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How can Thanatophobia be changed in order to make it a "fair" killer perk?

HALOGEN Member Posts: 9
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Thanatophobia is a killer perk belonging to the Nurse that applies a stackable penalty of 2% per injured survivor to Repairing, Sabotaging, and Cleansing totem speeds, up to 8%. If everyone is injured, a 12% bonus is applied, boosting it to 20%. It is such a weak perk that it's only good on killers that can keep everybody injured at the same time(Legion and Plague), useless on anybody else. Botany Knowledge has been buffed, Circle of Healing is a strong perk, Med-Kits are now more present than before. If you're not keeping everybody injured, it's only a 2, 4 or 6% penalty, meaning that it's useless on other killers.

I used to pair this perk with Sloppy Butcher on stealth killers like Wraith and Ghostface in order to force people to heal and waste time, benefitting my hit-and-run playstyle that I often used. Now that this perk is nerfed into the ground, it's pretty useless if I am not playing Legion or Plague.

The reason this perk was nerfed is because the 5.5% penalty per injured survivor was boring and obnoxious on Legion and Plague between 6.1.0 and 6.1.2. Point is, it needed to be adjusted. It has been "adjusted" WAY TOO MUCH in return, it is a dead perk.

Imagine if a Nurse was going for her adept or she didn't have more perks to choose from(i.e. a new player or someone too stubborn to pay for DLCs that cost money). Before 6.1.2, it could be a decent perk if you manage to keep some pressure to keep 2 or 3 survivors injured, it could be used on a variety of killers. This perk is now even weaker than on release in 1.0.0 patch, when it granted 6, 9, 12, 15%(per injured survivor) action speed penalty.

How would you change this perk in order to make it fair to play against and useful to play with?


  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    i wouldve kept it the same but have it so broken effect and deep wound dont count towards the slowdown, nerfed on plague and legion (not as much on legion, but they dont have any chase power so its not like slower gens means anything, and then on plague survivors dont need to give her the strongest ranged attack in the game to get rid of the slowdown.

  • prion11
    prion11 Member Posts: 361

    Keep it the same as it was before the buff. 4% stacking, not 5.5

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I never used the perk (even though I play Legion), but honestly as someone who plays more survivor than killer, I never thought the perk was a problem before 6.1., and even after the update. The buff was so slight, it's really just people realised how good the perk was and started using it a lot.

    It definitely got done dirty with its nerf, the perk is now in a sorry state. That nerf felt rushed and not thought through.

    If it has to be made less obnoxious on killers who can keep everyone injured easily, maybe something like this :

    3 to 5% action speed debuff per injured survivors, but if all survivors are injured/on hook, it caps at 9 to 15% action speed debuff, BUT gives another effect : maybe a slight action speed buff for killer for swings/lunges? That way the killer is still rewarded for keeping everyone injured but the game doesn't become painfully slow for survivor, and the counterplay remains the same, healing.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    Problem with perks like this is there are killers that abused it, and the developers refuse to tune perks for each killer. In a perfect world it would give 5.5% per stack up to 22% for most killers, and then much less for plague and legion. I could see plagues and legions using it even if it capped at 10%.

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566
    edited August 2022

    20% but having a survivor on hook doesn't count. get ready for a slugfest.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    I had the same idea make it less impactful at the higher end so killers that can't get easy tags benefit, but strong chase killers and plague/legion don't get much out of it.

    There is the possibility thana was changed to make GOP + Thana less oppressive since you can no longer get GOP & 15% of thana going on now. It would make sense with thana only being usable on the killers people think were being targeted with the nerf.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I mean there's only so much they can do with Thana cause Dying Light and Gift Of Pain also grant slowdown

    Though in different ways they end up becoming the ultimate slowdown build

    Also with longer Gens it makes it difficult

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 7,886

    make the perk only affect healing. you shouldn't be healing against legion in general other than specific circumstances and plague gets no value out of the perk. survivor don't seem to like it when the killer slows gens. so the perk can now encourage you to rush gens faster by discouraging you to heal.