We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

When will a re-connect system be implemented?

HALOGEN Member Posts: 9
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Tell me how many times you accidentally disconnected because of your internet screwing you over(even for a couple of seconds), thus resulting in you getting a penalty, de-pipping, not counting your progress towards your challenges and screwing over your teammates.

Why don't you have the option to re-connect in a timely manner? Other big games like League of Legends have this option, so you get a chance to recover. Why does the disconnect feature automatically end your game, ruin your experience and penalizing you? Why don't you get a second chance to redeem yourself because of a problem which you could not control?

Just transform the survivor/killer that disconnected into a lifeless and soulless husk that stands in place, which comes to life after re-connecting! Wouldn't that be a good idea?

Edit: typos
