Lament Configuration still unsolvable in some matches

Why is this bug not acknowledged still by BHVR, I was under the assumption this was fixed many patches ago to stop chain spawns on survivors who are trying to solve the cube. I've experienced 3 matches now this week where solving the cube was literally impossible, chains just kept spawning immediately after they are broken with no pause or chance for someone to solve the cube.
In the last match I played it was so ridiculous that the killer just stood there next to me and watched as I was spammed by chains over and over again while I attempted to solve it. And no, he was not hitting me with his own chain power, he was literally just standing next to me and commented in postgame chat how ridiculous it was.
Are there any plans at all to fix this? This has been going on for so long now.
I'll also comment that the last match I played just now where this happened, there was only myself and another survivor still alive, so that means there should have only been a small number of chains for each wave to dodge or break.
there was no pause or and indication of a "wave" of chains. Didn't matter if I dodged or broke them, soon as one chain despawned or was broken another would immediately spawn with no pause in-between spawns.
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Yeah it's really annoying and the reason why I let out a huge grunt when I see it's pinhead. I spend the entire game hunting the box before the chains go off. If they have the add on that hides it until the chain spawns - then you're screwed. I've heard from people that after the third chain - you can work on it without chains hitting you, but doesn't work. Just will randomly allow you to work on it without chains hitting you. Of course if a bunch of chains were hitting you before that - he knows your location and will be running to you to whack that box out of your hand.
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I swear this isn't me trying to advertise, but I thought I was going nuts. I had this happen to me multiple times the other night and I was so tilted I had to make a video.
I got bled out in one of the games because the Pinhead thought I was BMing with the box.
This bug is super frustrating and for a while it did appear to be fixed, but it has definitely returned. I've noticed..and this could just be coincidence ....but it might be ping related. Any time this has happened to me I've been 90+ ping. Playing with either NAEAst gamers or EU friends and I'm west.
If the video isn't allowed, let me know and I'll remove it, but I felt it really contributes to the topic.
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Hasn't it always been like that?
The trick is to find an area where chains can't spawn to hit you, like one of those small |_| shaped structures or an area where you can squeeze between rocks. I can't ever get the box done unless I'm surrounded on 3-4 sides with objects, but it works.
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No, they adjusted it shortly after his release. At some point it was dodge the chains three times or remove them, then you'd have a window of time you could solve it. Then it turned into dodge the first chain, etc. And there are very few places you can get that the chains won't interrupt you, especially if they have extended solve time.
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No. Usually you look for wave (of 3 chains) dodge 3rd one (so you have a short break) and immediatelly start solving the cube. If it hits you, then you will be interupted, but if you dodge the 3rd, you are free to solve it (if no bug happens).
But the power is bugged. If you are lucky, it can be survivor-beneficial version that even if chain hunt is active, no chain will run at you and you are free to work on a gen.
If you are unlucky survivor, then you can get version where more chains then expected spawn at you after you break a chain with environment.
The killer is headache and not really fun because of these things...