We need an Aura perk meta to buff Solo Queue
Aura Perks are the way to buff solo queue without making SWFs crazy overtuned. Just add +16m to the range of every Aura perk in the game (making current Open Handed basekit).
And rework Open Handed so that it shares Aura reading with any Survivors within 32 meters.
Making information perks hard meta will do nothing but increase the quality of life for all players. Make these perks crazy good.
Well yes and no. A SWF just has to run 1 of each aura perk and then can call out from there VS solos not know what other aura perks are being brought and a bunch of overlaps and them being unable to give the information to other survivors who might find it useful.
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kindred base kit without killer aura reading is what needs to happen
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Why without killer aura? SWF can tell each other where the killer went after hooking, so let the solos know this too.
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Survivors literally just got a buffed version of BT as basekit, you sure they need more buffing?
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So end of the day, i still need to use perks for better coordination while SWFs have it for free.
No, thanks. This is not the way to buff Solo-q.
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Queue times are the longest they’ve been for Killers in years. Something tells me that the BT basekit buff isn’t doing much to make people want to play Survivor
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Honestly I think it is because it would be a bit much to see the killers aura like that base kit. Maybe it could be the effect of a reworked kindred. I think that seeing the killer's aura should only happen with perks.
I could definitely be wrong tho, honestly if kindred was added with the killer aura reading as base I wouldn't mind. At this point anything to buff solo queue would be nice.
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there just needs to be voice chat, if people can abuse voice chat through third party app, they sohuld do what other companies do and just implement it. its completely unfair on people who play the game the way its meant to be played
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kindred and windows according bvhr's stats are popular aura-reading perks, so in some sense, they're already meta for soloq. issue is that they cost perks slots which makes swf still stronger then soloq because of -2 perk slots.
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Firstly, people will have to turn it off anyway because of the shitshow it's going to become. Secondly, even in games with such a feature most people prefer not to use it for various reasons. It's better to lift soloQ using basekit perks and mechanics like giving more info in game.
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I always see people say it should be without killer aura, but honestly, add the killer aura. It would deter camping as well.
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And rework Open Handed so that it shares Aura reading with any Survivors within 32 meters.
I disagree with buffing Open-Handed, it’s already a pretty solid perk. Significantly buffing it would just make it overpowered.
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I would pay a handsome fee to have the original Mettle of Man back. The one without protection hits. It didn't always work then either but as a solo it was an amazing anti-tunneling perk. That's the only buff I want right now.
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Longest ever been?
10-15 minutes is bad but NOTHING compared to Halloween 2019 where i usually waited 45+ minutes to get into a game.
It sucks yes, but i'll take 15 minutes over 45 any day
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Yeah good point
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Yeah so DS, OTR and Kindred basekit should do it right?
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Why didnt kindred come to basekit
this was the best idea they've had yet, and its never happened.