We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Make Camping Fun

Franican Member Posts: 5
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

...For the survivors. I think it'd be an amazing change for DBD if a survivor on hook is able to act as a signal to other survivors that they are being camped or other signals. I know we already have a way to show that we're being camped, but what I propose are several variants of emotes that you could do on a hook that visually show to other survivors a variety of messages: come save me, don't save me, and a taunt. The taunt rubs it in to the killer that no one's coming to rescue and that they're going to lose 5 gens and 3 survivors for their time. This change could be amazing with the Project W update giving a new tool to counter direct face camping. Just a simple little taunting gesture or dance to let the killer know that you're not letting them easily steamroll a team just because they aren't partied up or in a discord call. It would also add another mindgame that can be played, if Reassurance is being liberally applied and the survivor on hook is just chilling taunting while 2/5 gens get done on 1st hook, the killer might rethink the camp, try to go get some pressure elsewhere, and open an opportunity for just a second for the survivors to grab who was just being camped.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I mean, more information is always great for solo queue. But I feel like this just falls under the category of buffing solo queue in general with more information. Like survivor icons showing each other what everyone is doing.

    When it comes to camping though, I'd rather have them nerf the actual strategy properly. Maybe nothing crazy, Just enough so it's a good start, and we can see where the game stands after some decent camping nerfs.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    I want to be able to grab the hook for support and run in place to tell them to come get me.

    If being camped from nearby I can grab the hook and while keeping my feet together spin them around in a circle as if on a pommel horse doing tricks.

    If I'm being face camped I should be able to grab the hook and kick the killer. Kicking the killer forces them to see everyone teabagging when they stand idle. Being kicked a second time makes them hear phantom flashlight clicking while a third adds grunts of pain. Fourth and fifth add random scratch marks and loud noise notifications respectively. 6 times ends the game removing the killer from the players roster permanently.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Marshmallows and chocolate is a good start. Someone bring the graham crackers.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,915

    Make being camped the one instance of the game where proximity chat activates. If the killer is within 10 meters of the hook for too long, it activates and you can smack talk them. Make it one way so they just have to take it.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Give killers a tent for being there longer than 20 seconds with a mini campfire.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,239

    Because of the whole "you stop a survivor from playing the game", you simply cant make camping fun.

    They "didnt get to play", so a survivor will never have fun getting camped.

  • Mxmay
    Mxmay Member Posts: 22
    edited August 2022

    Here is some suggestions to make it harder on killer to play this way and more fun for survivors.

    I think on one side, camping should punish the killer:

    1. By making the rate at which the survivor goes to stage 1 to stage 2 slower depending on how close the killer is from the hook. Some sort of base-kit reassurance.
    2. Face camping in a 6 meters area could even be punished by providing a mini kindred to the survivor as a base-kit, showing the killer in a 10 meters area.
    3. It could also blind the killer from all aura reading perks or add-ons after a few seconds standing near the hook.
    4. Grabing a survivor while unhooking another should not cause the survivor to be in the dying state when dropped after so the killer is not able to slug and face camp. When dropped, they would fall on the ground and get up directly but injured while they have an endurance effect and/or a haste effect that apply to them for a few seconds. This way the killer is forced to hook this survivor or to let the survivor go.
    5. Losing BPs after a certain amount of time spent near the hook (as you lose points for the chaser emblem after 10 seconds) and having a big minus of BPs when near the hook when the hook stage changes and this amount of BP lost would go up for each hook stage change while you are face camping the survivor.

    On the other side, survivors should be somehow rewarded in BP or have more way to counter it or inform others about it:

    1. On the first hook stage, as the game love so much skill checks, you could actually have a classic skill check with a great skill check area that would reveal the killer in a more or less 10 meters area around the hook each time you hit a great skill check for around 3 seconds that survivors outside of 30 meters of the hook could see.
    2. Chances of unhooking yourself should augment overtime if the killer is nearby allowing for example at the very last seconds of stage 1 a 30% unhook chance and then a buffed endurance of around 8 seconds if so.
    3. A screaming sound of terror could be also added when the killer is close to the hook that every other survivor could listen in all the map, so they know they have to go together for the unhook or decide to work on gen instead. This could only activate and be used by the survivor themselves for each 8 seconds where the killer stayed in a 10 meters area around the hook (going in and out of the area would stop and start the timer again). It could also altered the killer vision or audio or even cancel the possibility to grabe the survivor unhooking you when timed correctly.
    4. Gaining BPs and survival points for each second spent with your lovely face camping killer in order to at least compensate the non fun of the situation and the risk of losing a pip.

    What do you think about this suggestions? Of course they should probably not be applied all at once, it is more ideas here and there.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,890

    I don’t know about you, Fran- but I don’t think I’d be in a position (or the mood) to taunt the guy who just placed a 6 inch wide hook through my shoulder blade. 😂

  • Mxmay
    Mxmay Member Posts: 22
    edited August 2022

    You just throw a foot at the killer to stun him so the teammates can get the unhook ^^ Also if we start to follow the rationality and logic of DbD mecanics, you should not be able to recover that easily from a hook going through your chest or even be able to unhook yourself.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,890

    It was a joke. And if I can kick anyone in the face while I’m on hook, let it be my teammates who foolishly try to unhook me while the killer is chasing them.

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 510

    This is a good idea, listening BHVR? Add a mini-game the survivor/killer can play together - least that will be some interaction.

    Who knows, it might become more popular than DBD.

  • Vagab0ndCat
    Vagab0ndCat Member Posts: 80

    "Just a simple little taunting gesture or dance"

    You survivor mains are just so full of "awesome" and "great" ideas for additions to the game... Like we dont have enough clicky clicky tea bagging...


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Well this clicky-click would at least be desearved. I mean toxicity for the sake of toxicity should be punished. But toxicity as an answer to "legit tactics" seems ok

  • Vagab0ndCat
    Vagab0ndCat Member Posts: 80

    No, toxicity at the VERY best would be an answer (half assed at that) to cheating.

    "Camping and tunneling", as much as you probably dont want to hear that, is not cheating, and is as much of a legit tactic as, well, pretty much any other tactic in the game, you should be able to do everything in your power to win as long as you're not exploiting bugs and/or using cheats.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    That is true. But the tactics is still game-breaking. Anything that is low-effort high-value is unhealthy for the game. If it's boring at the same time.... Well. It should be somehow removed from the game (by e.g. making it hard to achieve or getting low value out of it).

  • Mxmay
    Mxmay Member Posts: 22

    If you want to read more productive suggestions, just read my post 5 messages above yours. And I am playing both side (all perks unlock tier 3 on every character) so I can talk about it from both perspective. I never tea bag or go clicky clicky with my flashlight and do not have a macro for it. So you know my point of view. I just follow this simple idea that if there is no counterplay or if it disable completly for the rest of the game a feature of the game, it is boring, frustrating and unfair.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979


    But in all seriousness imagine a perk where you can replace the self unhook action with a kick (it would still look like the survivor grabbing the hook and moving as normal but when the action is completed it instead is a kick that stuns the killer if they are within range

    Killers would then be afraid of course when a survivor is doing the self unhook but they can mindgame and act like they have the perk even tho they dont

    This wouldnt work when in the struggle phase of course