2000 hours into Deathslinger, my Killer has no upside.

Realistically, what is the point of playing Deathslinger, when he is outclassed by every single other killer in the game.
His addons are by in large, are either bad or QOL.
His power is not garunteed to work even when used correctly (chain block).
He cannot down over pallets, yet artist can down at any range and through geometry (not to mention has 115% move speed).
His nerf has made him painful to use and unfun.
His power gives an audio que warning when used correctly, even though its limited range (ringing bell audio warning).
I just want to know why. Why does a Trickster give less than a single brain cells worth of effort and energy get 1000x the results I get for patience and accuracy at any range, while even when I manage to push through the crippling depression that is Deathslinger, I'm not even garunteed a hit or down.
Is it because K-Pop just makes more money? Why.
Lol yeah not all killers are equal.
Personally if im going to invest a substantial time into a killer i
wantneed them to be fun and rewarding.Low tier killers, despite being fun wont be rewarding if you expect to perform well.
Thats why i main nurse and why ill probably main wesky boi
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Trickster is trash too bestie. They both need buffs.
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Slinger at least should be 115 imo. Like why is Artist even 115
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Yeah, Slinger is in a rough spot, especially compared to the rest of the ranged cast. He just does not feel rewarding to me either for the amount of effort that goes into his gameplay. He needs his X-factor back online. Put some hollow or incendiary bullets in that gun or something.
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I like his fancy hat. That's it.
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They really did go hard with the nerf hammer. I still think the ADS speed nerf was warranted, but he needed buffs to compensate. There really is no reason to play him currently.
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Just brought him with iridescant shards and I've been having fun with him, but i have noticed that his add ons absolutely suuuuck. maybe my mmr isn't high enough yet but i haven't really struggled with him in games, i find he is pretty map dependant. Nice open maps he is lethal. Havent had it yet but i feel like he'd struggle hard on dense indoor maps like rpd, meat plant and memorial institute.
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Honest question, is Slinger really B-tier?
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maybe before his "rework"... actually is one of the worst killer in the game
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Before the rework no doubt. I don't see him being higher than C-tier with everything they took away from his kit without reparations. That being said, to my surprise, I have seen content creators like OhTofu and Otz who have videos placing him around A and B respectively even in some fairly recent vids. But I never see people talk about his gameplay like he is that nice to be placed so high. Is there some hidden potential he has that I'm not seeing?
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Deathslinger is overnerfed like Freddy and Billy. Bhvr really loves overnerfing already mid tier killers. His ADS nerf was maybe ok but TR nerf was completely unnecessary. His harpoon range was already 18 meter and increasing his TR to 32 meter was completely overkill.
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All of his nerfs need to be reverted.
All of them.
15 -
He has a strong anti-loop power that pairs well with Save and Exposed (and other status effects from perks that effect on M1 hit, but Exposed is probably the biggest one) and his Exposed Iri add-on got a kinda gross buff when he got nerfed.
I have no doubt he sucks to play compared to how he used to feel with the instant ADS, but he's not a weak Killer by any measure. Save The Best For Last is nuts on him, he counters almost every short wall loop just by being Deathslinger, his power can hit through Exhaustion perks (including Dead Hard), any hallway is a near guaranteed hit, and any loop with a window (including shack) can be a hit.
Do other Killers have it better? Yea, but no duh. Nurse exists. Blight exists. If you main any other Killer in the game it's automatically a labor of love on your part.
He could probably use changes and I can't say anything about his tier in a tier list, but he's not garbage and he's not just a "worse Artist/worse Trickster/worse Huntress". None of them can combine their power with Devour, Sloppy, STBFL, or NOED. None of them can recharge their power on command in a few moments. None of them have a Cowboy hat (yet).
He may be worse than other Killers, he may have been overnerfed, but Deathslinger is his own unique beast.
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Either they can revert his changes or make him 115% speed. Especially now since he has a 32m TR
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They definitely should have changed his TR music instead of just making it 32 meters. One of his major selling points used to be that he was a pseudo-stealth Killer with a ranged attack. He even has (admittedly bad) add-ons leaning into that.
Then they just deleted that part of him without giving anything back.
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haha true. poor trickster
slinger just need revert. issue is that casual survivor mains say instant scope and low tr is unfair! so good luck. he's doomed.
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How about this?
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I agree.
Well at least the ones before they killed em.
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Deathslinger's power has 100% immunity against Dead Hard unlike any other projectile Killer in the game.
There's your upside.
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nah, just wrong opinions that streamers have on that killer imo
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If you are insanely good maybe. He's like Billy in that regard. High skill cap for not much reward.
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Slinger isn’t THAT bad, but I do wish they would let him turn at his normal turning rate while aiming his rifle. He’s the only killer that turns more slowly while aiming and it’s kind of annoying.
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Deathslinger has the best 1v1 chase power, sans Nurse.
This seems to be the ingredient missing from this thread. He also has a lot more perk synergy than other ranged killers. Like with STBFL or any terror radius reducing perks (M&A, Hysteria, etc.).
If a killer player is struggling with his chase power, you may not be near the skill cap. If survivors are ‘wiggling’ than just ADS cancel. You’ll gain distance. Pretty much every property to him helps the killer player win chases faster.
I would say he’s A-tier off his insane chase potency. S-tier, imo, is reserved for high mobility killers that get hits while moving fast (Nurse, Spirit, Blight, etc.).
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Artist needs to hold W a lot. She’d be awful if she wasn’t 115.
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Yeah... it is honestly really sad.
Depending on your load out, Deathslinger used to be able to become the less map dependent Ranged/Stealth/Split damage killer. His nerfs to his ads and TR ruined all of that.
Really the only reason to play him now is if you really like cowboys.
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He has no 1v4, and his 1v1 is only useful against Survivors that don't ShiftW away as soon as they hear his TR (bad Survivors).
How is he anywhere near A tier? He's not even C tier, mid D at best
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Main nurse.... I spit on you dirty nurse mainer
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No way a slinger player is going to complain about add ones. You have 1 amazing iri, 1 ok iri, 2 great purples, 2 great greens, some OK yellows, and a couple of useful browns.
Nemesis has 1 usable add on
Pyramid head has 2
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Freddy has none
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He has a couple useful ones, but not more than PH. I have been killed by the z block multiple times lol
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There is nothing that justifies what they did to my ex-main Slinger.
It was a horrible decision and it ended up achieving literally nothing other than making him less viable and significantly more unfun to play as.
But this is BHVR we're talking about - ya know, the people that to this day defend Hillbillies overheat - so seeing these changes reverted is about as realistic as winning the lottery 5 times in a row.
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I still wouldn't call that good. It still gets countered by Adrenaline and the effect is only 15 seconds
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His 1v4 is ending chases in sub-30 seconds and forcing the survivors into a recovery spiral.
Huntress cannot shoot through walls. He's so different from the other ranged killers that he's sort of his own animal. Trickster and Artist can, but they need multiple hits to get an injure. Pyramid Head can, but his power is much more reactable.
Slinger's add-ons are by and large, pretty alright. Iri Coin makes you into an absolute machine, stun duration add-ons are strong (but I prefer to use other add-ons), Gold Creek Whiskey with M&A makes you into a stealth killer again, and Prison Chain lets you get hits that are impossible without it.
The ADS movement speed add-ons are good when you use both of them together (you move at something like 3.975m/s), the mending add-ons are good if you're trying to save your StBfL stacks, and the mangled add-ons are helpful for that bit of extra slowdown. The reload speed and missed shot add-ons are good for gluing to survivors and denying extra distance. The reeling speed add-ons do too little to actually be useful tho.
You can mitigate chain block with clever reeling. Knowing when to reel and not to reel, whether to walk forward or backward, ect. I'm sure you know all this since you have a lot of experience with him. You can also just close the distance as much as possible then swing to break the chain early, then immediately down them since they are probably quite far from anything safe after getting reeled (Unrelenting is unironically good on Slinger for this reason.)
Slinger can get a down at most non-god pallets after it's been dropped (athiest pallets?). Many pallets are significantly more dangerous against him when dropped because of this. You can force the survivor into panic vaulting and shoot them while vaulting to get a hit, or get them to loop it and then shoot over the wall. But, if you play Sligner and have over 2,000 hours on him, you already know this.
Also, his audio warning doesn't play if you are outside of his terror radius. You need to be in range, and in the terror radius. May I recommend our Lord and Savior, Hex: Plaything? Or M&A with Whiskey? Perks like Hysteria, Trail of Torment, and Dark Devotion are very strong on him as well. (also, never tried it, but Beast of Prey might unironically be good for this too.)
Yeah, he can be very frustrating at times, but I still think Slinger has one of the best chasing powers in the game. What sets him apart is that you need good mechanical aim and skill to get value, when every other killer really only needs you to have experience.
That being said, BHVR pls un-nerf ;-;
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Slinger feels much worse to play but still has many strengths. Windows are still a death sentence of the slinger has LoS and ledges don't bother him at all. I think he's worse than trickster because trickster is more explosive but slinger's 1v1 is still disgustingly good. I'd put them low B tier.
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This is a misunderstanding of pressure imo.
If he wins chases quickly (great 1v1), all the killer player needs to do is find the next chase. The best gen regression a killer has is survivors on hooks.
Scenario: one on hook, one in chase, one rescuing. There’s an unhook happening while the next hook is occuring.
How is that not great 1v4 pressure? Focus on winning chases and the teams inevitably collapse.
Again, he is A-tier because his chase is a 10/10. Maybe 9.5/10. That is the most critical stat for killers and he’s out of his mind in that ability.
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Again, you're both ignoring how ShiftW deletes his 1v1, which is the only thing he has.
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I do not acknowledge this as a weakness unique to Deathslinger. Milam actually took the time to describe specifics of why his chase is strong.
Very good read.
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It doesn't have to be a unique weakness to affect him. ShiftW deletes all pure chase-based Killers.
It's why I don't think any purely 1v1 Killer is anything over C tier
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You can’t just Shift W a Deathslinger, he has a gun
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His gun is shorter than his TR
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You can't just hold W against a gun with a range of 18 meters lol.
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His gun is shorter than his TR
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And? His TR is deceptive always has been and you still can't run in a straight line away from them in chase.
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He's a rooty tooty shooty cowboy. That's pretty tight.
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His TR isn't deceptive. If you're having trouble hearing it, use Spine Chill.
You can ShiftW in a straight line on most Maps
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and you're ignoring that stealth perks delete Shift + W, and stealth perks have extremely strong synergy with Slinger.
One Slowdown + Two Stealth + StBfL, or Two Slowdown + One Stealth + StBfL is more or less Slinger's best builds. They can't shift + W if you unexpectedly pop up from around a corner and M1 them, and they can't shift + W if you shoot them during their speed boost with StBfL.
Understanding how to nullify your killer's weaknesses is part of being good at them. It's why Bubba runs Bamboozle, why Clown runs Brutal Strength, and why Huntress and Trickster run Iron Maiden. It makes their weaknesses irrelevant.
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Spine Chill counters any stealth Killer/Perk.
Slinger is bad. It's probably hard for you to accept that, but he's bad and has no redeeming qualities other than his fun factor, which also got hurt thanks to his nerfs
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Spine Chill is dookie doo doo after the nerf, since you can't tell if the killer is looking at you through walls. Only works if the killer has LoS, which means stealth is not really going to work anyway against survivors that pay attention. Slinger only needs about half a second of LoS if you pre-aim around a corner and shoot someone the moment you see them, so Spine Chill would once again do nothing since the average player is not going to see their Spine Chill go off for 200ms and then immediately sprint burst off their gen.
Not to mention I don't see anyone running it anymore, so it's pretty moot to say that Spine Chill actually makes a difference to stealth killers in post-6.1.0. Might as well mention Premonition being a counter to stealth? You are literally grasping at straws.
Either Slinger is terribly bad and I'm just so totally good and the best killer main ever and 4k ~80% of my games because I'm just soooooo cracked that I can win consistently with low tiers (in a game where playing the wrong killer means you are probably going to lose against good players), or Slinger is actually an extremely strong killer and I'm a pretty mediocre player at best.
It's not that Slinger is a bad killer per se, it's that the overwhelming majority of people playing him are terrible with him or don't understand his power. Imagine if people said Nurse was a bad killer because most players are bad with her. I think Slinger is in the same boat, just no one is willing to put the time and genuine effort into him since his strength is less upfront and obvious when compared to other killers.
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Deathslinger is in a similar boat to Demogorgon. They both benefit and become relevant because of one perk, STBFL. Playing slinger with STBFL is like night and day. You can spear someone, reload, and spear them again before they can reach anything. He is very close to being my favorite killer, but he definitely feels weak compared to what some other killers can do with addons.
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Spine Chill is debatably stronger than it was pre-nerf, as it now lights up whenever the Killer is within 36 Meters of your location no matter what. The Killer doesn't have to look at you to know that he is coming.
Either Slinger is terribly bad and I'm just so totally good and the best killer main ever and 4k ~80% of my games because I'm just soooooo cracked that I can win consistently with low tiers (in a game where playing the wrong killer means you are probably going to lose against good players), or Slinger is actually an extremely strong killer and I'm a pretty mediocre player at best.
Most Survivors somehow still didn't adapt to 6.1.0.
While matches are harder as Killer on my end, I still run into my fair share of potatoes. If I started to track stats as Demogorgon, I'd also probably have an 80% kill rate or more