Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Thoughts on PTB changes?

I like them. They seems fair and address many people's concerns with previous changes and things added to the PTB.



  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,501

    Reassurance:was i a good perk.

    Me:some say you were the best.

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747

    You can still pause it for 90 seconds if everyone brings it. Longer if the hooked person has Kinship.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Very good!

    Big fan of the basekit changes for anti-tunnel and for the grind reduction, the Wesker changes seem very solid, and the perk changes seem pretty alright. Better Than New probably got hit worst? But it'll still be somewhat useful, arguably more so than before, so I'm glad it's hitting live.

    Reassurance is not a dead perk nor specifically the domain of SWFs. While I would've preferred to see a different change, this one is obviously fine and will still obviously do a tremendous amount to combat camping.

  • Rick3543
    Rick3543 Member Posts: 41

    Absolutely atrocious

    They didnt buff Wesker at all, and he is "bound" to be a plaything for survivors who have more than 2 braincells that aren't competing in a deathmatch.

    I cant believe they didn't give him 3 charges, lower the charge time, and change his crap addons. Idk if he will sell well, he is fun, but he really wasn't strong at all. They screwed this up badly.

  • Ginnypig
    Ginnypig Member Posts: 159

    Wesker got nerfed badly in favor of survivors. Once again the tears of survivors played on a ptb played a role for possible A+ tier killer to be a B tier at best. Congrats, Now let me get back to nurse lol

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    BHVR sure redeemed themselves. Mettle of Man is back baby!

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747

    I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, sorry.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,216

    I'm very happy with almost all of the changes. Increasing the basekit hook protection is very nice, and the bloodweb changes are amazing. Wesker's changes solve all the issues I had with him, and more.

    I like most of the perk changes, the change to Low Profile is pretty cool, it'll still be a niche perk but it could come in clutch. Better Than New will be pretty nice now as well. I'm pretty bummed out over the Awakened Awareness nerf, though, but that's the only change I really dislike from the Dev Update.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    There's not a single change I disagree with, just 1 I'm iffy about.

    Base-kit Endurance shouldn't be 10 seconds if you get unhooked from the basement

  • Rick3543
    Rick3543 Member Posts: 41

    Pal it's not perceived as a buff when you actually understand the game. The bound attack was super strong out in the open because you "couldnt miss" with it, now it's worthless and more like a demo-shred. The problem with it for anti-loop is that you needed more than 2 charges, atleast 3.

    They didn't do that and he now has 2 blight rushes, which is useless for countering pallets/vaults most the time.

    He is a noob stomper and nothing more. Devs looked too much at potato survivors in PTB to design him, and he is essentially going to be a complete crap killer like the last few they have released.

  • Ginnypig
    Ginnypig Member Posts: 159

    In what was was he buffed more then nerfed? plz enlighten me

  • get_barted
    get_barted Member Posts: 207

    How is better than new still somewhat useful. They took away what survivors would use it for, and that is gen repair speed

  • Chaellooo
    Chaellooo Member Posts: 106

    guess you didnt read the patch notes they fixed his collision etc how is that a nerf ?

  • Ginnypig
    Ginnypig Member Posts: 159

    So they fixed 2 bugs that wouldn't let him use his power properly and they nerfed 1 of his best perks and Made his precision harder to master for grabbing a survivor + on top of that , when you throw a survivor onto another survivor, he wont get injured.

    So There are more nerfs then buffs to this killer.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
    edited August 2022

    i'm not sure if the reassurance nerf was necessary but besides that they're all pretty great. happy that they took the feedback on rpd's pallets and wesker's power in particular. definitely looking forward to reduced bloodweb node costs as well, gonna make the road to p100 a bit easier lol.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Doubling the base BT was too much. 7s would have been better.

  • Rick3543
    Rick3543 Member Posts: 41

    Please man, don't believe me. You will see what a piece of crap he is on release in anything resembling high rank games. BHVR has dropped the ball so hard on this, it's over.

    Imagine blight with 2 charges, a charge time on rush, and a long recharge time... that is what wesker is right now. It isn't strong in any sense of the word. BHVR"s design team are idiots and i don't say that to insult them; it's just true.

    Once survivors realize they just have to play around pallets 100% to dodge him, he will end up only a bit better than the lowest rank killers.

    Something you don't get, he was NEVER very strong on PTB. PTB is 99% potato survivor idiots who join because they are fans of whatever chapter releases.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Except for the nerfs to Better than New, and in particular, Reassurance, this ptb update is honestly amazing. Wesker is generally getting buffed just a bit, though it's more of a quality of life improvement, which is fantastic, because he already was fairly strong in the ptb. And the 10 seconds basekit BT are just incredible.

    Just such a shame they nerfed Reassurance, without nerfing camping at base in any way or form.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    It probably doesn't seem like buffs to people that wanted Wesker to be buffed to Nurse's level.

    The buffs he is getting are not particularly big, but will make him better to play, and are just enough in my opinion. I really believe he will be extremely well balanced, unless the injure hitbox after vaulting is big, than it could be a bit too much, but I doubt that will happen.

    I am so happy they didn't listen to any of the crazy buff suggestions some people made. I am so looking forward to a new strong killer that also has a good amount of counterplay for survivors. I think he will be a lot of fun to go against.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    It's still going to be good, but the nerf was definitely unnecessary.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Doesn't seem like most people are agreeing with you here.

    I think this was absolutely necessary, and is going to be one of the best parts of the new update. Finally we actually have a proper anti-tunneling mechanic in this game. And it's surely here to stay. I couldn't be more happy.

    Now BHVR only has to nerf camping adequately, so killers are more encouraged to play normally, and the game will be in the best state it's ever been. There are enough ways to nerf camping without hurting killers too much, and it's needed after all the buffs killers got. But it's already just really good to see that BHVR is listening to their community.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063
    edited August 2022

    The Mettle changes were fantastic and I'm glad for them, and I'm really happy with the changes they made to Wesker's power (collision was definitely janky, and the vaulting thing felt like an oversight anyway) as well as removing some of RPD's excess pallets. Low Profile could actually be an alright perk now, too, which is nice. Definitely happy we're not getting more hatch perks.

    Reassurance is no longer that great as an anti-camping measure, though. It's basically worthless for deterring hard facecampers unless the whole team has it. It's not the way they should have nerfed it and they hit it way too hard for what was ultimately meant to be an anti-griefing fix. Like, literally just adding back struggle skill checks at a static size would have fixed every issue on its own. Very unhappy with this.

    Also, Better Than New is pointless now that it doesn't affect gen speeds. I was very interested in the perk before, and wanted to add it to my healing build, but now it's a hard pass even though the numbers are better and last longer.

    Bloodweb cost reduction is possibly the single best decision they've made in years. [i]Thank you[/i].

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768

    You know that it's still powerful af, right? You can technically use it up to 6 times per match (2 times on each teammate). If anything it's better now, in case you happen to have several teammates hooked and on the verge of hitting next stage. The only difference is that now you can't abuse it with 4-man-squad, effectively infinitely keeping hostage guy on hook and game in general.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Positives :

    Love the bloodweb changes !

    Good that they removed some of Wesker's weird collisions ! Chairs won't be his enemies now.

    Good for Low Profile that it's not only useful when last one alive

    Nice to have basekit BT extended ? Tunnelers will still find a way to tunnel, but it's already something.

    Negatives :

    Don't like the way they prevented the infinite hooks with Reassurance, should have been a hooked player validation. Now camping won't be punished as much.

    Don't like that Better Than New doesn't buff repair speed (I would have preferred a 5% constant buff rather than 16% on nothing useful).

    Wesker's added Deep Wounds effect when survivor bowling feels uncalled for. Now the affected survivor has to mend, when before most people knew they were injured and would have healed or hid somewhere else. Much like a newbie against Legion, most people who previously didn't notice the wounds will now only notice it when they drop dead. Should have been a scream or an animation.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    The thing I'm upset about with Reassurance is that you previously could use it to stop a facecamping Bubba in his tracks. Now he's still going to get at least one kill out of it halfway through the game, and probably more considering that you need to keep running back to his lair between gens. Previously with Reassurance, he got the kill at the very end but couldn't accomplish anything else through the entire match as long as one person had the perk, which ideally would have made the strat much less attractive and discouraged people from playing like that.

    It's not useless, but it's not a hard counter like it was previously. It was not necessary to nerf Reassurance this hard in order to fix the problematic part of it.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768

    I actually like pretty much all the changes. The only thing is that BHVR should stop "fixing" symptoms and finally fix the problem. I don't like the fact that perks are being nerfed for everyone just because one Starstruck Nurse exists. I don't understand what is so hard about making successful Blink Hits an M2 Attack, just like Blight's Lethal Rush. It's quite a simple change, which still keeps Nurse a powerful killer worthy of being #1 on S-tier, while simply removing the craziness of easy yet huge pressure Nurse can quickly gain from using Exposed perks.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    You don't understand, survivors need to be able to get a free escape from an area designed specifically to prevent free escapes and make rescues risky as its entire point of existing, the previous effect wasn't enough to get to the window or pallet for free without any bodyblocking or other risky manuvering as punishment for getting put into such a place! everyone knows the killer shack only exists to be a free godloop on every map!

  • Chaellooo
    Chaellooo Member Posts: 106

    awakened awareness isnt his best perk that would only be good on nurse

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    This person gets it. The devs need more synergy hardcaps and other similar considerations rather than just nerfing things to the ground because they don't know how to fix X person or situation making it overpowered. A lot of the changes in this were actually in the right direction, but a lot of them are too focused on specific issues rather than what causes them. Its also funny how the bounding adjustment regarding the width of his hitbox affected both sides, but it needed to be listed twice to make sure both survivors and killers realize its a positive change for each of them :)

  • Chaellooo
    Chaellooo Member Posts: 106

    um yeah if you vault small loops as wesker you will get looped till daylight so just break the pallets you dont even know how much his hitbox got changed, it was huge on the ptb and this change will make him better to play as/against

  • get_barted
    get_barted Member Posts: 207

    Better than new did need to lose gen repair speed bonus, and reassurance didnt need a nerf IMO.

    I would like to see a buff to Solo Q and want to know if they they fixed the blast mine bug.

  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455
    edited August 2022

    Decent changes overall. I do think they prematurely hit Awakened Awareness. Can't see this perk taking up a slot now that the aura reading doesn't last through the forced directional hooking animation.

    I mean, yeah, Lethal Pursuer + Awakened Awareness could be strong. That's 2 entire killer perk slots dedicated to nothing but aura reading. It should be strong. Now AA just doesn't look useful at all, Lethal Pursuer or not; Survivors can run all the way to Narnia by the time you finish finding a hook + the hooking animation so the tiny glimpse of aura reading you get before hand does not matter for much.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    You must have a lot of experience with the changed Wesker to be so informed about it.

    It's amazing how you can precisily know how bad his changed hit detection works before anyone has even played with it

  • Ginnypig
    Ginnypig Member Posts: 159

    It would make a clown going from c tier to A tier, what you on about

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,495

    Perk changes: Almost all awful

    Wesker changes: Amazing

  • get_barted
    get_barted Member Posts: 207

    I just want to know what is meant by hook instance. Is it once each time the person is hooked or once per hook state. That wording is too ambiguous.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 924
    edited August 2022

    Bloodweb Costs

    I personally have been on the side of actually substantially benefitting from the recent teachable system rework - I have all perks on every character now and I would most likely not have been able to achieve that for another few months without these changes. Or maybe not ever because there's some characters I was just not gonna really spend points on, and there's new characters being released every so often of course.

    But I know that for a variety of different scenarios, that teachable rework wasn't actually a substantial grind reduction, such as when you're not looking to get all perks on most characters. So more grind changes are welcome, even though I personally won't really notice or care much.

    Camping & Tunneling

    They again say camping but then there aren't actually any changes to camping. Hook grabs still there, killers being able to use their ability right next to hook still there. In fact, they nerfed Reassurance, the one band-aid this update brought that actually did something about camping.

    I am glad the unhook Endurance was increased to 10 seconds, that will be much more impactful than the 5, which most of the time just didn't do anything against tunnelling. I think it would be better to make this a 10-second unhook invincibility duration though, such that getting hit within this time frame does not consume Off The Record. Collision should probably also be disabled for these 10 seconds then.

    Their choice of words here reveals a fundamental issue in the approach to tunnelling: "We hope you’ll find these improvements to be much more effective in discouraging the Killer from chasing the same Survivor immediately after they’re unhooked." - Rather than discouraging the killer from tunnelling, it would be possible to make it much more difficult to tunnel altogether. Endurance only means the killer will have to hit the survivor once more, which quite often isn't much of a hurdle at all. Old Decisive Strike was such a strong anti-tunnelling tool because the lengthy stun timer allowed the survivor to make so much distance that they could lose the killer altogether rather than immediately be in a chase again. I for one enjoy chases, I don't mind getting tunnelled as long as I get an actual chance for a fair chase, but a major issue with tunnelling is that other survivors in one's matches can still die within seconds and get tunnelled out within the first 1-2 minutes of a match. Reverting the DS stun timer change would be one thing that's beneficial in combating tunnelling, and you could also make it so that unhooked survivors have no blood, scratchmarks or cries of pain for 30 or so seconds, as well as increase the Haste effect to that same duration.

    Mettle of Man

    I actually sort of enjoyed the new Mettle, but it was undoubtedly a nerf to an already weak perk, so I don't mind it being reverted.

    Post PTB Changes

    Wesker changes seem promising. Collision as well as being powerless against vaulting survivors were the major concerns I had in PTB.

    Will have to see him in action, but with these changes, I honestly can't see how he isn't comfortably A tier, and probably upper A. He's like Huntress on steroids.

    Reassurance nerf is unfortunate. Preventing abuse was as easy as making the perk not stop the skill checks such that survivors can still intentionally miss them. At one activation per hook stage, the perk is not bad, but it has definitely lost its immense impact potential against camping, in its original form it may well have "solved" camping in various situations. At the very least, I think this should be increased to two activations per stage.

    Awakened Awareness nerf is also unfortunate, if I was looking forward to this perk at all it was mostly for the Lethal Pursuer synergy which is now cancelled. Simply adjust Nurse already.

    Low Profile is still a very bad perk. It's surprising that they didn't include you being the only healthy survivor as an additional activation instance, but even then the perk would not be good. That said, at least now it's not laughably terrible.

    Better Than New is still terrible. While the duration removal is a good change, now that it won't affect repair speed it doesn't even matter anymore. Either reduce it to 8% and include repair speed again, or to 10% and include vaulting speed. As well as sabo and gate opening speed, I mean why not.

    Glad they appear to have left Superior Anatomy and Hyperfocus/Stake Out alone.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    They killed reassurance. Can't wait to get paused for 30 seconds once against a camping Bubba so I never get rescued still :D Whoooo. Kept my promise. Playing only killer now. Sick of them screwing this up. Bubbas win like always.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Basically everything was great except the nerfs to Reassurance, Better Than New, and Awakened Awareness (looking at you, Nurse).

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 686

    I liked all changes , but, im shocked with reactive healing, this perk will be the worst in the game and was complete forget in these changes.