does not attempt to delay any bit, then in the time Nurse reaches the corner, the survivor can make it anywhere from 6-14m away from the given location. Even if Nurse attempts to charge and go for a second blink, she will not land it unless she tries to predictively go through the walls, at which point a double back that beats that prediction will again, evade her. For reference, because of the up to ~minor-1.2s charge time + 0.25-1s travel time of the second blink (minimum blink distance is 1.5m at 6m/s for 0.25s travel, chain blink max distance is 12m at ~roughly 10 or so m/s), as long as the survivor is only not within roughly 6-8m, it denies an extremely small quick follow-up attempt, and longer charges will give even more time to escape said 12m or again avoid wherever she's trying to go.
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Hopefully they are looking into a rework for her or something. I would guess if they are (hopefully) working on one, it probably won't be implemented till next year in all honesty.
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Doesn't need 8K hours. I've versed survivors with 3k hours that had no clue, and I've versed some with 600 hours that were playing well. As I've befriended her, I've learned one of these "low hours" survivors that were trouble played the Nurse regularly so they had a good feel of my next moves. Not forever of course, but long enough to be troublesome.
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I think only her add ons need changing but leave her base alone. Some survivors just need to learn to break that line of sight.
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Well, first off, I believe you've made a fairly interesting leap in judgement. The average Survivor isn't very good and you have assumed that means that the average Nurse player, likewise, is around the same skill level. This is a fairly logical assumption, however, the truth is not so black and white.
As someone who has played a lot of Survivor recently but has played mostly Killer in the past, the average Survivor is hardly able to play around M1 Killers like Myers or Trapper, much less someone like Nurse. Most players understand pallet looping, or window looping but few understand how to mindgame, how to chain tiles, LoS blockers, ect ect. It's why we saw the insanely long 4K streaks in the past, for good players, the game just isn't that challenging. The average player just isn't very good. Likewise, Nurse has a bit of a reputation. She's commonly considered one of the hardest Killers to learn and is very punishing to pick up, whether or not that's true is irrelevant. It deters many players from playing her until they've mastered many other Killers. This puts their skill (game knowledge, map knowledge, mechanical knowledge, ect) at a much higher point than the average Survivor player that they will be likely to match against. These are the most common Nurse players you will find in average MMR.
For example, their builds will usually look something like this:
This is what the average player cannot deal with. While the Nurse may be able to be looped for a reasonable amount of time, their perks will help carry them over that shortcoming. These average Nurse's do not have god Blinks. They can be juked and they can absolutely be beaten and they know that. However, the Survivors that they play against do not have the skillset to counter her build, her add-ons, her power and the (generally) more experienced player all at once.
High MMR Nurses will, generally, not stack slowdowns. The Survivors they are going against have both the experience and the toolset to be able to play well against her. The players are generally of equal experience and many high MMR SWF's can deal with the best Nurse's fairly well.
My point is that Nurse is sort of the Killer SWF. For many experienced players, it's perfectly counterable. They might be able to bring certain busted combo's, but other than that, nothing too special. However, not everyone is so experienced and those average players will suffer from a serious power gap.
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Every Nurse player that I've spoken to (after our match) has been an insufferable dick to me and to my teammates and since I'm not an amazing Survivor, I don't find them much.
Not much of an opportunity to practice, I'm afraid. I'm sure there must be more nice Nurses like you, but I must just be unlucky.
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If you don’t know the game as well as the Nurse player, yes, you deserve to lose every time.
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Quite honestly, I shouldn't be playing against comp Nurses in the first place, thank you very much.
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Right, but my point is that people seem to think that they should be able to win against people who are better than them. If the Nurse player makes better reads, she should win. There are mountains of evidence that show Nurse being juked/losing the match.
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Why should we be matched with players with more hours in Nurse than we have in DBD total?
Like, a Bill in our match had 800 hours and the Nurse we played against said (on stream) that they had about 4K hours in Nurse. How are we possibly supposed to do well there?
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That’s a matchmaking issue. It doesn’t mean that Nurse should be nerfed.
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Thanks for your thought-out response, however I disagree on some of the conclusions. Learning Nurse takes more to play at a minimum level than playing survivor at a minimum level is something I agree completely on, and thus complacency is punished hard. Learning how to deal with standard M1 at average level is enough for most to not need to even try to improve further, which leads to issues like these where people just flat out don't know how to play against more complex killers (not even just Nurse). I agree that average players can struggle at playing against even weaker killers, and particularly solo queue. I think the better decision to go about this would be instead to better the tutorial, and perhaps include things like in-game guides for tips on how to play as and against killers, so there is a better base line of knowledge to learn from for both sides. For example, a looping guide where a survivor practices the correct direction to run a certain tile, and then they're tested in a map without those guides to see if they pick the correct decisions.
Furthermore, I think it's extremely crucial that BHVR closes the gap between solo and SWF as much as possible, not only because of Nurse, but because of so many different issues that is caused from this division. Some killers are kept weak on purpose to not have a power too oppressive for solo despite being weak versus good coordination, some perks or status effects are only really relevant for solo, so on and so forth. By closing this gap as much as possible, it allows BHVR to balance around one single type instead of two distinctly different types of survivor gameplay. I've made suggestions regarding this before, but I think preset message ping wheels that allow for communications of things like "Killer on me"/"Camping"/etc etc as needed would help tremendously in that regard (with minor cooldown to prevent ping spam/ability to mute a specific survivor's pings if they're clearly trolling for example).
I do not think a knowledge gap should be addressed by direct gameplay changes, but rather close said knowledge gap.
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And will this matchmaking issue be fixed?
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It's not a fixable matchmaking issue in any game by nature of how it works. In basically any versus matchmaking game ever, the amount of extremely ridiculously good players is very, very small. The odds 5 players are on in DBD all at the same level of skill and in the 4:1 ratio in the same region needed is even smaller. The other option is their queues take literally hours. But it's also not a common issue either, and one that can be bridged with learning more/making it easier to learn by offering guides and tips and whatnot better.
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I definitely agree about a better tutorial. Your idea sounds absolutely wonderful.
My point was that the average Nurse is much more experienced (and has more knowledge) than the average Survivor. This, coupled with some very oppressive combo's and a bad matchmaker, make Nurse a complete nightmare everywhere except for the lower and higher levels of play.